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There is too much imp cc!!


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There, I've said it. Now it is up to you guys to be honest about this subject. Don't try to side argue about who has light armor, or medium armor, or this and that. Imperial as a whole faction has way too much crowd control period.


Every warzone has 4-5 inquisitors in that warzone, on top of tracer rounds, on top of being pulled, pushed, this and that. It needs to be toned down by a great deal tbh. One way to tone it down is to only allow 1 or 2 inquisitors in a warzone. Same with Merc. What? No one will do warzones this way because they wont fill up? That's because of the present situation of Imperials having too much CC, on top of that at lvl 50 they have fully geared BM's due to an exploit! In which BW really should even the playing field by removing Ilum until it is completely fixed.

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Hi. You apparently don't know how mirror classes work. Imperials have a 30 second cooldown advantage on one skill, for the least played class in the game, which is not intended.


Hi. You apparently don't know this was fixed quite awhile ago. But, welcome to the Uninformed Bandwagon.

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Mirrors aside, I agree that there's an abundance of CC in this game.


It would actually be fun to charge into a group of enemies >2 without being chain-stunned to death.


On a 1v1 scale CC might be fine, but with SWTOrs focus on group PvP, it's definitely not ok.

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