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These are thing I would love to see from this game.


1. Loading screens change. Make it so that instead of a loading screen you get like a looping cutscene. Like for example landing on a planet or taking off while it loading it has a looping cutscene of you and your crew pushing buttons, saying stuff is all clear, somethings ready, ect. or Like if you get put on a qeue have someone say the hyperdrive needs looking at and while waiting it has them pretend to fix it, ect. You know something like Metroid Prime games did, where they hid the loading screns in the cutscenes.


2. Houses. Give us houses to decorate. Make there be like a dozen houses you can choose from on a few planets, have them be instances so its not you build a house.


3. Buy your own ship later. I would like to get option to buy a kind of ship i like, and also decorate inside.


4. Make ship interior change depending on companion stuff. If someone says he wants to buy new fancy couches, then put them in the ship for me.


5. A reason to be in a cantina. Make cantinas busy. I hate seeing cantinas with no people in them. Bring in some kind of gambling game or something to entice people to come into a cantina and mingle.


I'm sure many will come in and yell about how things need fixing, or the typical end game stuff. But I think the best thing we all need is things to make this game feel like a home.

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Is it bad to bring great things from another game to this one?


I don't think so. TOR borrowed a lot from other MMO's and I don't see why anyone gets their panties in a bunch for players suggesting they consider certain popular SWG mechanics.


I'm all for bringing in certain aspect of SWG. SWG housing, crafting, space and harvesting would go quite nicely with the things Bioware excels at...and make me one very happy subscriber.

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Indeed. Giving the game more of a "lived in" feeling could do wonders for the community.


While I may be having a fun time in TOR, it certainly feels sort of like a static (albeit beautifully designed) world that simply exists to be plundered, exploited and quested but not lived in.


Giving players a "stake" or a house, the ability to add individuality and definition to their character(s) and giving players a reason to care about the things we collect in this virtual world we "live" in could easily make us really care about things on a deeper level. The class ships are excited at first, but quickly become a really lame attempt at player housing. Everyone who shares my class has the same ship and they all look exactly alike.


Yes, I realize this is not and will never be a sandbox. However, there are several sandboxy things that themeparks can do to give the players real reasons to care about the world besides PVP, gear and leetness.


LOTRO has a huge variety of player customization options in terms of wardrobes and housing decorations. Even housing itself exists. The housing system in LOTRO is a bit stagnant and desperately needs attention, but that's another topic for a different forum.


FFXI even had a housing system of sorts and a mount customization system with chocobo raising. Crafting is also much deeper in those games which leads to crafting communities actually feeling like they have a reason to gather and make stuff for the playerbase.


I agree with the OP in that the devs should strive to brainstorm ways to make us care about the world and our characters beyond the esport element of PVP and gearing.


I never really played WoW, and instead opted for more community oriented games such as LOTRO and FFXI, made obvious by my examples :p


Give the community reasons to care and the want to build a community outside of fighting eachother in warzones. Give the players reasons to care about their virtual home-away-from-home :)



Edited by robotsonik
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Patch 1.0.I Wish


We felt bad that Jumpgate Evolution died and decided to buy the rights and incorporate the game in our space combat system in a new experimental pvp battleground. For now we only have two factions but we are working on coming up with a third to fulfill the 50v50v50 space dogfights you've always dreamed of.




:eek: OMG must download patch NOW!

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