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What are the TOP 3 MMORPG's you've ever played?


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I'm new to MMORPG's and won't have any example so kindly share yours.


1. Why?

2. Why second?

3. Why third?



In the context of what qualities I believe an MMORPG should have:


1. Final Fantasy 11

2. Lord of the Rings Online

3. Anything but WoW :)


It's hard to say why though because these games have evolved and changed so much over the years they really aren't even the same games in many respects. So a lot of the reasons I used to like them are not longer viable reasons.

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I'm new to MMORPG's and won't have any example so kindly share yours.


1. Why?

2. Why second?

3. Why third?









Several years in between each of those looking for a replacement for SWG, still ended up back in the NGE. It still had more to offer to me then any other game on the market.

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In the context of what qualities I believe an MMORPG should have:


1. Final Fantasy 11

2. Lord of the Rings Online

3. Anything but WoW :)


It's hard to say why though because these games have evolved and changed so much over the years they really aren't even the same games in many respects. So a lot of the reasons I used to like them are not longer viable reasons.

Lol'd at number 3.:D
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1. EQ the first MMO I was pulled into and played for about a year. It had alot of wow (not WoW) moments for me.


2. DAOC I have yet to play another MMO with PvP as enjoyable as this was. I played it for about four years, had 8 50's when I quit and even spent time running an alliance.


3. CoH/CoV The character customization was almost a game in itself. Plenty of wow moments in this as well. I still wish someone would use their newspaper mission system in a new game.

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In terms of enjoyment in it's purest form:



2: WoW



WoW gave me plenty of good moments, but after playing SW:TOR I seriously doubt I could even think of going back, let alone even doing so.


LoTRO and EVE have always been more of a casual joy for me. But really nice to break monotony from other games.

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1. AC (Asheron's Call)

2. AC2 (Asheron's Call 2)

3. Final Fantasy 11.


SW:TOR is currently on VERY thin ice for me at the moment. This game is good, but it can be great. There are certain things missing from this game that absolutely makes no sense on why they don't have it, especially for a late 2011 game. I am not counting bugs because that's just part of a new mmo, and people on these forums exaggerate like crazy, I went through the game 1-50 with zero problems, when it came to bugs. Anyway, maybe in a few month this game will replace Final Fantasy 11, but as it counts right now in its current form, it doesn't even make my top 10.

Edited by Xanerith
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I am going to preclude this by saying i am excluding SWTOR from my list, not because it is a bad game, far from it. I play this game every day and i love it to bits. But i am excluding it because i have not played it long enough to form a lasting opinion, its still too new, there is so much in the works id want to see develop.


Thus my list is as follows


1: Everquest // Due to the Raiding game, in all mmorpgs ive played none have compared to the complexity and challenge of the raiding in this game, it is a very mechanical and mathematical game with so much content that was continually being added too it, and a playerbase that KNEW how to play due to necessity. Everquest was an unforgiving game, the challenges possessed made the game ultimately rewarding the more you played.


2: Dark Age of Camelot // The only game i have ever enjoyed PvP in, this game had a 3-way faction PvP system that worked, due to fact that if one faction was overpopulated (as was frequently the case) it had times where the other two factions was both against it at the same time, and in the end this balanced the whole PvP game out very well in the frontiers. The game was also very atmospheric


3: Dungeons and Dragons Online // Its dungeons with its voice over narrative now and then, traps and tricks to overcome, puzzles and enemies made it more interesting and the group game was a whole lot of fun, this game made it easy to get into groups and was all about groups.



Ive beta'd or played many mmorpgs in my time... Starwars Galaxies, Lineage 1+2, Asherons Call 2, Rift, WoW, Horizons, Guildwars, Champions Online, City of Heroes, Vanguard, Final Fantasy XI, Warhammer Online, Everquest 2... probably a load more i cannot think of right now. None have compared to those i listed above.


Each of the 3 i deem to be the best at what they specialise in - Raiding / PvP / Group Dungeons. If i was to have a 4th... i would put Starwars Galaxies for its community/sandbox game.


So where does SWTOR Fit in? Honestly i do not yet know, The Dialogues and such i just LOVE. The quality of story is something ive not seen in a MMO before, i have yet to experience the raids, and the flashpoints are fun yet not really as complete as DDO's dungeons and grouping system.


I love SWTOR, the gameplay is fun, it needs some UI work, it needs a little work tidying up the flashpoint system (LFG/LFM tool similar to DDO would be perfect) to make my 3... i cannot really decide where in my 3 until i have done the operations however :)


Bottom line atm is... i am enjoying my time in SWTOR and i eagerly await whats to come around the corner :)

Edited by Ainianu
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1. Dark Age of Camelot-- the frontier was endlessly entertaining, and three factions meant there was always a tenuous alliance between the two less-populated realms to attack Team Popular.


2. Anarchy Online-- Incredibly complex and flexible character development. Serious planning and number crunching could allow you to be far more potent at low levels. Amazing and unique atmosphere.


3. Star Wars Galaxies (launch version)-- no levels, completely open-ended character development. Best sandbox MMORPG ever produced... until they destroyed it.

Edited by PibbyPib
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I am going to preclude this by saying i am excluding SWTOR from my list, not because it is a bad game, far from it. I play this game every day and i love it to bits. But i am excluding it because i have not played it long enough to form a lasting opinion, its still too new, there is so much in the works id want to see develop.


Thus my list is as follows


1: Everquest // Due to the Raiding game, in all mmorpgs ive played none have compared to the complexity and challenge of the raiding in this game, it is a very mechanical and mathematical game with so much content that was continually being added too it, and a playerbase that KNEW how to play due to necessity. Everquest was an unforgiving game, the challenges possessed made the game ultimately rewarding the more you played.


2: Dark Age of Camelot // The only game i have ever enjoyed PvP in, this game had a 3-way faction PvP system that worked, due to fact that if one faction was overpopulated (as was frequently the case) it had times where the other two factions was both against it at the same time, and in the end this balanced the whole PvP game out very well in the frontiers. The game was also very atmospheric


3: Dungeons and Dragons Online // Its dungeons with its voice over narrative now and then, traps and tricks to overcome, puzzles and enemies made it more interesting and the group game was a whole lot of fun, this game made it easy to get into groups and was all about groups.



Ive beta'd or played many mmorpgs in my time... Starwars Galaxies, Lineage 1+2, Asherons Call 2, Rift, WoW, Horizons, Guildwars, Champions Online, City of Heroes, Vanguard, Final Fantasy XI, Warhammer Online, Everquest 2... probably a load more i cannot think of right now. None have compared to those i listed above.


Each of the 3 i deem to be the best at what they specialise in - Raiding / PvP / Group Dungeons. If i was to have a 4th... i would put Starwars Galaxies for its community/sandbox game.


So where does SWTOR Fit in? Honestly i do not yet know, The Dialogues and such i just LOVE. The quality of story is something ive not seen in a MMO before, i have yet to experience the raids, and the flashpoints are fun yet not really as complete as DDO's dungeons and grouping system.


I love SWTOR, the gameplay is fun, it needs some UI work, it needs a little work tidying up the flashpoint system (LFG/LFM tool similar to DDO would be perfect) to make my 3... i cannot really decide where in my 3 until i have done the operations however :)


Bottom line atm is... i am enjoying my time in SWTOR and i eagerly await whats to come around the corner :)

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1. Pre wrath WoW.

2. Swtor

3. Rift


Up until wrath I never even thought about playing another mmo, it was great. But then I tried rift, it was fun but there was no sense of community on my shard. and swtor is somewhere inbetween vanilla/bc wow and rift.

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1. TOR, because I enjoy the replay value, the connection to my characters, the story, the PvP, the flashpoints, how awesome the abilities are, how awesome the animations are, etc.

2. WoW, because I played it for so many years, and spent so much time with it.

3. Rift, because it was fun, and I enjoyed the class system and events.

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1: FFXI ,because time invested , music (best ever) , tarus :3 , history , classes , too bad the game sucked at endgame , and was huge timesink , gear wise sucked , 50% of the time u were a happy camper, 50% raging because u lost the claim , u got killed and deleveled, wasted 2h LFP :( , and your job was gimped (pup , smn :( )


2: DaoC , dont think i need to say why :D


3: wow , pre cata , wrath wasnt that bad (Ulduar , and icc were fun) , but vanilla+ tbc was a blast :D

Edited by Warlyx
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1. EVE online. Its pretty awesome if you can get into it. The skill system working offline, the market, the crafting, the crazy amount of freedom, playing with everyone on one server, and playing poker for isk against other people trying to earn enough to buy another PLEX so I can keep my account going next month without actually having to pay anything myself. Really good memories all around.


2. Anarchy Online. The early days of this one was lots of fun for me, I really liked the lore. Nothing too revolutionary in game play though, probably just number two from all the good memories playing with friends, and yelling "Were with Omni-Tech, were here to help" before attacking some poor slob clansman/hippie. Or memories of my Atrox tank enforcer and his bent Beam, like hes swinging around part of a building. Or being ridiculed for being genetically engineered to not have any sex organs while trying to /dance in a bar...then going off in a corner to drink (this had to be like 2002-2003 ish) The world also seemed to be huge and just begging to be explored.


3. The Old Republic. As someone who didn't ever play WoW because it looked too cartoonie and silly, and who doesn't like all the high fantasy elves and gnomes and magic missile and that kind of crap, the experience of themepark mmo's like this is new to me. I'm really enjoying it so far, but I'm already feeling the tug of the sandbox. I'll probably be here for a while though. In time, if I keep playing, this could rise up to 2 or maybe 1.


Honorable mentions are SWG back when nobody knew how to make a jedi, when I played an empire bounty hunter. I left that game before it went to crap, but have fond memories of it.


Another mention would go to Perpetuum, the first real EVE clone. EVE with robots!


Also the Face of Mankind free beta. Never played after beta though, didn't like the live changes, with all the safezones and stuff. Innovative however as all questing/missions were completely player created. Good times there too.

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Everquest - going on 13 years old says a lot


LOTRO - Just for being different


Rift - best launch, Best dev team, they add content better than anyone


After that WoW I suppose.


SWTOR rounds out the top 5, too many problems with this game to be higher right now.

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