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Leavers are ruining the PvP game!


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Love all the justifications for leaving.


What I'd love more is a 30-60 minute no-join debuff if you do, with repeated offenses resulting in a few days of auto ban hammer. If you don't like the pvp system, don't play it.


Half the time we win anyways after some douche leaves 5 minutes in and screws us because they decide WAAAA we might lose.


At least if you're going to leave, and you shouldn't, leave right away.


The best wins are the ones you don't see coming. Don't you ever want to recover from an Alderaan 3 cap and win? Or recover from a 3-1 huttball to win 4-3? Both have happened to me and there's a reason I remember them. What's wrong with people....

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It is wrong but what do you expect. The pvp daily is what is causing it. Some people only get a few hours a day to play and when trying to get 3 wins for your daily it can take alot of time. If I have 1 win to go fr my daily and dont have long left to play sometimes I will leave to try get that win.


This guy hit the nail on the head. Alot of days I don't have the time I would like to finish my dailies on both my characters. I will definitely leave games that are not winnable in order to finish my quest.


That answer/excuse may suck but I've got limited time and I'm certainly not going to waste it. The simple fix is just to change the pvp daily requirement to either 1 win or 3 games played.

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This guy hit the nail on the head. Alot of days I don't have the time I would like to finish my dailies on both my characters. I will definitely leave games that are not winnable in order to finish my quest.


That answer/excuse may suck but I've got limited time and I'm certainly not going to waste it. The simple fix is just to change the pvp daily requirement to either 1 win or 3 games played.


Or not base every move you make on loot w***ing efficiency. That's an option. Or not roll two characters you don't have time for. That's another.


Nice justification for ruining matches that you deem unwinnable. I always send tells to people like you after we do win. Keep telling yourself you have a good reason if it makes you feel better, but know that you don't deserve a competitive game involving other people when all you care about is your little quests and screw the team. I really wish people like you would stick to Skyrim.

Edited by Grantag
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This guy hit the nail on the head. Alot of days I don't have the time I would like to finish my dailies on both my characters. I will definitely leave games that are not winnable in order to finish my quest.


That answer/excuse may suck but I've got limited time and I'm certainly not going to waste it. The simple fix is just to change the pvp daily requirement to either 1 win or 3 games played.


I played 20 matches. Over 3 days time, and lost all 20 because of the leavers. Leavers are the real losers IMO. There needs to be a quitters debuff put in place, like a 15 to 30 minute 10% stat debuff. The AFKers are just plain exploiting a broken system of PVP, and need rolled back every time they get caught.

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Heh, I leave a lot of matches but mainly b/c I get tired of stupid. I don't mind losing a well fought match but when you get so much stupid play happening I just can't stand getting beat when we could have a chance to win. In those cases I'll just leave, if I stayed I'd start being a huge jerk in chat so I just try to avoid that.
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Heh, I leave a lot of matches but mainly b/c I get tired of stupid. I don't mind losing a well fought match but when you get so much stupid play happening I just can't stand getting beat when we could have a chance to win. In those cases I'll just leave, if I stayed I'd start being a huge jerk in chat so I just try to avoid that.


Well I cant argue with this bud... Well said

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I wish poeple wouldn't use the daily as an excuse to leave/quit to get a win. The system rewards those who put in the effort, and is not forgiving to those that don't. Its the same in every MMO, its a grind like every other achievement.


The self-entitled, "I deserve it" attitude will not get you what you want.


Constructive feedback and arguments go a long way.


Take your wins/losses, collect your Comms, and move on. They even made it easier to get your gear, and yet people still complain.


By quittting mid-match, YOU are robbing someone who is putting in the effort to get medals and comms, but forcing them into a match where they collect a handful because they did nothing to help the cause, maybe THEy have a select number of matches and they are actually a good team player and earn their worthy share each time out.


I agree with AFK sanctions and quitter sanctions, but only after the disconnect issues are addressed.


(writing this while DC'd ironically)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Its sad that in 2012 nobody at EA/BW ever thought to include a deserter debuff.


They couldnt possibly add a deserter buff until the fix the kick timer issue imo. I would like ot see a deserter debuff but if i was gonna get ported to the fleet and then not be able to requeue I would not be happy

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sorry but leavers aren't leaving pvp.


if you feel as though people leave most of the matches you play, perhaps there's another reason.


also depends on what time you play. on my server, after 6pm or so the republic side facerolls the imps. dunno why, mayber more of our high lvls are on at that time.

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I leave wz´s, but not because my team is losing (i can always collect valor, xp and comendations) but because the game doesnt lemme choose which one i actually want to play.


I cant say with words how much I HATE HUTTBALL, i effing DONT ENJOY PLAYING THAT BS of a map.


I want to play civil war, voidstar, but nooooo....6 out of 10 wz´s guess what: huttball, with our beloved giradda the hutt and his minions with annoying voice.




Serioulsy, i dont mind ATT ALL LOSING GAMES, thats what gaming is: winning and losing, but LEMME CHOOSE WHICH ONE I WANT TO ACTUALLY PLAY, BIOWARE!!

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