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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy System's quality will make or break my subscription.


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With quite literally no word on this from the Devs, I had 2 choices:


1.Take the risk of having to reroll when legacy comes out and make an alt, substantially extending the duration during which I enjoy the game.

2. Play it safe and wait until March to make an alt, and either choke down the abysmal casual end-game play or cancel until march.


If I can't retroactively apply any character customization options earned via the legacy system to characters that already exist (within reason of course) I'll immediately cancel my subscription.

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Your thread makes no sense. You're basically threatening BW with your subscription based on something you don't even know how it will turn out?




Let's put the last bit in bold so it looks oh so dramatic.


Besides, nobody cares.

Edited by dashspeed
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With quite literally no word on this from the Devs, I had 2 choices:


1.Take the risk of having to reroll when legacy comes out and make an alt, substantially extending the duration during which I enjoy the game.

2. Play it safe and wait until March to make an alt, and either choke down the abysmal casual end-game play or cancel until march.


If I can't retroactively apply any character customization options earned via the legacy system to characters that already exist (within reason of course) I'll immediately cancel my subscription.


"Insert Smartaleky-We-Don't-Care-or-Want-You-Here Comment Here"



Edited by Aurelus
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With quite literally no word on this from the Devs, I had 2 choices:


1.Take the risk of having to reroll when legacy comes out and make an alt, substantially extending the duration during which I enjoy the game.

2. Play it safe and wait until March to make an alt, and either choke down the abysmal casual end-game play or cancel until march.


If I can't retroactively apply any character customization options earned via the legacy system to characters that already exist (within reason of course) I'll immediately cancel my subscription.


OOOOOH bold, I'm sure the devs are making sure they do this so they won't lose one of 1.7 million. I'm all for people expressing their opinions, I just laugh when they make it like it's my way or the highway. Guess what you're $15/month isn't that big a deal. Again I think it's fine to express your wishes, but when you make threats it just seems childish. I think BW can get by on 1,699,999,999 subs.

Seriously, if that isn't in BW's plan do you think your bolded statement is going to send them back to the drawing board? IF not why the bold type ?

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With quite literally no word on this from the Devs, I had 2 choices:


1.Take the risk of having to reroll when legacy comes out and make an alt, substantially extending the duration during which I enjoy the game.

2. Play it safe and wait until March to make an alt, and either choke down the abysmal casual end-game play or cancel until march.


If I can't retroactively apply any character customization options earned via the legacy system to characters that already exist (within reason of course) I'll immediately cancel my subscription.


You live a very exciting, high stakes life.

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OOOOOH bold, I'm sure the devs are making sure they do this so they won't lose one of 1.7 million. I'm all for people expressing their opinions, I just laugh when they make it like it's my way or the highway. Guess what you're $15/month isn't that big a deal. Again I think it's fine to express your wishes, but when you make threats it just seems childish. I think BW can get by on 1,699,999,999 subs.

Seriously, if that isn't in BW's plan do you think your bolded statement is going to send them back to the drawing board? IF not why the bold type ?


Think you added three 9s too many...lol


(Im sure BW would love your subs estimate tho)



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Don't get this. You don't sound like an altaholic at all. A true altaholic doesn't have a main and 1 alt. I find myself limiting the number of alts I'm willing to make before I know whether the legacy system will have any new races/species to be unlocked...but not whether I'll make any alts at all. If you're an altaholic, then 1 alt isn't going to make or break you. If you're not an altaholic and you're just talking about leveling an alt to get legacy points, then the character customization options would be pretty irrelevant. If you're saying that all you play your main and one alt and this one alt is just as important to you as your main, then I don't believe you.
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With quite literally no word on this from the Devs, I had 2 choices:


1.Take the risk of having to reroll when legacy comes out and make an alt, substantially extending the duration during which I enjoy the game.

2. Play it safe and wait until March to make an alt, and either choke down the abysmal casual end-game play or cancel until march.


If I can't retroactively apply any character customization options earned via the legacy system to characters that already exist (within reason of course) I'll immediately cancel my subscription.


No one cares.

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Don't get this. You don't sound like an altaholic at all. A true altaholic doesn't have a main and 1 alt. I find myself limiting the number of alts I'm willing to make before I know whether the legacy system will have any new races/species to be unlocked...but not whether I'll make any alts at all. If you're an altaholic, then 1 alt isn't going to make or break you. If you're not an altaholic and you're just talking about leveling an alt to get legacy points, then the character customization options would be pretty irrelevant. If you're saying that all you play your main and one alt and this one alt is just as important to you as your main, then I don't believe you.


too late for me :( , 5 chars so far , btw 20-50 :(


the probelm with legacy (and new races) is that i hope im not force (myself) to reroll another char of the same class just because i prefer the new race ><.


wtb race-change ! (add a machine to race change somewhere! is star wars after all :p)

Edited by Warlyx
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With quite literally no word on this from the Devs, I had 2 choices:


1.Take the risk of having to reroll when legacy comes out and make an alt, substantially extending the duration during which I enjoy the game.

2. Play it safe and wait until March to make an alt, and either choke down the abysmal casual end-game play or cancel until march.


If I can't retroactively apply any character customization options earned via the legacy system to characters that already exist (within reason of course) I'll immediately cancel my subscription.


I believe the developers are aware (even before this forum post) that there would be quite a bit of outrage if there were all sort of fancy new character creation options in the legacy system that everyone who already made their alts missed out on.


I believe the biggest "loss" you may see if you have already leveled your alt is some form of experience boost perk at a certain legacy level, to acknowledge the fact that you have already done quite a bit of grind and ease the pain of bringing another character to 50. (Even though I quite enjoyed my first 1-50, been having trouble getting going on a second. Seems daunting so I'm enjoying the 50 for now.)

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I can already tell that the Legacy System is going to piss me off. Why? No mention at all of new species options.


Dear BioWare,








That is all.


You're going to be disappointed. BW has already said that if/when they add new races they will be races with human faces and voices, so they don't have to reshoot and revoice every single cutscene in the game.

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I agree with the title. Its a huge responisbility but legacy will make or break the game, so many people are waiting on what this will offer and hoping it will answer all their requests, I fear that it wont be enough but hope they gave Jmes Ohlen enough control to get through what people wanted. If not people will look at legacy become upset and even though the game is great quit because it could have been better.
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I can already tell that the Legacy System is going to piss me off. Why? No mention at all of new species options.


Dear BioWare,








That is all.


I alo want a Gran but I agree with your post. Lets hope the Dev's listen to us :D

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