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Why are there 2 "house panteer" Caves ?


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There are 2 Panteer Cave Hideouts in Glarus Valley. Why ? i got supriced when i was playing on Imperial faction running past another Panteer encampment in same Vally....



The Glarus Valley:


1 Cave -1600, - 600. Republic side

2 cave 1550, 72. Imperial side

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it is for the lore read your codex lore for once lol
stop being ignorant.


"When Bouris Ulgo declared himself king, House Panteer immediately challenged his rule. Ulgo responded by burning the Panteer estates to the ground and forcing the survivors into hiding, bringing the family low after millennia. While many nobles still see the Panteers as rightful heirs to the Alderaanian throne, and many others seek Panteer’s blessing to legitimize their own claims to the crown, the Panteers remain suspicious–wondering about the circumstances behind their downfall, and hoping to reclaim lost glory."



Where does it say Panteer are loyal to both Republic and Empire ? The text refers to 1 Body of Panteer and not 2.

Edited by Donnadarco
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Because Panteer is hedging their bets because they are cunning politicians.


[Possible Alderaan Spoilers]



Stick one of your factions in one cave, another in the other, invite two intergalactic superpowers into each cave, and send them to war against your enemies to prove themselves.


The winner not only eliminates your hated enemy, but weakens the loser enough that taking their side is considerably safer as they emerge dominant on the planet.




I say, well played House Panteer. Well played.

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Because Panteer is hedging their bets because they are cunning politicians.


[Possible Alderaan Spoilers]



Stick one of your factions in one cave, another in the other, invite two intergalactic superpowers into each cave, and send them to war against your enemies to prove themselves.


The winner not only eliminates your hated enemy, but weakens the loser enough that taking their side is considerably safer as they emerge dominant on the planet.




I say, well played House Panteer. Well played.


This is probably true, but some of the in-game dialogue suggests that the Panteers are split - some favor the Organas and Republic, some favor the Thuls and Empire.

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Well in my version they won't be supporting the Empire because I kept the crown. (At lvl 50 I think its still in my mission inventory).


I may even have used general chat to boast that by their own stupid rules I was now King of Alderaan.


I like to think I was asked to politely leave their planet soon after.

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