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Official Q&A Thread for February 10th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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New high level content seems to be at the fore-front and rightly so. But new low level content needs attention as well. If there is no balance between low, mid and high level content then the game becomes stagnant and boring, especially those that create and level all their available charaters.


New zones, quests, gear needs updating at all levels not just end-game.

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Of the six crafting classes, which do you feel is the most balanced and most representative of your vision of how crafting should be?


For example, bio has gotten a lot of nerfs lately for being too useful, whereas most people agree that armstech is essentially useless once you hit level 50. So where on the scale of 'purely cosmetic benefits' to 'game-changing min/max bonsues' are each of the crafts supposed to be? Should we expect future changes to make all the crafts more useful, or will they be scaled down so they will be even less required for endgame?


(On a personal note, I would much prefer the former.)

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Are there any plans to implement cross-server PVP warzones or a looking for group tool? As of now, the relatively small number of level 50's has led to infinite PVP queues and not enough players to form a PVE group. Seems that we're getting punished for making it to level 50.
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Can we expect to see an overhaul in performance? Even on high end systems this game does not run optimally, especially in large combat situations such as warzones and Illum.


Also, are there any plans to improve or change the queue system for pvp? playing against the same imps or repubs is somewhat stale. Something along the lines of battlegroups?

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Are there any future plans to release more Character Slots per server?


My reason for this is based on Biowares and EA idea of Legacy, Alts are a big part of this game, now currently we only have enough for one of each class, however if we enjoy a class and want one of each race even or 2 of each class (1 of each Advanced) currently we cannot do this, especially if Character creation options open up further into the legacy system.

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Query: For those of us who don't quite understand, how does the PvP bag thing work? What I mean is, is that referring to the end of a War Zone or Daily, is it referring to the loot from enemies in a daily, and how much normal PvP do you have to do to get Champion or Centurion or Battle master commendations?
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What step, if any, do you plan on taking to improve customer support ingame and overall gamemasters' presence?

I realise that you must be busy, but support would be a joke if it wasn't so sad to see how long it takes to get a ticket answered; and don't get me started on the nonchanlant attitude...

Support was soo good during the early betas, how did it manage to go so bad for live. :(

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While leveling in the game it felt like it had just the right amount of challenge to be an engaging and fun experience, and yet the raids feel very much like a tutorial, in a sense that they don´t feel challenging and the excess of makes gives little incentive for replayability. While this could be a prior design decision of yours, will the future raids involve more of a challenge and the high end loot be more rare?
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Will you be adding the chance to go to the Rakata homeworld as a possible expansion or end-game area, along with others from the knights of the old republic games that can be staggered to offer a choice of where to go while leveling?
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What is the status of the conflicting hood and helmet issue (missing hoods when a helm is equipped)?


While I know it is a minor cosmetic issue it does somewhat damage the aesthetics the Star Wars feel overall, certainly one of the more iconic looks to the franchise.


Many thanks.

Edited by Nekronus
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With the game almost two months old and the Legacy System not yet implemented, what exactly is being done to rectify that if players have more than one 50? I.e. Like a free race change if Legacy allows for new races.
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Thanks for this thread.


What statement would you make about faction imbalance? It is definitely one of the most discussed topics that has received no developer response. Is it simply a fact of the game you accept? Do you see a fix for all the delayed Republic animations that bring them on par with their Imperial "mirrors" as something which might improve the situation?

Edited by inseeisyou
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Dear BioWare,


Will we receive more straight romancable companions with future content? Or is it only same gender relationships and content to continue the stories of our current romancable companions that is on your priority list? And will all of these new romances be found in a new chapter of our stories? I simply wonder this so I can plan my characters.


Thank you for a wonderful game.

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