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Bad design promotes ninja'ing of quest items


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You know the quests I'm talking about, you click it and it spawns of group of mobs you have to fight. After you're done, you loot the thing you just clicked. Simply right? Wrong. That ********* standing behind you has free reign to ninja that quest item while you are not even allowed to touch it while in combat.


*** was Bioware thinking?

Edited by Notannos
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You know the quests I'm talking about, you click it and it spawns of group of mobs you have to fight. After you're done, you loot the thing you just clicked. Simply right? Wrong. That ********* standing behind you has free reign to ninja that quest item while you are not even allowed to touch it while in combat.


*** was Bioware thinking?


So...you have one instance of this happening and you make a fuss about it? Usually said items quickly let you use them before the spawns come back and also if you want to say it doesn't, then you are feel the need to lie about it because if the ******** clicked it too, they would spawn on him as well. Just saying.

Edited by Trineda
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You know the quests I'm talking about, you click it and it spawns of group of mobs you have to fight. After you're done, you loot the thing you just clicked. Simply right? Wrong. That ********* standing behind you has free reign to ninja that quest item while you are not even allowed to touch it while in combat.


*** was Bioware thinking?


it respawns in a few seconds, no biggie.....


and the quests are pretty linear.... click and move on... I will assume that this guy moved on after that as well , and you didnt see him again? yes?.



sorry you had a bad moment with a clicky...but the game design really does prevent 'most' ninja opportunities by the design of the content flow.



Edited by Notannos
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k you guys obviously have no idea what hes talking about. one of the first quests on balmorra you have to collect like 5 power cores. You click the item to make the core pop out. Then you get ambushed. During this period anyone nearby who is on the quest has free reign to run up and ninja the item. Thus forcing you to wait roughly 1-2 minutes for it to respawn at which point you have to go through ANOTHER ambush. Its a mild annoyance really but considering how easy it would be for them to fix it i think its just stupid of them to leave it as is.
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k you guys obviously have no idea what hes talking about. one of the first quests on balmorra you have to collect like 5 power cores. You click the item to make the core pop out. Then you get ambushed. During this period anyone nearby who is on the quest has free reign to run up and ninja the item. Thus forcing you to wait roughly 1-2 minutes for it to respawn at which point you have to go through ANOTHER ambush. Its a mild annoyance really but considering how easy it would be for them to fix it i think its just stupid of them to leave it as is.


And you are done with this quest, yes? So you MADE it through! Congratulations, I promise it's not the end of the world.

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And you are done with this quest, yes? So you MADE it through! Congratulations, I promise it's not the end of the world.


Say you want, still bad design, you're honestly not helping this game by just accepting every bad design Bioware made by rushing this game out for the holidays

Edited by rdc_thirty
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And you are done with this quest, yes? So you MADE it through! Congratulations, I promise it's not the end of the world.


It may not be (in fact, it's not), but that doesn't change the opinion that it is poor design. Of course, if it did lock the pickup to the player that initiated the ambush, there'd likely be an even larger problem of the item remaining locked to a player that died, disconnected, walked away, etc. and never respawning.

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And you are done with this quest, yes? So you MADE it through! Congratulations, I promise it's not the end of the world.


So you dont see the flaw there? Im not complaining about it im just pointing out what is OBVIOUSLY wrong with it.


But w.e i guess trolls will be trolls as you apparently have nothing better to do

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So you dont see the flaw there? Im not complaining about it im just pointing out what is OBVIOUSLY wrong with it.


But w.e i guess trolls will be trolls as you apparently have nothing better to do


thought I'd point out: You seem to be focusing your rage on 'one' quest out of 200+ hours gametime .....


for a guy that ninja'd you once over a clicky, and you decided to wait for this same clicky to respawn. You did realize that there are more than enough clickies in the area to finish the quest? .



.... jsut keepin' the perspective.

Edited by ArtMonster
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You know the quests I'm talking about, you click it and it spawns of group of mobs you have to fight. After you're done, you loot the thing you just clicked. Simply right? Wrong. That ********* standing behind you has free reign to ninja that quest item while you are not even allowed to touch it while in combat.


*** was Bioware thinking?


We don't know what BioWare was thinking.. but we know BioWare will say "it was a design choice" and the minority will scream "working as intended.. go back to WoW!"


This much we know.

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So you dont see the flaw there? Im not complaining about it im just pointing out what is OBVIOUSLY wrong with it.


But w.e i guess trolls will be trolls as you apparently have nothing better to do


Oh no there is a flaw. But it's an open world. IF you sat there and let him do it to you once, follow him and do it to him? OR if he did it once, maybe occur to you he'd do it again? They have bigger fish to fry in terms of bugs and glitches right now then one or two quests where people were busy fighting (and apparently taking forever to kill things) to loot the item they clicked on when a player saw an opportunity to pick up a free mission item without hassle and move on.


If they made this their top priority, well I would just laugh honestly.

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We don't know what BioWare was thinking.. but we know BioWare will say "it was a design choice" and the minority will scream "working as intended.. go back to WoW!"


This much we know.


HAHAH it's the WoW fanboy troll. Told you they would close that thread.

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Oh no there is a flaw. But it's an open world. IF you sat there and let him do it to you once, follow him and do it to him? OR if he did it once, maybe occur to you he'd do it again? They have bigger fish to fry in terms of bugs and glitches right now then one or two quests where people were busy fighting (and apparently taking forever to kill things) to loot the item they clicked on when a player saw an opportunity to pick up a free mission item without hassle and move on.


If they made this their top priority, well I would just laugh honestly.


It's not a top priority.. nor is it even a low priority. It's just another design choice BioWare made where the community goes.. "***?"

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I saw a post referring to something from EQ i believe that said that in that game, chests (and by extension quest items too) were linked to the mobs that were "guarding" them, seems simple enough, but as for me, I havent encountered any real problems with the current system, though I am not saying it doesn't happen, maybe your just having a bad night?
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BioWare closing every thread won't stop this upset community and subscriptions from dwindling. It makes no difference to me.



and Fee, you know as much as I do that that thread was closed because it was about World of Warcraft, not Star wars. Blizz does it too when they start talking about swtor on the battle.net forums.

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Its not bad design its just bad rude players. Almost every game seems to have a way for people to be Ninja D holes.


^ This. But to stand there for 5 minutes and wait for that one just to respawn is your own fault. That's like doing the bonus missions and getting to the last mob and then come to find out watching or going afk and then someone come up, doing the same thing you are, go and kill it and wait around. Maybe we should have a number/ticket system in place in game so you can que to grab an item....

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One of my first beta tickets was warning Bioware that their quest item system was vulnerable to griefing, but I imagine there were few actual cases during the beta. Players were too busy dealing with the bug where quest items wouldn't respawn at all :D


I suggested the same approach that LOTRO did. For quest items on the field that don't have any animation, the quest item is shared to all players, but once a player has interacted with it, they no longer can. They must find a new one. For quest items with an animation, a very short respawn is used instead of being shared, but like the above, they can't be reusable to balance that out. I think this also helps take out some of the "easy-mode exploits" for some quests where all you need to do is find 1 quest item that's away from enemies, and just keep activating it as it respawns.


In SWTOR, there was quest item that had a respawn measured in minutes, and since there was only 1 copy of it, it started a queue of players wanting to use it.


There are probably limitations in their game engine that required them to do what they did, so it will probably be some time before we see a fix, if ever.

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I understand the point and those quests are on more then just one or two planets. Some of them its the only clicky around. While not game breaking and yes it is a community issue far more the it is a design issue. It is still a flaw in the design. Personally I could care less if I have to kill 3 mobs and then grab the item or if I have to kill 20 mobs during the entire process to get the item due to other players grabbing it. More of a chance to get loots for me : ).


However the OP's Point is that the design of the encounter its self needs to change to prevent people from being D-Bags and that I support.

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You know the quests I'm talking about, you click it and it spawns of group of mobs you have to fight. After you're done, you loot the thing you just clicked. Simply right? Wrong. That ********* standing behind you has free reign to ninja that quest item while you are not even allowed to touch it while in combat.


*** was Bioware thinking?


Yup, they really need to make chests linked to the mobs protecting it so he who has mob argo holds the chest looting rights!


Would solve all the issues regarding ninjaing AND the low levels stealing chests on Illum.


That or just get rid of chests completely (I wouldnt be adverse to this honestly)

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