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WoW - Doc is sooooo good


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Well, I only just got Doc, but he's absolutely terrific. Going against a Gold Elite now, I finish with 50% health without using and med packs or the 20 min CD ability. With Kira, it was usually finish with her dead, me at 20% health after using med pack and maybe the 20 CD ability. The downtime when killing regular and strong mobs is non-existent now also.


Doc is just so good.



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Wait till you get to 50...he's terrible. You'll have to disable all of his combat abilities and leave only his healing ones enabled, after that, he has issues keeping up with the damage dealt. At least, that's how it is with Sentinels. Edited by Korvun
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Wait till you get to 50...he's terrible. You'll have to disable all of his combat abilities and leave only his healing ones enabled, after that, he has issues keeping up with the damage dealt. At least, that's how it is with Sentinels.


Who cares, you hardly ever use a companion at 50.

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Totally agree, I never really had too much trouble with the content but Doc just makes it soooo easy.


I think he has actually made me a worse player, well lazier anyway. I used to be so alert, I never missed an interrupt, I used all my skills and I perfectly timed defensive cool downs and debuffs. I was fighting some elite mobs on Alderaan once, so I was in serious concentration mode. Next thing I know I got jumped by an empire player 3 levels above me while I had 50% health. I absolutely destroyed him! Now he was probably just bad, but if I hadn't been so alert and focused on interrupt and cooldown management, I never would have beaten him. He even logged onto a republic alt and accused me of hacking.



Fast forward to Balmorra and now that I have Doc I just mash a few keys against elites and come out fine. It reminds me of the sort of 'afk leveling' in wow, where you could just switch your brain off, mash 2 or 3 keys and come out 5 levels higher a couple of hours later.


Not using him would just be gimping yourself, but I miss the close battles, and the satisfaction of pulling off a perfect fight. My new strategy is to try and be the most efficient killing machine I can be, once again focusing on using all my abilities and managing my cooldowns effectively. I try to pull double mobs when I can just to force me to concentrate.


I am not complaining, I love Doc, I just have to be careful not to get too lazy.

Edited by Hematic
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Wait till you get to 50...he's terrible. You'll have to disable all of his combat abilities and leave only his healing ones enabled, after that, he has issues keeping up with the damage dealt. At least, that's how it is with Sentinels.


This is interesting to me only because I've never had that problem using him at 50. I mean, the more he CAN do certainly lowers how often he heals but never to the degree that I was negatively impacted by it.


I'm a Guardian - so maybe that's it. I just thought this was an interesting observation.

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Leveling is easy without Doc. With him it becomes faceroll. 50% vs. Elites? Pssh, I end fights with Elites at over 90% specced Watchman.


tbh the problem lies with guardians


never had any problems with elites etc with my marauder up to lvl 26 (notices they don't get force push anymore, reroll juggernaut)


there's an elite at the end of balmorra (lvl 20) where on the mara I didn't have any problems at all, had like 60% HP left when it was dead


on the juggernaut I died the first time on the second time I had to use medpac, saber ward and run around objects while Vette was shooting at him



can't wait for Doc, gimmie



also, I don't see what this has to do with World of Warcraft, why put it in the title?

Edited by Fentz
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also, I don't see what this has to do with World of Warcraft, why put it in the title?


wow [wou]


1. (an exclamation of surprise, wonder, pleasure, or the like): Wow! Look at that!

verb (used with object)

2. to gain an enthusiastic response from; thrill.


3.an extraordinary success: His act is a real wow.

4.excitement, interest, great pleasure, or the like: a car that will add some wow to your life.

Origin: 1890–95; perhaps identical with Scots wow! exclamation of surprise or admiration

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Totally agree, I never really had too much trouble with the content but Doc just makes it soooo easy.


I think he has actually made me a worse player, well lazier anyway. I used to be so alert, I never missed an interrupt, I used all my skills and I perfectly timed defensive cool downs and debuffs. I was fighting some elite mobs on Alderaan once, so I was in serious concentration mode. Next thing I know I got jumped by an empire player 3 levels above me while I had 50% health. I absolutely destroyed him! Now he was probably just bad, but if I hadn't been so alert and focused on interrupt and cooldown management, I never would have beaten him. He even logged onto a republic alt and accused me of hacking.



Fast forward to Balmorra and now that I have Doc I just mash a few keys against elites and come out fine. It reminds me of the sort of 'afk leveling' in wow, where you could just switch your brain off, mash 2 or 3 keys and come out 5 levels higher a couple of hours later.


Not using him would just be gimping yourself, but I miss the close battles, and the satisfaction of pulling off a perfect fight. My new strategy is to try and be the most efficient killing machine I can be, once again focusing on using all my abilities and managing my cooldowns effectively. I try to pull double mobs when I can just to force me to concentrate.


I am not complaining, I love Doc, I just have to be careful not to get too lazy.



You don't work to get mobs off of the healers? :<


I find myself more alert when I've got Doc out XD, I have to get aggro on all the mobs so that he can concentrate on healing me lol.


I found myself lazy when I was with my T7 XD, with Doc I'm tank and DPS lol.

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Leveled from Coruscant to 50 with nothing but Kira. Spec'd and geared as a tank. Things only get slightly tricky for me on Corellia, as the mobs got a lot stronger. However, with gratuitous use of tank hax, I never ended a pull with less than 50% HP (Including 2 Strong + trash, 1 Strong + 1 Elite, 2 Elite pulls). As long as Kira's gear is kept up to date, she rips through mobs faster than I do. I solo'd a number of boss encounters (champion+) by building aggro on a boss until I was around 50% HP, and would begin kiting while Kira finished it off (or pulled aggro, when I would let her keep DPSing until she had roughly 10-20% HP left before taunting and building more threat before more kiting).


To note, however, I did level Biochem and I have created reusable medpacs that were up to date for each level range I could use them for, and I did use them very often for the tough pulls.


I do imagine that Doc would make leveling a lot more easy, however...as a tank, I found the added DPS a more viable choice. For those leveling as Focus or Vigilance, though, Doc would probably be super awesome. (Focus spec + Kira companion = Fail from 40-50, I found :( )

Edited by RayneDancer
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The difference is BIG. I'm a guardian @ lvl 35 now.


I ran with kira until I got him at lvl 33, when I got doc (I rushed the class quest when I got to that level to specifically get him fast).


I had kira geared. Myself I was relatively good geared too, and I already have a sentinel so I know how to play. However some melee elite mobs were giving me a tough time without the use of cooldowns/medpacks, because I couldn't interrupt most of the damage like you can with a caster. Also there were some downtime on every 3 normal pack or so.


With doc I literally have no downtime. I even soloed a 40k hp lvl 31 champion melee mob on alderaan.


My advice is to get him as fast as possible. Really silly you don't get him earlier.

Edited by Fryseboks
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I did levels 11-37 specced Defense with Kira in tow. There wasn't anything that I couldn't do, but it was just... slow. Tedious. Had to pop Introspection after nearly every fight in some areas. When I picked up Doc, I switched to Vigilance spec (Defense+healer is overkill) and I haven't looked back. DPS + healer is definitely my favorite way to level. Vigilance is actually a really great spec (pvp and pve). I cut through mobs quickly, and the game just flows well. Like an actual single player game.


Defense can be an "easy" spec to play, but not without monotonous downtime in my experience. It's a drag. Doc comes far too late in the game. Yes, you can do it without him without too much trouble. But I found having Doc is far more pleasurable (albeit sarcastic) experience.

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I'm a 46 Sentinel and have only really used Doc since I picked him up.


Previously specced into Combat, as I didnt really know what I was doing, just that I was a simple DPS, I used T7 for the majority of the time. Even then I didn't realise about his modes and therefore lost out on his tanking mode for a good few levels.


After my buddy who was also a sentinel advised me on speccing into watchman (Which I would seriously advise- the whole burns/crits/heals from Juyo/Zen + Doc. Awesome. Also solid for PvP with the DOT) and soon after I picked up old doc, it's almost been a game changer. Really good companion.

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For those who say Doc is useless when you get to 50… I think the problem is not the companion. Yes sometimes there are some AI issues, though they seem less prevalent now than they were a couple of patches ago.

The biggest issue you will find with doc is that if you move out of range during combat he will commonly start shooting something that is in range instead of moving forward to heal you. The solution to this is <CTRL> <2> (Follow) <CTRL> <1> Attack. He starts to move towards you with the follow order then gets back into gear and starts to heal you after the attack order.

Yes it’s a pain but it does work

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Some guild members to me the same thing.You have manually control him to get him to heal again.I have had times when he is to far away and just shoots and also times when he is in healing range and does nothing at all.He just sits there.
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What spec are you all leveling at? I'm only 21 now but I've heard watchman is best for just about everything.


Sentinel Watchman. I have actually found things a bit more difficult on Quessh and actually died a few times. It sometimes seems like Doc's out to lunch and not healing me.



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Sentinel Watchman. I have actually found things a bit more difficult on Quessh and actually died a few times. It sometimes seems like Doc's out to lunch and not healing me.




Because he's probably busy healing himself... Same issue my wife has w/ doc when she's solo, she simply can't hold the aggro of a whole pack of mobs off him. Guardians are different, between our aggro and guard, it's like doc isn't even there and our health just magically regens.


My advice, stick w/ T7 for trash packs and whip out doc for elites and stuff.

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