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Outside of the epic patterns gained through raids or created from raid mats, there were no "useful" crafted items in WoW.


And TM/SS was fun, but was ultimately pointless. The people here complaining about pvp would be screaming bloody murder at the pvp system in early vanilla that had little rewards and zero method of character progression and consisted of a zerg fest in a low level zone.


Why do so many people use completely erroneous or carefully omitted "facts" about WoW to prove how bad SWTOR is? Even years after launch WoW continues to have glitches, bugs, exploits, poor balancing, and server issues. I guess they were also unable to learn from mistakes...


Everything in WOW was epic quality. I dont remember the last blue quality crafted item in that game. Also the items from doing fireland dailies were a good sell and they did not come from a raid and were very useful.


World PVP is world PVP and it doesnt matter if you think its useless or not, but since I proved they had better world PVP you want try and change what you said.


Most glitches and bugs were fixed in a quick time period.

Exploits and class balance can not be determined untill live players play.

When was the last time you know of wow having server issues, I dont recall many server issues


See now your just making up excuses that they didnt learn from their mistakes. Yeah they had some but no one ever said a MMO wouldnt have any.


Buts how many bugs/issues did TBC have, how many did wrath have and how many did cata have. How many times did they have to have the servers go down to fix issues inbetween major patches.


Keep making up excuse for as to why you think this game is great.

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Took some screenshots of the US server lists.












Here's one of the EU servers at the same time.



I'd say it looks pretty healthy, considering the time of day.


You have 5 screenshots and they are all over the place from light to very heavy.


To be honest when I looked at them I didnt know what side you were on. I can say I didnt see one full server on that list.


Also as posted before those number mean nothing anyways because we dont know what they add up too. A heavy server could be 500 people or a light server could be 1000 people, if you dont know they serve meaning. Then again also they said they raised the cap on some servers and apparently not on others so a heavy on one server could be less than a light on another. I do know at launch there were many full and very heavy servers and now there are not. Say it was a server cap raise all you want but the data graphs dont show it.

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Too True, the asian/ oceanic area is a massive market and at this stage only populated by us hard cores. Once they actually offer a product...whoa it will be huge.


This game aint really appealing to Asian market, just like Aion aint very appealing to western markets. Asians want different kinda graphs and less "realistic" looking chars and most of the succesfull games in this genre there are very grindy and some would say "harder" than western MMOs usually are.

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I just discovered the website Guild Wars 2 Guru and went through all the information the guys collected from Guild Wars 2 so far. In terms of features and how cool those features are, I think GW2 tops SW: TOR in every way. This game has potential, but damn GW2 will be launching with **** load of features when compared to what this game launched with. Kind of scary when compared to this game, feature wise. Bioware need to step it up. That's just what I think.


and is why i am looking away from TOR as i've played the game and i do so love story... i came to realize quickly that the classes all feel very very similar. Not enough variety and variation between the classes to keep me interested. While games like Tera and GW2 all classes feel very unique, and isn't this samey feel between them...


not that i'm saying TOR is bad far from it, it is really good at what it does. As far as story goes TOR> any mmo on market and any upcoming mmo...the problem is everything else needs a massive overhaul... i will keep my eye on TOR but unless something amazing happens between now and 20th i cant see myself sticking around.

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I just discovered the website Guild Wars 2 Guru and went through all the information the guys collected from Guild Wars 2 so far. In terms of features and how cool those features are, I think GW2 tops SW: TOR in every way. This game has potential, but damn GW2 will be launching with **** load of features when compared to what this game launched with. Kind of scary when compared to this game, feature wise. Bioware need to step it up. That's just what I think.


yes except it'll be F2P... in otherwords unless you can dish out a **** ton of money to buy the best gear/mounts then you won't get anywhere in the game... I hate F2P games simply due to that... people will buy it then their forums will flood with idiots that didn't look into it before hand, and complain about all the bugs and crashes and all the fun they can't have cause they can't play it

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yes except it'll be F2P... in otherwords unless you can dish out a **** ton of money to buy the best gear/mounts then you won't get anywhere in the game... I hate F2P games simply due to that... people will buy it then their forums will flood with idiots that didn't look into it before hand, and complain about all the bugs and crashes and all the fun they can't have cause they can't play it


Well you don't have to worry about it Lost. The store is only for cosmetic armor skins and such. The dev's have stated that they are not going to sell items that increase your characters power/xp or give any advantages. It's just cosmetic. They haven't wavered from that stance. Even GW1 didn't sell anything like that.

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Well you don't have to worry about it Lost. The store is only for cosmetic armor skins and such. The dev's have stated that they are not going to sell items that increase your characters power/xp or give any advantages. It's just cosmetic. They haven't wavered from that stance. Even GW1 didn't sell anything like that.


You'll just have to buy an expansion every 6 months to a year or so. Or every content patch. Gotta pay for the lights somehow. It's not f2p its b2p. Get it right. You don't even know that and your championing the game.

Edited by TonyIommi
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You'll just have to buy an expansion every 6 months to a year or so. Or every content patch. Gotta pay for the lights somehow. It's not f2p its b2p. Get it right. You don't even know that and your championing the game.


Good thing I've read the dev blogs and already know how it's going to be bud. Content will be released the same way it was for GW1. Check it out. No need to be all mad about anything. Games can coexist. Buy an expansion for 29 bucks every 6 months or so? Many that would be superb. I'd love to have content delivered that fast for so cheap.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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LOL right. I know whenever I look into buying an MMORPG the first thing I do is troll the forums of that game because the forums are just sooooooo representative of the community. Even if that where the case their are much bigger trolls out there.


Was more of the wording, when you and some other mock that other game as to be for kids or that its somehow easymode compared to ToR. Like it or not its most succesfull MMORPG of all times and it did make lots of good things, lots of bad also, but majority of people that plays this game has somekinda WoW background and many liked it at some point, some still do. Wether its worse or better than this game and people has different reasons to play this, or WoW, or both doesnt have any meaning and mocking it and calling its players "kids" doesnt serve any purpose or make your oppinions look very mature compared to those"kids".

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Good thing I've read the dev blogs and already know how it's going to be bud. Content will be released the same way it was for GW1. Check it out. No need to be all mad about anything. Games can coexist.


Which means you'll be paying for expansions or "campaigns" in gw1 speak every year or so. I played the first one.

Guild Wars Prophecies (originally named Guild Wars), was released on April 28, 2005. A year later we had Guild Wars Factions on April 28, 2006. Guild Wars Nightfall, was released on October 27, 2006 not even another year. And then Eye of the North about a year after that. So yes B2P is nice on paper but you pay for it either way.


As for games co-existing I could honestly care less and that's not my concern one bit. My concern is you people flooding this forum championing your game.

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Was more of the wording, when you and some other mock that other game as to be for kids or that its somehow easymode compared to ToR. Like it or not its most succesfull MMORPG of all times and it did make lots of good things, lots of bad also, but majority of people that plays this game has somekinda WoW background and many liked it at some point, some still do. Wether its worse or better than this game and people has different reasons to play this, or WoW, or both doesnt have any meaning and mocking it and calling its players "kids" doesnt serve any purpose or make your oppinions look very mature compared to those"kids".


I could frankly care less. My goal is not to appear mature to random people on the Internet because in the end it matters very little. My goal is to find out the reason why every single swtor thread has to have some GW2 "person" championing that game.

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Which means you'll be paying for expansions or "campaigns" in gw1 speak every year or so. I played the first one.

Guild Wars Prophecies (originally named Guild Wars), was released on April 28, 2005. A year later we had Guild Wars Factions on April 28, 2006. Guild Wars Nightfall, was released on October 27, 2006 not even another year. And then Eye of the North about a year after that. So yes B2P is nice on paper but you pay for it either way.


As for games co-existing I could honestly care less and that's not my concern one bit. My concern is you people flooding this forum championing your game.


So, cheap content every few months that people like? I'm..not seeing a downpoint here man. I think you're just a little worked up. I'd love it if new expansions came out that quick for most games. It would mean there's lots of stuff to do.


Point is, fella. You don't pay a monthly sub, so if you don't want to play you don't need to feel obligated. No one forces you to buy expansions to play. You want to know why people are starting to pop up and "champion" it? It's because it's getting a lot of peoples attention, and it isn't the same Raid or Die stuff we've been carbon copied for the past decade.


Think about it, and please relax man.

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I could frankly care less. My goal is not to appear mature to random people on the Internet because in the end it matters very little. My goal is to find out the reason why every single swtor thread has to have some GW2 "person" championing that game.


Dont know, havent found a reason for why in every constructive negative feedback thread there is army of Biodrones saying that there is no spoon either.

Edited by Forsbacka
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So, cheap content every few months that people like? I'm..not seeing a downpoint here man. I think you're just a little worked up. I'd love it if new expansions came out that quick for most games. It would mean there's lots of stuff to do.


Point is, fella. You don't pay a monthly sub, so if you don't want to play you don't need to feel obligated. No one forces you to buy expansions to play. You want to know why people are starting to pop up and "champion" it? It's because it's getting a lot of peoples attention, and it isn't the same Raid or Die stuff we've been carbon copied for the past decade.


Think about it, and please relax man.


Okay that's awesome. Good news. So why bring it into these threads? Why swtor? Are you championing on warcraft forums? Hardly I don't see it. Have fun paying 60 bucks for a new patch every 4 months. I'm done.

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Dont know, havent found a reason for why in every constructive negative feedback thread there is army of Biodrones saying that there is no spoon either.


That's easy enough. People like the game. I'm sure people like GW2 as well. NCsoft has some forum you can talk in.

Edited by Zoggel
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Okay that's awesome. Good news. So why bring it into these threads? Why swtor? Are you championing on warcraft forums? Hardly I don't see it. Have fun paying 60 bucks for a new patch every 4 months. I'm done.


Well. I'm just responding to you. I can't say why others talk about it, I can say why I'd talk about it. When people ask questions, or say things that I can relevantly answer with something that's going to be featured in GW2, I answer. I don't see why I wouldn't. I don't play World of Warcraft, and never posted on their forums because well, I don't play that game bud.


By the way it won't cost 59.99. You should be more accurate if you want to post things that you're saying as fact. I mean, I know you're upset about something but I honestly don't mean to aggravate you.

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That's easy enough. People like the game. I'm sure people like GW2 as well. NCsoft has some forum you can talk in.


Yeah, like people blindly saying there wasnt ability delay even after BW stated that there is, just for example. Fanbois and haters both give useless comments on forums. And no, i havent mentioned GW2 once on these forums and no i wont even try it.

Edited by Zoggel
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Okay that's awesome. Good news. So why bring it into these threads? Why swtor? Are you championing on warcraft forums? Hardly I don't see it. Have fun paying 60 bucks for a new patch every 4 months. I'm done.


Don't waste your time with them tbh. Most of these people don't actually like to play MMOs, they love the idea of the perfect MMO that will change the world for ever and we all know how that ends.


They like the hype build up to the release, saying they can't play anything else until that comes out and when if obviously doesn't correspond to the hype train, they proceed to troll in the forums saying that X mmo thats about to come out is the savior and they will just wait it out. Notice a trend here? its a cycle, their game is the forums, not the MMOs.


No MMO will ever be good enough and they will keep playing the forum game instead, looking down on everyone else because they played a game 10 or 14 years ago that in their mind "Those where the days, perfect game, how they all should be, but more modern and better", somehow they believe they know whats good for you and what you should like, when sadly they have no clue to what they actually like themselves.


Ill be having fun playing the games you hate, cya.

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Don't waste your time with them tbh. Most of these people don't actually like to play MMOs, they love the idea of the perfect MMO that will change the world for ever and we all know how that ends.


They like the hype build up to the release, saying they can't play anything else until that comes out and when if obviously doesn't correspond to the hype train, they proceed to troll in the forums saying that X mmo thats about to come out is the savior and they will just wait it out. Notice a trend here? its a cycle, their game is the forums, not the MMOs.


No MMO will ever be good enough and they will keep playing the forum game instead, looking down on everyone else because they played a game 10 or 14 years ago that in their mind "Those where the days, perfect game, how they all should be, but more modern and better", somehow they believe they know whats good for you and what you should like, when sadly they have no clue to what they actually like themselves.


Ill be having fun playing the games you hate, cya.


Yeah those people are not so great as far as people go. They don't really contribute anything. Besides, anyone who lets themselves get overhyped for a video game is asking for trouble you know?


I remember EQ1 back in the day - it's horrible. Tedious, ugh my Gosh it was bad. Had some good ideas, but compared to what games advanced into? Not very great. :) Hopefully people some day will get rid of rose colored glasses all together yeah?

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I just discovered the website Guild Wars 2 Guru and went through all the information the guys collected from Guild Wars 2 so far. In terms of features and how cool those features are, I think GW2 tops SW: TOR in every way. This game has potential, but damn GW2 will be launching with **** load of features when compared to what this game launched with. Kind of scary when compared to this game, feature wise. Bioware need to step it up. That's just what I think.
Having 6 years behind the original title plus the Factions, Nightfall & Eye expansions one would hope the game has a boatload of features. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Having 6 years behind the original title plus the Factions, Nightfall & Eye expansions one would hope the game has a boatload of features.


Oh it will. They're really pushing it as far as what can be done with an MMO, and restructuring how people look at the game, by pretty much removing "end game." Let's hope it works and we can get out of this stagnation that is Raid or Die, and pvp for only the sake of Gear. When did PVP become about Armor, and not Killing each-other.

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