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Which class has the best storyline, in your opinion?


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Have question about Rep storyline. I really like the Sith Warrior DS and i want to try one of the rep classes, so the question to ppl who tried a lot of alts ,which one you would suggest?


Depends on what you liked about the Warrior. I immensely enjoyed the combat motions my Sith Juggernaut made, anyway. I liked the way she moved, that she ended feeling, to me, like a truly bad*** tank of a fighter. Now, if it's story you're looking for, that's different.


Combat-wise, anyway, the Jedi Knight is most like the Sith Warrior. So if its combat you're looking for, you may feel most comfortable playing the Knight. I myself wouldn't play a Knight DS. It's like trying to play a Warrior LS. I mean, it can be done but it never really felt right, imo.


For purely great story, though, on the Republic side, go Trooper. I think the Trooper story is really great. The Smuggler story is outstanding, too, but mostly because it's laugh-your-butt-off fun. My next alt will surely be a Trooper, although I'm waiting for Legacy to be fully implemented before I head back to the Republic side of the house again.

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See I think Tythons the most boring planet of all...I guess is a matter of opinion.


AT the moment my pick is :









Didn't get too far or deep into the AI but the whole killing and following terrorist screams 24 to me.


Yes, Act 1 and the Prologue is pretty much taking down the Terrorist schemes, but when you reach Act 2, and finish Nar Shaddaa, the Agent's whole world is turned up side down, and discovers something drastic about his career in Imperial Intelligence. I find Act 2 interesting, and Act 3 the most interesting.

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Imperial Agent is my favorite so far. I just reached Act 3 this morning.

Second would be Sith Warrior.

Third is Sith Inquisitor.


I'm sure SI would rank much lower but those are the only classes I've played up until now. Tried bounty hunter but having a hard time getting into the story in the beginning...

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On the Republic side:


The Trooper story is pretty straightforward IMO. It has the fewest stretches of "This is so pointless" to it, but you'll have anticipated most of the best parts long beforehand. IMO it has a '24' (the TV show) type of feel to it, which I found fun.


The Smuggler has consistently the best dialogue in the game IMO, but through Chapter One the story stands out only insofar as it's only incidentally related to the Republic vs. Empire conflict. It kicks off at level 1 with a predictable, generic plot device, then you end up getting the run around in your class quest for the next 15 levels while desperate and incompetent people keep bothering you for help. Playing Dark Side was the only way I could get through the Prologue arc.


If you're a Dark Side player, Trooper and Smuggler strike me as the most natural. I suppose the JK and JC could be entertaining played as Dark Side, but at some point it would get so over-the-top that it becomes ridiculous IMO.


I have not played JC past Alderaan or JK past Nar Shaddaa, but I will say that I think the JK story does the best job of hiding the whole "we want you to go to these planets in this order" aspect of leveling within the story itself, while JC is most transparently guided by the leveling progression mechanics (Smuggler is nearly that bad after you get your ship through the end of Chapter One though).

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I have a lvl 35 LS Juggernaut, a 46 DS Sith Maurder and I love the story of both the DS and LS views. Even thought fairly early I pretty much knew what was up with Baras, I was still rather pissed at the start of Act III by what happened. I knew it was going to but yet I was angry it did lol


I just started a BH so I have nothing there but so far I am enjoying it.


My husband has a lvl 50 DS BH so I kinda know whats up. He also has a lvl 25 DS Inquisitor and I love hearing him talk about it.


I think I will make an Agent in the next month or so after I play my BH a little more.


We both tried Jedi Consular and got so bored by lvl 15 we quit.

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In order:

IA- Truely amazing, especially from Act II and up.

SW- Made me feel like a ******.

BH- Ive never hated any villians from the media, but this broke the record. After playing BH story, I just wanted to shoot Tarro Blood in the face.

Trooper- i was actually surprised to find it was a great storyline.

SI- It has its ups and downs, but its defenilty better than its sister class, JC.

JK- Meh.

JC- Double meh.

Smuggler- Just no.

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1. Smuggler by far is the best. Humor on every planet and nothing is funnier than Belsavis. The voice acting is great especially Risha (Tara Strong) and Guss is the funniest companion ever.

2. Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular are next because they are epic in their scale. I enjoy the voices of the female knight (Kari Wahlgren) and Kira (Laura Bailey).

3. Trooper is okay. Too much betrayal and I hate what happens after Belsavis. Although I just might try to romance Aric just so I can name my kids after someone. The female trooper voice actress is very good (Jennifer Hale).

4. Bounty Hunter seems to be next because you can actually not work for the evil emperor and the sith. The female bounty hunter's voice (Grey DeLisle) and Mako's voice are both well done.

5. Sith Warrior and Sith Inquistor are just plan twisted and evil and I will not even complete the story lines. I want to kill the emperor not work for him. The Republic may not have the nicest people and may do bad things, but that is nothing compared to the sith. The sith have some good voices, but that is not enough to overcome the evil in the story lines.


I have not tried an agent and will have to find a source that tells me what the story is because I would rather have my character die than have the sith empire win. I would finish the sith stories if I knew that I could hurt or cripple the sith empire by being lightside.


Evil winning is not Star Wars because Star Wars offers hope and when evil wins hope loses.


I have thought of one way too increase the amount of republic players. Yoda species for Knights and Consulars with most of the dark side choices removed. Everyone loves Yoda.

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I've only had SWTOR for about 10 days now, and have only played 3 classes. I'm not playing on an RP server, but I'm coming straight from SWRP where story and character development are everything and what have kept the community going for half a decade now, so obviously story is just as important as gameplay to me.


Jedi Knight (Light Side, Neutral/Good):


I'm only level 18 right now, but the story is gripping and has me hooked. It's epic on a scale that I can only compare to Revan or Cade Skywalker. I don't feel like this grand hero. I'm a fresh Jedi Knight prodigy, and my companions keep telling me we're saving the galaxy. An average hero in a grand tale on a grand journey and it feels very refreshing.


Bounty Hunter (Light Side, Neutral/Good):


I haven't leveled my Chiss BH very far (only 15), but the story keeps me hooked. There's this epic tale going on across the galaxy (Sith vs Jedi), and I'm shown that there are plenty of subplots. Recruited and trained to undertake the Great Hunt and earn some fame, and as a result credits, my priorities suddenly change when my mentor and team who were kept around just long enough to bond with are murdered. I'm suddenly on a personal vendetta to avenge my mentor and win this contest, and I really feel like the story was inspired by Jango Fett during the Star Wars: Bounty Hunter game throughout Act I.


Smuggler (Neutral, Neutral/Neutral):


I honestly haven't progressed far in this story and have just arrived on Coruscant. The villain and mystique doesn't keep me hooked. But I find myself wanting to play to find this rogue smuggler become reunited with his beloved freighter, and it really feels refreshing to experience gameplay as someone from the underworld. The starting companion seems uninteresting though and is quite literally just a follower or drone. This story definitely feels quite less gripping than the other two.

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Finished 3 of them so far, but...


50 BH: Story was kinda meh. Ok, being hunted by the Republic was funny, and it was a well done story that reminded me a lot of "A Fistful of Dollars" in some parts.


50 JK: Chapter 1 was also kinda meh, but it got Epic after that. The entire concept was insane! Loved it.


50 SW Light Side: Honestly, my favorite. It was priceless to see how many Jedi are really blinded by their preconceptions of how a Sith should be. Also, the comedy was great in some parts, and the story contact on Corellia is cool. Dark Council member with a helluva sense of humor and a pretty sunny disposition. Go figure. lol


36 SI Grey: Fun so far. Definitely different than any of the others. Had me busting a gut on several occasions with the dialogue choices for being a smart***. :D


34 IA: Also a blast to play. The story so far is pretty fun, even though I'm barely into Chapter 2.


34 Trooper: Meh. Ok story, but a bit boring after Chapter 1. Some good lines and dialogue choices, but they could have gotten a better VA to do the Trooper's voice. My vote would have gone to Adam Baldwin (Dutch in Halo ODST and Kal'reegar in ME2).

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Finished 3 of them so far, but...


50 BH: Story was kinda meh. Ok, being hunted by the Republic was funny, and it was a well done story that reminded me a lot of "A Fistful of Dollars" in some parts.


50 JK: Chapter 1 was also kinda meh, but it got Epic after that. The entire concept was insane! Loved it.


50 SW Light Side: Honestly, my favorite. It was priceless to see how many Jedi are really blinded by their preconceptions of how a Sith should be. Also, the comedy was great in some parts, and the story contact on Corellia is cool. Dark Council member with a helluva sense of humor and a pretty sunny disposition. Go figure. lol


36 SI Grey: Fun so far. Definitely different than any of the others. Had me busting a gut on several occasions with the dialogue choices for being a smart***. :D


34 IA: Also a blast to play. The story so far is pretty fun, even though I'm barely into Chapter 2.


34 Trooper: Meh. Ok story, but a bit boring after Chapter 1. Some good lines and dialogue choices, but they could have gotten a better VA to do the Trooper's voice. My vote would have gone to Adam Baldwin (Dutch in Halo ODST and Kal'reegar in ME2).


So playing LS Sith does significantly impact the storyline?

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Somewhat, yeah. From what I've seen, the ending is a LOT different after you beat... the final boss. I literally played my SW completely LS, with NO DS choices made. Sound boring? It was anything but boring. Boring would be playing a Knight completely LS. Knight completely LS is a celibate idiot with NO concept of the real world. Warrior LS is a guy that does the right thing, and still knows how to have fun. :)
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I'm also going to go with the Imperial Agent, the storyline really is fantastic. But I think that a few important reasons as to why have been left out, so I'm going to take some time to really make the case as to why it is Bioware's finest class story.


Also ladies, forgive the masculine pronouns, just using it for simplicity of writing.


1. The Imperial Agent is the only class that is truly original. The force users, smuggler, trooper, and bounty hunter all have very strong tie ins to movie characters, though to be fair the connection is probably weakest in regards to Troopers. But there is no movie equivalent of the Imperial Agent. The Agent is 100% fresh in the Star Wars Universe.


2. The Agent (and the Smuggler shares this) doesn't possess superhuman abilities, and is not armed and armored to the teeth. The Agent seems like he should be the most vulnerable, but really he's the most human. He has basic armor, he's not some juggernaut, and uses very standard weaponry. He is a character that fights with precision and brilliance. And when the Imperial Agent stands up to some of the "giants" of the universe, whether it be standing up to a Sith Lord/Jedi Knight, or facing other beings of unimaginable power, there is just something so stylish about the way the Agent handles it. By all accounts he should be completely outmatched and/or outgunned by just about anything he comes across, yet skill and tactics prevail.


3. The Imperial Agent story is filled with clear purpose, you do have an objective, but a magnificent amount of obscurity as to how to accomplish it. The decisions the Agent has to make aren't based on whims of how good or evil you feel. Most of the dark side decisions aren't decisions of cruelty, but a matter of efficiency, just as most of the light side decisions aren't matters of mercy/goodness. Playing the story to its fullest, and not simply mindlessly mashing lightside or darkside choices brings about absolute dilemmas. After having played through several of the other class stories a fair bit, I've yet to find one decision that matches up with the obscurity regarding the right path that the IA is faced with several times. No matter what you choose, many times you're really left wondering if that was really the best choice.


4. The ending was incredibly epic in its scale, but at the same time incredibly personal, and not simply in a "Ugh, bad guy, me kill!" or "Oooh, good guy, me save!" sort of way. And the way in which you get to define your character in the final scenes is amazing. You really do get to make Cipher Nine in to who you want him to be, with three drastically different approaches to the current role of the character for the Intermission.


5. The Imperial Agent definitely gets to feel like the Unsung Hero. A massive catalyst of change within the galaxy that virtually no one will ever know about.


And for the Operatives:

6. Vibroknife, 'nuff said.

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Sith Warrior - best by far so far. Taken it to lvl 50 and I even went LS(a mistake cause Jaesa wont be a bad girl now :/ )


Bounty Hunter - I have only taken my BH to lvl 33 or so, but it's been fun so far.


Sith Inquisitor - It started out well until Act II, then it just got weird in my opinion. The whole Khem Val with an annoying woman's voice very lame. Leveled Inqusitor to 50 as well.


Imperial Agent - I hear it's one of the best, but mine is only lvl 12 or so so I wouldnt know.

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Jedi Knight hands down. It's great for all KotOR fans and you do the most possible heroic things. I don't even remember how many times I saved the galaxy. It could be like 20 or more... :p Played 3 storylines so far (JK,SW,BH). All were great but JK was the most epic one (for me at least).
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So playing LS Sith does significantly impact the storyline?


Depends on the Sith class.


A lightside Sith Warrior will have very different story outcomes from a darkside one. For example, NPCs not only react immediately to your lightside decisions, but also often look at what you did previously (insofar as they can know). As another example, your third companion will be an entirely different person for a lightside Sith Warrior.


Obviously, you will still meet the same NPCs and play through roughly the same in-game events. "Same" meaning "same" only in a Rashomon-like sense, though.


The lightside Sith Inquisitor story is a train wreck, though (at least in my opinion).



The darkside Sith Inquisitor story is primarily about the Sith Order as a mutual backstabbing society; unlike the Sith Warrior story, it doesn't morph properly into a you-vs-the-Empire story when you go lightside (on top of even the darkside story being lacking).



If you're not really into playing an evil character, but still want to see the imperial story, then a lightside Sith Warrior is probably one of the best choices (Imperial Taris is still going to be difficult to stomach for any lightside character).

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I'm also going to go with the Imperial Agent, the storyline really is fantastic. But I think that a few important reasons as to why have been left out, so I'm going to take some time to really make the case as to why it is Bioware's finest class story.


Also ladies, forgive the masculine pronouns, just using it for simplicity of writing.


1. The Imperial Agent is the only class that is truly original. The force users, smuggler, trooper, and bounty hunter all have very strong tie ins to movie characters, though to be fair the connection is probably weakest in regards to Troopers. But there is no movie equivalent of the Imperial Agent. The Agent is 100% fresh in the Star Wars Universe.


2. The Agent (and the Smuggler shares this) doesn't possess superhuman abilities, and is not armed and armored to the teeth. The Agent seems like he should be the most vulnerable, but really he's the most human. He has basic armor, he's not some juggernaut, and uses very standard weaponry. He is a character that fights with precision and brilliance. And when the Imperial Agent stands up to some of the "giants" of the universe, whether it be standing up to a Sith Lord/Jedi Knight, or facing other beings of unimaginable power, there is just something so stylish about the way the Agent handles it. By all accounts he should be completely outmatched and/or outgunned by just about anything he comes across, yet skill and tactics prevail.


3. The Imperial Agent story is filled with clear purpose, you do have an objective, but a magnificent amount of obscurity as to how to accomplish it. The decisions the Agent has to make aren't based on whims of how good or evil you feel. Most of the dark side decisions aren't decisions of cruelty, but a matter of efficiency, just as most of the light side decisions aren't matters of mercy/goodness. Playing the story to its fullest, and not simply mindlessly mashing lightside or darkside choices brings about absolute dilemmas. After having played through several of the other class stories a fair bit, I've yet to find one decision that matches up with the obscurity regarding the right path that the IA is faced with several times. No matter what you choose, many times you're really left wondering if that was really the best choice.


4. The ending was incredibly epic in its scale, but at the same time incredibly personal, and not simply in a "Ugh, bad guy, me kill!" or "Oooh, good guy, me save!" sort of way. And the way in which you get to define your character in the final scenes is amazing. You really do get to make Cipher Nine in to who you want him to be, with three drastically different approaches to the current role of the character for the Intermission.


5. The Imperial Agent definitely gets to feel like the Unsung Hero. A massive catalyst of change within the galaxy that virtually no one will ever know about.


And for the Operatives:

6. Vibroknife, 'nuff said.


Two words: Wrenga. Jixton.


Granted, he wasn't in the movies, but he was in Shadows of the Empire and the Shadow Stalker one-shot, and he is the basis for the IA. The ability to kill either side with impunity, unseen in some cases, and even some of the story arcs in the IA campaign remind me of some of the things Jix had to do. In fact, infiltrating Nem'ro's palace on Hutta reminded me of Jix infiltrating Big Gizz's swoop gang and then Jabba's palace. He was the fully fleshed out Imperial Agent character, and the only big difference is he used twin pistols instead of a rifle, most of the time. Also, I count him as both the most underused character in Star Wars AND my personal favorite.


He got away with calling Vader "Uncle D". Takes stones to do that, and extreme competence to get away with it. :D

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I've only played grey BH (50) and pure dark Smuggler (42) as of now (though I know all the endings), and I'm not sure which is more fun.


BH is great because you get to do a lot of unique things that Sith wouldn't do, but it got a little dull on each planet. Plus I got to continue my fantasy of being a BH from SWG and I actually felt like one. Chapters II and III also make you feel like the Jango Fett of the time, so that's fun.


DS smuggler is really fun so far. You basically begin building your own criminal empire by making allies and silencing people. You don't play some scumbag jerk, there is a smart reason for your evil. And you do some pretty interesting things and interact with a lot of lore from KOTOR I & II.

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Jedi Knight has the best story by far. I recently rerolled my Level 50 Guardian that had a White Crystal, Ilum/Belsavis gear and all that because I decided I wanted him to be a Sentinel. And the story is worth seeing again. Level 12 on my new Sentinel right now


Imperial Agent was good, I was lost a few times on it.


Sith Warrior wasn't good till the start of act 2 or something like that. At Quesh


Smuggler is pretty good so far, and funny. Level 34

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