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GeForce GTX 580 or HD Radeon 7970?


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Alright hmm,


I've got a slightly noobish question here. If I upgrade to a higher end card, will I need to get a new cooling system? Or is the stock cooling system that came for the 6770 be good enough?


stock is fine but the question should be what monitor are you pushing all this power to, pointless spending a ton when you have a 5 year old 60hz vga monitor.

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7970 is the best single card solution right now.


If what you are looking for is the best single card solution then that is what you should buy.


Driver wise, both companies have issues, with the recent influx of TDR problems for NVidia or the oftentimes bad performance in a random game from ATI. As far as SWTOR goes, both perform fine, with no real driver issues.


The 580 is a great card, but the 3GB version is the same price as the 7970 3GB, meaning there is no point in buying the 580 if the performance on the 7970 is better by an average margin of 20%.


Prices probably will not drop for 6 months or so, after NVidia releases it's next cards, the Kepler batch. The 7970 will hold it's value for a long time to come.

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The 580 Bench's a good deal higher than the ATI, plus, SWTOR seems to run much better on the NVIDIA cards all around. I just got a 560ti 2 gig and it is ridiculously awesome. turned all the way up on all settings, I can be in imperial fleet with 200 other people and its smooth as glass.
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7970 is the best single card solution right now.


If what you are looking for is the best single card solution then that is what you should buy.


Driver wise, both companies have issues, with the recent influx of TDR problems for NVidia or the oftentimes bad performance in a random game from ATI. As far as SWTOR goes, both perform fine, with no real driver issues.


The 580 is a great card, but the 3GB version is the same price as the 7970 3GB, meaning there is no point in buying the 580 if the performance on the 7970 is better by an average margin of 20%.


Prices probably will not drop for 6 months or so, after NVidia releases it's next cards, the Kepler batch. The 7970 will hold it's value for a long time to come.


I'm thinking you just sold it. Debating whether I should wait until August to upgrade (when my warranty expires) or just swap cards and void the warranty right away. Oh decisions -.-

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I'm thinking you just sold it. Debating whether I should wait until August to upgrade (when my warranty expires) or just swap cards and void the warranty right away. Oh decisions -.-


why would you void the warranty, is it a pre built machine ?

Edited by Shingara
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The 580 Bench's a good deal higher than the ATI, plus, SWTOR seems to run much better on the NVIDIA cards all around. I just got a 560ti 2 gig and it is ridiculously awesome. turned all the way up on all settings, I can be in imperial fleet with 200 other people and its smooth as glass.

Stop trolling.


7970 is MUCH faster than GTX 580



ATI is MUCH better than Nvidia in SWTOR



So getting one 7970 is going to cost as much as getting two 560ti but you will get better performance, NO stuttering, lower power cost, cooler case, MUCH higher reliability and you will be future safe because it has better support for GPGPU.


Stop being a fanboy and tell the guy the truth. Would really SUCK if he would have gone out and gotten himself two GTX 560ti when he could have gotten himself something much better.


Sad this forum is filled with fanbois like yourself who lies and does everything just so the brand you are supporting appears better than it is.

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Stop trolling.


7970 is MUCH faster than GTX 580



ATI is MUCH better than Nvidia in SWTOR



So getting one 7970 is going to cost as much as getting two 560ti but you will get better performance, NO stuttering, lower power cost, cooler case, MUCH higher reliability and you will be future safe because it has better support for GPGPU.


Stop being a fanboy and tell the guy the truth. Would really SUCK if he would have gone out and gotten himself two GTX 560ti when he could have gotten himself something much better.


Sad this forum is filled with fanbois like yourself who lies and does everything just so the brand you are supporting appears better than it is.


Thanks man, I appreciate it. After looking at that chart, I was under the impression that the 7970 was a more powerful card then it's 6990 counterpart. Perhaps I'll wait a while for the 7990, and hope for cheaper costs. The 6990, last I checked was ridiculously expensive.

Edited by XxMetalMartyrxX
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Stop trolling.


7970 is MUCH faster than GTX 580



ATI is MUCH better than Nvidia in SWTOR



So getting one 7970 is going to cost as much as getting two 560ti but you will get better performance, NO stuttering, lower power cost, cooler case, MUCH higher reliability and you will be future safe because it has better support for GPGPU.


Stop being a fanboy and tell the guy the truth. Would really SUCK if he would have gone out and gotten himself two GTX 560ti when he could have gotten himself something much better.


Sad this forum is filled with fanbois like yourself who lies and does everything just so the brand you are supporting appears better than it is.


Im not arguing facts and numbers BUT i have sli gtx560 ti oc2's and have no stuttering, incredibly performance and swtor runs at 92-115fps constantly with everything on high, full shadows bloom etc, if it can be ticked it is. only thing i dont have on is vcync because i dont need it.

Edited by Shingara
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Im not arguing facts and numbers BUT i have sli gtx560 ti oc2's and have no stuttering, incredibly performance and swtor runs at 92-115fps constantly with everything on high, full shadows bloom etc, if it can be ticked it is. only thing i dont have on is vcync because i dont need it.


i have a single GTX 570, i am experiencing the same thing

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