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Very Disappointed!


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I am very disappointed in either EA, Lucusarts, Bioware, or whoever came up with the idea to start people in waves for early access. They should be taking out back and beating to a pulp. I was unemployed when the pre-order came out and putting any kind of money down was the last thing on my mind. I have been a avid fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic and have been waiting in anticipation for a very long time. I made my website account back in June of 2009. I feel like I am being punished because I did not get the pre-order back in July. Way to start out on the right foot. I know for sure I am not the only one that is upset about this fiasco.
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I am very disappointed in either EA, Lucusarts, Bioware, or whoever came up with the idea to start people in waves for early access. They should be taking out back and beating to a pulp. I was unemployed when the pre-order came out and putting any kind of money down was the last thing on my mind. I have been a avid fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic and have been waiting in anticipation for a very long time. I made my website account back in June of 2009. I feel like I am being punished because I did not get the pre-order back in July. Way to start out on the right foot. I know for sure I am not the only one that is upset about this fiasco.


so should bioware postpone the launch of the game until everyone who will ever want to buy the game has the money to do so.? While i do feel for anyone who would be in your situation i dont think bioware is at fault.

Edited by JogelBolla
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Fail troll.


Today is 15th and it looks like almost everyone who pre-ordered will be in today.


You had no idea until 3 weeks ago that EGA would start two days early. You'll get exactly what you thought you were getting when you pre-ordered.


At least after today people will stop crying like babies that didn't get candy at the store. Of course, this being the internet, people like yourself will still find something to cry about.


Do us all a favor and cancel your pre-order while you can. That other game that's seven years old and caters to people like yourself is --------------------> that way.

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A good analogy of this would be any entertainment venue: Movies, opera, concert, sporting event, etc.


An MMO is an entertainment venue, where you go to their place (servers) to enjoy their service. You do not own a single thing in said MMO, every item, character and pixel is owned by the gaming company who allows you to enjoy the entertainment venue at a price.


For every ticket sold for any entertainment venue, you are guaranteed the same rights as everyone else. This means if you are READY to enjoy the show when planned, you will, period. Now, if you show up late to one of these services, you will miss time, at that point it's your fault, you weren't prepared to enjoy your venue on time.


This should not be compared to a pre-order date however, but to those who simply cannot log in when the servers go live, or haven't even downloaded the client. This is where queues become the fairer situation. if you weren't there early to get into the game/venue, you wait in line like everyone else to get into the same venue we all paid for.


That is the fair situation. As for server crashes because too many people want to play, that is the gaming companies fault if they did not plan ahead and test this fully. 3 day stress test is an amazingly short period of time and showed that Bioware simply wanted to get a "decent" product out the door as soon as possible, so they could make a buck before the holiday season.


What Bioware has done with this launch, is put all the blame for lack of playing on the USERS. I don't get why people do not see the wrong with that. A company should never put blame on their customers, PERIOD. If there is ANY failure for a launch, it should go squarely on the company itself. This launch is the worst ever done and is a major slap in the face to everyone playing the game. Yes, everyone. You are now playing for a game company that would rather blame is users, then prepare and admit their own faults.


This is my last post on the situation. Fanatics don't care about things that make sense and Bioware only cares about their profit margin and how they "look." Sad sad day for MMO's.


Logic Kills.

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Fail troll.


Today is 15th and it looks like almost everyone who pre-ordered will be in today.


You had no idea until 3 weeks ago that EGA would start two days early. You'll get exactly what you thought you were getting when you pre-ordered.


At least after today people will stop crying like babies that didn't get candy at the store. Of course, this being the internet, people like yourself will still find something to cry about.


Do us all a favor and cancel your pre-order while you can. That other game that's seven years old and caters to people like yourself is --------------------> that way.




And be glad that they did this with the waves, other option was that the servers would be screwed within minutes of launching and questing would be next to impossible :D


I redeemed my code on the 3th of december and i don't care waiting!


*Hoping ill get in tonight :D*

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I just want to say, I am very pleased with BioWare.


I'll be getting in on the day advertised (15th) and new servers for me to play on will be coming up sometime today.


I think BW has done a great job. They've managed to find a way to get almost (if not all) pre-orders in for the 5 days advertised. Yes, some people got an extra two days, good for them. They pre-ordered sooner and deserve it.


Anyone that's still whining about this really should consider cancelling. If you're not happy with BW going out of their way to get everyone in for the 5 days, you'll never be happy with anything they do in this game. Best for you to leave now and save yourself the headaches (and save the people that have to play on the same server as you headaches as well).

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I am very disappointed in either EA, Lucusarts, Bioware, or whoever came up with the idea to start people in waves for early access. They should be taking out back and beating to a pulp. I was unemployed when the pre-order came out and putting any kind of money down was the last thing on my mind. I have been a avid fan of Star Wars: The Old Republic and have been waiting in anticipation for a very long time. I made my website account back in June of 2009. I feel like I am being punished because I did not get the pre-order back in July. Way to start out on the right foot. I know for sure I am not the only one that is upset about this fiasco.


Sorry for your misfirtune.


However, That is in no way "EA, Lucusarts, Bioware, or whoever came up with the idea to start people in waves for early access" fault.


Thats life sometimes and it can suck.


However, it seems you have no found the money and are in a better place. It's time to suck it up and move on.


You has some bad luck and it's best to get over it as it's not anyone's fault especially the gaming company.

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The only reason someone should worry about pre ordering asap is if limited quantities of a product, not for this wave **** these guys are doing.


Exactly this, which with the age of digital downloads becomes irrelevant. There had to be some incentive for the fanbase to pre-order so the big boys in charge could better gauge their playerbase. Unfortunately they didn't announce the wave idea until what, sometime in november? It's a shame we don't get straight cut answers, but that would imply sticking to your guns after handing them out. At least they're not taking the route of politicians and saying HERE'S A FREE MONTH EARLY ACCESS PRE ORDER NOW...then not delivering. They said you may play up to 5 days early, they're delivering on that. Even if it is a bit asinine.


They know how many people pre-ordered and how many invites they're sending out and how many players their servers can handle. Or i would assume since that was the stated reasoning the beta weekend tests. Oh well, too much thinking I just want to hack and slash with my lightsaber while disregarding story like a baws.

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