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Luke is the new Sith Lord


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YOU GUYS ARE WRONG. I was working on my real life sized lego speed racer then I Remembered episode 16, Luke and the jedi concil found there way to TARIS which caused vador to leave because the sith overlord was still on Alderan, So get you lore straight

before you battle somebody with over 8000 hours of lore research under there belt! pig snort.. pig snort

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Leia will be reveled to be the Chosen One and defeat Luke. Bringing balance to the force by removing the artificial onslaught of technological warfare, that under Lukes rule will grow to enslave the Galaxy!



I never quite understood people's off perspective of "balance to the force"


In order for the force to be balanced, you need equal light and dark side, otherwise it's unbalanced to the light side.

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I never quite understood people's off perspective of "balance to the force"


In order for the force to be balanced, you need equal light and dark side, otherwise it's unbalanced to the light side.


And this is why Vader (the actual chosen one) destroys the Jedi order and then kills Sidious.


Leaving no masters or the light or dark left alive.


True balance, the wielders of the force start over, fresh.

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Luke's failure on Dagobah. When he struck down Vader in the tree, he took his place. That is why Yoda said he failed.


When he was suppose to train, when both Yoda and Ben came to him, warned him that if he left, his friends would suffer in vain. He did the selfish thing, he blew off his training, wasn't patient, left to fight on Bespin.


This as well is an additional reason Yoda knew Luke needed no more training, but wasn't a Jedi yet. He knew Luke was lost. He knew, there was another.


Then, he used Vader to destroy the Emperor.


Luke, is the new Sith Lord.


Leia will be reveled to be the Chosen One and defeat Luke. Bringing balance to the force by removing the artificial onslaught of technological warfare, that under Lukes rule will grow to enslave the Galaxy!


Although a on a high post there is a comic series, can't remember the name I have it somewhere, where Luke attempts to turn partly to the dark side. Believing if he can control both he can be more powerful and fight the dark side more easily.

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