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You need to limit the amount of EXP we get


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I sort of agree. The pacing of the game feels fine if I intentionally avoid doing anything extra... but if I start to PvP a little, or do a flashpoint a couple times looking for gear. Or hell, even if I make sure to do -all- of the heroics on a planet... Suddenly I'm reaching a point where everything rapidly turns green or grey.


I remember on my first republic character, I decided to do a couple warzones after I finished Ord Mantell... and ran the Esseles a couple times looking for an orange drop ( think I got it on my third run? ) And suddenly I'm hitting Coruscant already level 15, when the game expects me to be done with the zone at 16.

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I sort of agree. The pacing of the game feels fine if I intentionally avoid doing anything extra... but if I start to PvP a little, or do a flashpoint a couple times looking for gear. Or hell, even if I make sure to do -all- of the heroics on a planet... Suddenly I'm reaching a point where everything rapidly turns green or grey.


I remember on my first republic character, I decided to do a couple warzones after I finished Ord Mantell... and ran the Esseles a couple times looking for an orange drop ( think I got it on my third run? ) And suddenly I'm hitting Coruscant already level 15, when the game expects me to be done with the zone at 16.

I notice that when this happens, you can go to another planet that is orange, instead of finishing anything at the planet that is green/grey. Perhaps not always, as this wasn't usually a huge issue (zero problem with having a edge via levels), but shouldn't be uber hard to find.

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I notice that when this happens, you can go to another planet that is orange, instead of finishing anything at the planet that is green/grey. Perhaps not always, as this wasn't usually a huge issue (zero problem with having a edge via levels), but shouldn't be uber hard to find.


I actually did that while leveling my assassin. It made me feel kind of... dirty though, just rushing through the class quests and skipping the rest of the planet.

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While I find I am often over leveld, its usually because I check out every corner for easter eggs, wind up killing a lot of extra mobs, and then park my toons till they are loaded with rested XP. If you want to have it "competitive - don't log off in the cantina, and avoid extraneous encounters.


Frankly the chief problem I see is the linear nature of the quest lines. I was playing with 3 friends, we were on Nar Shaddaa and were all at different stages and there was not way to really group to accomplish stuff without several of us redoing the same stuff we just did.


I realize its that way for the story line, but it is a very unfluid situation. WOWs last Xpack was much the same... oh, it didn't do so well for them. Might be having less structure & more al la carte is more player friendly after all.

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I actually did that while leveling my assassin. It made me feel kind of... dirty though, just rushing through the class quests and skipping the rest of the planet.


Fair enough man! I dislike leaving planets undone as well.(except for Tat bleh.)

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At the very least an option to turn XP off/convert xp to something else would be welcome. I've had the same problem as OP, even by skipping space, all but multi-stage bonus missions, all bonus series and doing very little pvp, it's been hard not to overlevel. And being forced to skip content just makes planets completed too fast.
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The feature to stop gaining experience could be a good one.



However the amount of quests and the exp rewards are perfectly fine now. It's just that there are too many quests and if you do all of them then you will get ahead in levels.


But do you really need to do all of them?



Just remember that with future expansions there might be some new planets for low levels so people can have more variery during their Nth alt character. Doesn't mean you will need to do all the quests - it just means you have an option to do some and skip others.




But, I think a better solution to "stop xp" would be to "stop xp from quests that are lower level than me" - that would keep you on-level and you would be able to enjoy all the content and don't worry if you are getting exp or not, as you would be getting it when needed.

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An xp toggle, please.

I won't demand a reduction in xp. But it went way, way, W A Y too fast for me. So fast it was almost unenjoyable, due to my wild contortions to NOT gain xp at the rate it came naturally.



I hit about 5 levels over-level by the time I hit my 30s. And this is without doing any PvP at all, only doing *one* space mission (and no more after that when I saw how much xp I got), only about half of any given plant's heroic quests, and most (but not all) FPs once (and only once). And I was still edging up in how many levels I was over-level for my quests. Six levels. Seven. And all this time, I was trying desperately to cut back on my xp gain.


I went out of my way to not kill things, and avoid as much aggro as I could everywhere I went. To completely ignore anything labeled 'Bonus' whether it be a Series or simply a Bonus step on any quest I was doing. To get as LITTLE xp as possible, because I was at one point just ONE level away from having EVERYTHING in my Quest Log go COMPLETELY GREY.


Sure, I could have skipped things- but it was my first character. My main character. I wanted to be totally invested in the story, and do everything I could. So I skipped what I felt was 'without story'- PvP. Space. Bonus options for quests.


I barreled through my class story on Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia, ignoring many of the planetary quests and ignoring the Heroics entirely, because I didn't want to hit 50 before I'd finished my class story. Yet I nearly did.


Now I'm going back and doing the Bonus Series and planetary quests I missed, and I don't care if they're green or grey.... I just wish I could have gone through them all appropriately 'on level', instead of contorting myself to simply stay in reasonable level range.


An xp toggle would be awesome, and should in no way, shape, or fashion inhibit those who like the rate at which xp is gained. Let them enjoy it! But let me enjoy it... slower.



You pretty much described my experience with leveling and my desires on how to deal with it. Please, for the love of the Emperor and the Wookies - give us the xp switch.

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You pretty much described my experience with leveling and my desires on how to deal with it. Please, for the love of the Emperor and the Wookies - give us the xp switch.


So my first character, now level 50, suffered from being massively overleveled for almost her entire career.


Now I'm on Character Two. Two is part of a set group of 4- my husband and two real life friends. We did our home worlds solo, and then met up on Dromund Kaas at level 10/11.


Doing the quests on Dromund Kaas.... we got our spaceships and left the planet at 20.


LEVEL TWENTY. When we should have been done at level 15/16.


Level 20 before we even stepped foot on Balmorra... a level 16-20 planet. We were 'max level' for the planet before we even arrived, thanks to... group xp bonus, perhaps? From doing only one planet together? Ugh. We have so many planets left....


This is not going to be fun, since we're all quest completionists. We are possibly going to be questing on planets that went grey before we even arrived, if this keeps up. Whee. It's no fun when it's absolutely zero challenge, and it's going to be near zero challenge for much of our leveling, it seems.

Edited by Shaz
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This is not going to be fun, since we're all quest completionists. We are possibly going to be questing on planets that went grey before we even arrived, if this keeps up. Whee. It's no fun when it's absolutely zero challenge, and it's going to be near zero challenge for much of our leveling, it seems.



those quests have minimal challenge when you DUO them on level, so with four people they are around zero challenge, just saying :)



if you want a challenge i would suggest doing only the main story quests for every person from your group and skip all the normal ones; you should be underleveled so those class quests will be challenging for the four of you (and if they become too challenging, you could always finish a couple of normal quests, but try to stay under level of the quests you are doing)


it's not idea, but right now there is no other option to keep it challenging (and even with the "stop exp" button you would still need to keep yourself under level if you want to have a challenge as a full group, except the heroic quests)

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No thanks.


Already have an assassin on a low pop server who needs to grind out 2 levels because she stealthed through the "bonus" or "compulsory" quests would rather not do that for more toons.


ran into that on my smuggler.... i would pvp to grind some xp... but my server has a low rep pop and the que time doesnt make it worth it lol

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  • 2 months later...

I realize that there is a bias against significantly reducing the rate at which we acquire experience. There has over the history of MMO's been a trend working towards making the games more mainstream, kinda like pop-music. Hence they are made to appeal to as much of the "gamer community" as possible to increase profit margins as well as securing the monetary muscles needed to keep a game like this afloat. This does however reduce the overall appeal for those of us for which "the journey" towards the end is the most important.


I fully recognize that there are those that can't wait till they hit the roof and can start working on the endgame. There are however also those of us that just don't feel that rushed getting there. Sure, we can skip quests and do them as they are grey as well. It's a bit sad that one is expected to resort to this if you wanna run through the whole planet, perhaps do a pvp-session and try that flashpoint once or twice.


After seeing how the Legacy system will make it possible to further increase xp-gains from different sources my thought was that it should also be possible to reduce it. Something like by 75%-50%-25%. Here can be included all kinds of xp, legacy and valor as seen fit, (by BW). (though also including an on/off switch would be nice.) As valor-rank hunting would be rather slow in endgame once one finally get there otherwise.


/Cheers :D

Edited by Temozarela
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