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Best companion at level 34?


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Hi, I'm nearing the end of taris and I've been using Jaesa since I got her, upgraded her gear now and then but I've noticed alot of other marauders haven't been using her. This has made me think about using a different companion and going to the galactic market to build them from the ground up, Is malavai quinn able to heal and dps, because I would want that the most. All input is appreciated, I do feel that my dps is ok but not amazing.



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I'm right around the same level. I prefer Malavai Quinn because I have less down-time. I kill things plenty fast on my own. Between his heals (and minor DPS) and my heals via Annihilation, I have almost no downtime between groups of mobs.


I've seen a lot of folks use Vette because of her excellent DPS. If one has Biochem and doesn't need the extra healing, I can see this as a great pairing as well.

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I ran with Jaesa from what I got her till I finished my story, and I was Carnage. Any companion works well enough if your/their gear is on par with content and you know what you're doing.


Quinn is definitely the easiest one to use.

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I'm finding Quinn's heals to be sub par to the quick killing of Vette.


But I haven't gotten Jaesa yet. As I plan to romance her, I want to use her once I get her. So I'm thinking of respeccing Anni for the self heals instead of the carnage that I have now.


I heard Carnage was the best because it is quick and hard damage instead of bleeding everything out, which isn't the best for Marauders since they are squishy?

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I used Jaesa when I got her until the very end, and did the fight w/ Baras solo 1v1. Just make sure on the harder/boss pulls you send her in first. She'll tank for a bit, you'll pull aggro, and if you sare going to die, camo drop aggro, and she can tank it with what HP she has left.
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Definitely Quinn, I tried a geared out Vette, Janessa, and Broonmark, but Quinn's healing much more useful than damage and tanking companions. The robot is surprisingly useful too only because he is harder to kill, but he does not heal as much.
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Just an update, I have yet to change my spec to annihilation but I've been using Quinn and found that my fights last a little bit longer but he always keeps me around over 80% health and lends a hand with charged shots sometimes, he is by far better than Jaesa and I feel that all my spare gear I pick up that I don't use is normally great for him, he works out as a great companion and I will use him up to the point where I feel I need a change, I will post again when I change my spec and tell everyone if it is improved or not.


Thanks again

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I used Jaesa when I got her until the very end, and did the fight w/ Baras solo 1v1. Just make sure on the harder/boss pulls you send her in first. She'll tank for a bit, you'll pull aggro, and if you sare going to die, camo drop aggro, and she can tank it with what HP she has left.


Thank you for the spoiler you fu cking as s hole.

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Hmm... My Marauder is male for the sole purpose of doing the Vette romance, so I think I'll be going the annihilation and biochem route. My bf says getting biochem up is a pain (yes, I am a girl with a guy character, lol!) but I figure that the work will be worth it. Thought of going Jugg when I reached level 10 but my eye sight is crap and from what I understand Jugg is a tank or nothing and I think I'd be horrible at that! *laughs* Great thread and thanks for the help. :)
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Hmm... My Marauder is male for the sole purpose of doing the Vette romance, so I think I'll be going the annihilation and biochem route. My bf says getting biochem up is a pain (yes, I am a girl with a guy character, lol!) but I figure that the work will be worth it. Thought of going Jugg when I reached level 10 but my eye sight is crap and from what I understand Jugg is a tank or nothing and I think I'd be horrible at that! *laughs* Great thread and thanks for the help. :)


You can still romance her via gifts, I usually boost all my companion affection via gifts, more effective, questing is just a bonus for the active one :D


When running Annihilaton, with Quinn in your back it's basically nonstop killing, unless you get on some of the bugged indoor maps where he suddenly keeps ignoring you because you crossed the door sill :D

Edited by Neska
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Hmm... My Marauder is male for the sole purpose of doing the Vette romance, so I think I'll be going the annihilation and biochem route. My bf says getting biochem up is a pain (yes, I am a girl with a guy character, lol!) but I figure that the work will be worth it. Thought of going Jugg when I reached level 10 but my eye sight is crap and from what I understand Jugg is a tank or nothing and I think I'd be horrible at that! *laughs* Great thread and thanks for the help. :)


If you want to romance vette be prepared for low affection all the time and you always have to choose the light side choice, she doesn't enjoy real sith actions.

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Vette's damage output and AOE damage seems really high to me so I use her mostly.

She tanks pretty well too if I start her out on a boss or elite.


I am Carnage currently at level 32 and it seems I mow stuff down faster with Vette than

Jaesa. With Quinn stuff takes longer to kill so I just use Vette for the quick killing.


Reusable medpack = no down time.


I have not tried out Annihilation but Carnage at 32 seems to do fine for overall damage

output and does great burst on the first 4 openers.

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I'm finding Quinn's heals to be sub par to the quick killing of Vette.


This has been my experience to 40 as well. Quin's DPS is possibly the worst in the game... and this includes the ship droid. I have no problem resting every 5 packs or so if I get to murderize them down much faster.


Plus Vette compliments my character's personality, a kind of violent thrill-seeker who isnt 100% chaotic stupid evil.

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Jaesa is the stronger pet for elite soloing. Quinn is better when you grind weaker cause of less downtime. Personally I just used Jaesa all the way to 50.


As carnage I could take a strong type down to 30% with my main burst. With Jaesa it would die while with Quinn it doesnt change anything. I could try Vette but she isnt that good for elite soloing. You can't burst down the elite fast enough, and if you vanish to switch aggro with pet, she will die too fast for it to work.

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