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R.I.P Physics: How Bioware butchered Netwon


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If Jim Carey's character from Liar Liar was in this thread he would say this


"Stop jumping in elevators, a--hole!" :D


This is 100% true. You know it is broken and yet you still jump... that is just insane by the definition...

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.




"hey doc, it hurts when I do this".


Doc: Don't do that.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


I uhhhh, pointed out the part I take issue with.


I agree with your take on physics and such, but you're pointing out a flaw in a game about a make believe galaxy where there is hyperspace travel, the "Force", lightspeed hyperdrives, dozens of sentient races.... whose physics are not "like real life"?



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I would really like to see a fix for this. Jumping while on an elevator should not be punishable by death.


And to OP: I thought falling damage deaths did not damage durability...?


But why are you jumping on the elevator in the first place? It is probably a bug but there is not one time where jumping up and down on an elevator is required. Therefore, you know there is a problem stop doing it.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


The Force called. It says Newton is a loser.

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The outer frame is irrelevant. It has no bearing on what happens to the actor.


If you jump on flat ground and don't get hurt, then you will not get hurt in the elevator either. (Again, barring terminal velocity interaction)


Hell, if we follow the path you're going down, why aren't your feet knocked out from under you every time you jump on flat ground? Have you ever tried jumping on a treadmill? The earth is moving like 1000 mph, it would be almost impossible! That's essentially what you're advocating here, and it's patently ridiculous.



Actually he probably has a point regarding in game "physics", the way you jump in game isn't like a human jumping IRL it's more like a human wearing a jet pack (watch how jumping actually works in TOR).


If you turned a jet pack on in a downward moving roofless elevator and then turned it off after a few seconds you'd certainly hurt yourself in the fall.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


This is a physical law, and Bioware has violated it in the most horrific way.


Here is a test: go to a lift in game getting ready to move down, once it starts moving jump up and see what happens.


You stay in the same place and actually move up from the point of the jump while the elevator falls out beneath you. This has cost me many a repair bill!


IT DOES NOT WORK THIS WAY!!! When your in an elevator in real life and jump up you dont suddenly smash against the roof.


If your in a plane traveling at 500 mph and you jump in the aisle do you wind up smashing out the tail of the plane?


NO! This is because of Newton's first law. The motion you are in because of the vehicle you are travelling in does not suddenly disappear because a small vector of force goes in the other direction.


The only way Bioware's version of physics could possibly work is if when we jump we some how convert into a light wave travelling at C.


Really, needing to appeal to special relativity and magical mass energy conversations to RETCON this horrible physics is just absurd.


I demand a fix.


I dont suggest you to jump in the elevator.Thats not a good idea.Since you have some confusion between computer games and physical world , I need to cite that repair costs in real life is more painful then computer games.Good luck.

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I dont suggest you to jump in the elevator.Thats not a good idea.Since you have some confusion between computer games and physical world , I need to cite that repair costs in real life is more painful then computer games.Good luck.


While he is jumping up and down in elevators proving how much the game sucks we'll just all go about our day actually playing the game.

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Newton's First Law:


Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.


If you're going to make a troll post where you pretend to know physics, at least get the physics jargon right. Newton's First Law requires mention of the notion of an inertial frame of reference. It does not apply outside of one.

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If you're going to make a troll post where you pretend to know physics, at least get the physics jargon right. Newton's First Law requires mention of the notion of an inertial frame of reference. It does not apply outside of one.


Newton constructed his laws without appeal to reference frames. Regardless of the references frame the physics of how this game handles jumping on elevators is patently false.


It needs to be fixed!

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