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Vannila WoW vs SWTOR


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Everquest wasn't really a powerhouse after 2001. It was probably going downhill after the third expansion. It is universally considered one of the worst. People playing EQ were dying for something more casual to come out. Plus the best Everquest expansions didn't come out until 2006-2010.
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Captain Placeholder, anyone (I believe that was the NPC added to automatically transport you to the zone the boat couldn't manage to take you to; I didn't play WoW when that happened, just remember hearing about Captain Place holder and thinking this was why he was in the game).


Captain Placeholder was in beta, like the Orange Pixel. Same kind of thing.

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Vanilla had:


- no PvP system

- no battlegrounds

- no working raids

- completely broken classes

- more bugs than I could count

- massive, almost constant downtime


Rose tinted indeed. Oh, and for people who think people were open world PvPing back then? More than 50 people in an area resulted in a near instant server crash.


SWTOR is so far beyond vanilla WoW it's not even funny. I fondly remember the TBC launch too, where the entire level 60 server population got channeled into one area on every single server and not only repeatedly crashed it, but resulted in a 5.5k ms every single time you wanted to loot something. I died to thin air more times on TBC launch than I died to mobs - most of which were long since dead.

Edited by Bakarn
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getting stuck looting and needing to relog every 10th time you looted something.



Lol I was just thinking this last night that I have had zero problems looting but constantly had probs in WOW after release. To the OP.. Grand Theft Auto lets you kill call girls should we have that in SWTOR also. What's that you say.. diff game diff genre. Oh I see. Day/Night cycle! Gimme a break.. would it be nice, sure. Does it matter, no. And you're upset fishing isn't in TOR are you kidding me!!!!!!!!

Edited by jedimessiah
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Anyone who supports any comparison between Vanilla WoW vs TOR doesn't deserve to voice any of their opinions. Development of MMO's these days are mapped out for you, already. The design and formula have already been figured out, and development times are significantly shorter. It's 2012, there is a much higher standard now, which contrary to what some people believe isn't exactly that difficult to achieve.
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I love people that dont bring facts to the debate just their flaccid opinions.


I played vanilla wow at release and most of your information is either trivial or just flatout wrong. Im not going to go into detail showing you the mistakes in your post, people have already done that. Next time when you post your opinion as a fact i'll enjoy watching you get flamed.

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Good grief, the comparisons between any version of WoW and TOR really need to go away. You just can't compare the two.


WoW started seven years ago, and was one of the first big MMOs so there weren't any successful games before it to go off of. And comparing current WoW to TOR is just as dumb, because WoW has been out for seven years and obviously has more crap to do just because of that.


Knock it off. It's beyond dumb.

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These discussions never go anywhere. Comparing wow's launch.. something that took place years ago to a current gen mmo that released on the eve of 2012 is not a good comparison at all. With all the technical advances that have been made through the years I find that yes swtor left a lot to be wanted and really should have stayed in beta until it was at least on par with some of the current gen mmo's such as rift. Really all it has going for it is the starwars universe and a unique single player story line. Other than that, its a bare bones game with stuff to do but no depth beyond what should be expected of a newly released title.


Unfortunately they dropped the ball and could have offered so much more, the game is fun. I enjoy swtor but I don't see how comparing it to a successful mmo that is years old is going to make it any better, when swtor should already be beyond what a older game has to offer, this isnt 2001 anymore, time to innovate and show what a current gen game can do over its competitors.


Place judgement a year from now, then the picture will be much clearer.. if you think the game sucks then quit, I for one don't mind the issues and am willing to see where they will take this game.

Edited by Nalidash
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I've read most of these pages on this thread and can only conclude that its the WoW fanboys VS. SWTOR fan boys.


SWTOR is a great game....if you enjoy a single player RPG. I love the quest immersion. I think BW did a great job with story writing and the quest dialogue. A modern day Choose your own Adventure. That they nailed.


However, the rest of this so called MMO is very poorly executed. The community is nonexistent. It is by design. With so many cut scenes, load screens, and quest NPC scenes, there is no way to chat or be aware of anything or anyone around you. The chat system sucks. Only three channels and they are all local. No world chat. A lame *** LFG system that no one uses. This whole discussion is people calling other people out for wearing rose colored glasses and forgetting how buggy Vanilla was on release. What does that have to do with anything really? It shouldn't even come up since Vanilla came out eight years ago. With today's tech advances, scores of MMOs to learn from, WoW included, Bioware should have at least gotten the basics done right if they wanted their game to be a true MMO, especially since every MMO, including WoW, rips off their predecessor. Don't try to hide it, embrace it and improve it. Steve Jobs is now an immortalized hero for ripping off other's ideas. I also agree with the people that compare this game to Skyrim instead of WoW.


I could go on for pages with my disappointments with SWTOR since I was wanting this game to be a real competitor to WoW. Not just for SWTOR, but also for the WoW community as well since a real competitor will wake Blizzard's Devs up and actually make the game relevant and fun again. I'm sure the game will improve in future patches, but there are ALOT of things that I think are basics that BW either didn't do or did very poorly.


I would think eight years later, Devs would and could do better since there is so much History of what NOT to do.


People will now tell me to "Go back to WoW, Fanboy. SWTOR doesn't need you." but threads like this typically aren't started to piss on a game and its fans. Its our only outlet to the developers on how we feel they did or are doing on their product. Constructive critism is a good thing.


I finally got my Ferrari of a game to find that its got a VW engine but has a kickass stereo system the world has never seen before.



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I am going to start off the post by saying I enjoyed my one month of SWTOR experience. The story driven quests and game plays were top notch. As a long time WOW player this is the first MMO I have played post wow and actually had fun with. When I read these SWTOR vs WOW comparisons, I don’t see it as a blind attack of fandom, but as more of a conduit of a feeling – wanting and wishing this great yet flawed game to be better.


The thing is, it is not 2006 anymore. Only comparing vanilla wow versus vanilla TOR serves no purpose. Who cares how crappy vanilla wow was? Fact is wow today is a polished game with many innovative features that dramatically improved player’s quality of life. Features wow have introduced and refined such as the LFG system, dual spec, add-ons and many other things shouldn’t be seen as “premium” but should be viewed as “standard” to the industry.


Hypothetically say Vanilla’s end game is on par with Burning Crusade (2007) Comparing vanilla wow released in 2004 with Tor released in 2011 and saying Tor as released is a much better product is like comparing Athlon 64 (2007) cpu to a Pentium 4 (2004) and bragging how awesome the TOR is in comparison. The problem with this train of thought is in terms of the MMO mechanics, WOW is rocking i7s.


I still enjoy Tor and there is no way I am going back to wow, I hope in future patches the game will be better and better. However, I have to say for a MMO released in 2011, it is a shame TOR did not include many of the innovations of the past 8 years.

Edited by Fyoria
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Leveling in WoW Vanilla was one of the best gaming times ever on a pvp server. Constantly fighting across zones and watching your back while leveling.


I saw and killed 2 republic players the ENTIRE way to 50, this is not a pvp server, it's a joke tbh. And my server "Helm of Garaush" is highly populated.

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Leveling in WoW Vanilla was one of the best gaming times ever on a pvp server. Constantly fighting across zones and watching your back while leveling.


I saw and killed 2 republic players the ENTIRE way to 50, this is not a pvp server, it's a joke tbh. And my server "Helm of Garaush" is highly populated.


Quoted for truth. To the fullest extent possible.

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Vanilla wow vs Swtor = Swtor Winning.


WoW may of had all these little fluffy things working but the game itself was terrible when it launched. Stuck Animations, Incomplete if not completely unfair rewards system for quests (which it still has, nothing like slaving ona quest only to be offered only items for other classes).


WoW during its first few months was terrible, granted compared to OTHER games that came out at the time it was the best option but in comparison it was terrible. People have rose colored classes about WoW in a proper comparison setting.


Honestly the fluffy stuff like day night, weather (i have seen it rain and snow in SWTOR btw), I really could care less about. Its nice to have but its not necessary to my over all opinion of if I like the game.


As for the crafting nodes there are plenty and the crafting is actually useful right off the bat (wow's was not and in still is not to a point), there's way more and better dungeons in this game. OP please take off the rose colored glasses.



WOW has the music and the environments.. which to me is huge. WOW also had the sense that around any given corner you could be in some deep you know what.. I have seen 4 opposing players from the opposite faction.. 4... I am now level 38. I really like SWTOR and some of the cool things with crafting and companions.. but to me its not as good as vanilla wow. The music in WOW is amazingly good. SWTOR has good music but it barely ever plays.. and its not as good as wows music. I would give the nod to wow especially the fact this game came out 7 years after. No contest their.. and I can't stand WOW now.. I could never play that game again but I am enjoying SWTOR if that makes any sense. However I don't think I will be here for the long haul. Just a few months. WOW had me hooked for 2 years.

Edited by raptured
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WoW had....


-zero class balance

-most trees were useless- most classes had one decent tree, some had none

-gear was horribly itemized

-the game revolved around auto attacking- for all classes, even casters to gain mana by wanding

-some classes were extremely better at pvp- able to lock down other classes for minutes, like fear for example

-the pvp gear system was horrible, it punished you for taking time off, and severely, you could lose a month's worth of progress at higher pvp levels for taking a week off

-every aspect of the game was a grind to slow you down

-pvping in groups of 10 or more slowed the server to a halt- you could crash the entire server with a raid of 20 hitting Ironforge, and this happened weekly

-the servers crashed daily even without that

-every second patch came with two or three extra nights of downtime to fix new bugs... and this was an entire year after launch

-many abilities were broken, like blink though that admittedly is still broken 7 years later

-this doesn't even include the thousands of bugs, terrible graphics engine that wasn't optimized, all mobs had no strategy beyond running at you and swinging, there was no creativity in mobs- even bosses were pretty much all stand in one place, tank and spank



It would be easy to go on with all the flaws of vanilla WoW


TOR- outside of Ilum I don't get lag, even in populated Fleet

-classes are well balanced, I can play any class and feel useful, I can play any spec and level, pvp or do FPs

-lots of scripting, enemies will use abilities to make distance between you, ranged enemies reduces what you can kite as does many high level melee having leaps

-interesting levelling

-haven't had any server crashes, and after the first few weeks, extra patch nights are rare

-relatively simple, straight forward gearing, crafting helps you gear

-Infinitely better AI for companions than hunter pets had in vanilla

-most abilities work as intended most of the time

-variety of mob types even at lower levels, variety of strategies- ambushes even in the open world, etc..., some enemies are actually doing something that makes sense



Only really big issue that both have is world pvp is a laggy mess- though, at least I haven't seen entire TOR servers crash due to Ilum.

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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.


I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.


Stop comparing WoW to SWTOR... seen it happening since beta and it makes my skin crawl.


I've played WoW briefly, and in my opinion you cannot compare these two games AT ALL..... :rolleyes:

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WoW had night and day.


Music all the time.


Mobs patrolling.

Lots of crafting materials to farm... consumables. Made you walk in the world. Since herbs for many kind of potions, Felwood consumables in an awsome ambient music etc. You even had fish to get in the RL winter and summer etc

Dungeons... you had to move in the world, travel.. find enemies.

No silly loads.


Well wow didnt had much. But it had immersion with bad graphics but with good colour, music and ambients.


SWTOR got nothing of this in 2012 and it still fails at other "simple" important stuff.... like good coding.


I bet Bioware started to dev this game by making story and maps. Then added the rest.

A sloppy combat system, sloppy world, sloppy weather... sloppy wild life. Sloppy NPC's.

Crap travel system.


This game is inferior to vanilla wow... just got better graphics.


No.. I don't play wow for many years. I'm just comparing 2 diferent vanilla flavours and I think I prefer the original version.


There are patrolling mobs in Sw:tor just not in abundance. Also Vanilla wow had basically no endgame. it did have loads, when you load into a dungeon or when you change continents like swtor does. You had to travel far for pvp because wow had no battlegrounds at launch.

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