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Weekly Champion Comms (Under New System)


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Op's entire post is irrelevant since:


"The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus."


Champion bags will not give champion commendations. lol

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Too bad RNG is broken because I personally know Valor rank 60-70's that have only 3-4 champ pieces.


You apparently don't know what RNG means. In some cases, some people will have very bad luck due to the nature of statistics. Some will have very good luck due to the same nature.


These QQ cases do not set the rule, they are the exception and the pissed off and mad will always come to QQ in more regularity than the happy they've gotten more than others.


You apparently don't understand what RNG means.


Also you're getting info heresay, it means nothing statistically. Pissed off people tend to exaggerate and you're taking their QQ as statistical info. Please, you should know more than anyone else QQ breeds more QQ since you're so good at it.

Edited by jblazen
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That's not how RNG works my friend, you get huge variations in who gets good gear and there have been tons of posts on people not getting a single piece from 20+ bags in a row (this has happened to me personally at least twice). Not to mention you won't be getting duplicate items with the new system which was also a big problem.


Look I'm a programmer in .net and have been programming for years. In cases such as these, there is a set number they staticly assign for these rolls. These are strictly a number roll situation.


These random rolls have a static percentage, that's the only way to code for christs sake.


Thus, whatever percentage it is, there will be those who get more or less than that because their population pool is less than ideal for a realistic return. Thus, if someone goes 0-20, that is unfortunate but statistically, somewhat likely given the number of people we're talking about here. Also likely is those who get 12/20 but you don't hear from those QQ'ers on the forums cuz they're happy.


You need to learn how numbers work because you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.

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The other problem of course with the acquisition of the bags, is Ilum.


People who got 50 relatively quickly (at launch/early access) got to spend 10-15 mins flipping nodes to get a weekly done then headed off into WZs to farm valor and comms to buy extra bags. Now 10-15 mins in ilum wont even dent the daily.


So if you factor in time spent getting ilum daily/weekly quests done am sure the time spent actually in game will be a fair bit higher then previous.


Obviously this is based on average, RNG is always gonna screw over some and aid others.

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Op's entire post is irrelevant since:


"The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus."


Champion bags will not give champion commendations. lol


u might want to go and reread dev tracker before you quote people and say they are wrong.

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Too bad RNG is broken because I personally know Valor rank 60-70's that have only 3-4 champ pieces.


Yeah, I know a couple too, they farmed ilum and took advantage of the mistakes that Bioware made, neither of the players I know, ground warzones out or actually worked for there War Hero titles. Probably the same for the ones you know. I also fight against a number of Battlemasters, who are completely terrible, have rubbish gear yet are rank 60+, again players who farmed Ilum to gain ranks.

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Op's entire post is irrelevant since:


"The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus."


Champion bags will not give champion commendations. lol


okay mr. know it all. this quote from a dev will definitely make you look a douche bag.


"Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations."

Edited by redluna
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The OP's calculations are assuming that you play Imperial; unfortunately, they are not applicable if you play Republic on "standard" population servers (avg 75 players on repub fleet during prime time).


Ilum dailies and weeklies simply cannot be completed by the average Republic player. In addition, many players cannot complete the warzone dailies for several reasons:


1. The queue times are very long during non-prime time hours.

2. The games often start with fewer than 8 players

3. There are more Imperial teams in full Battlemaster set (farmed from 1.1 exploit)


It is most likely going to take more than 3 warzone games, probably even more than 6 for a Republic player to complete their daily. It is not unheard of for it to take 2 days to complete the daily but let's assume for these calculations that the Republic player can do the daily in 6 games per night since he isn't doing Ilum.


Warzone Weekly = 3 Champion bags

Warzone Daily x7 = 7 Champion bags

Purchased bags = (6 games per day * 7 days * 80 commendations)/800 = 4 bags


So assuming these conditions, the Republic player will earn 14 bags per week which equates to 98 Champion Commendations per week.


Using the OPs example, it would take a Republic player 7 weeks to complete his Champion set.


642 commendations / 98 per week = 7 weeks <- rounded up.

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I decided to do the math behind how many champion commendations a player could potentially get in a week under the new gearing system that Bioware has proposed. Under this new system champion bags will now contain 7 champion commendations and 15 centurion commendations.


Warzone Weekly: 3 Champion bags

Ilum Weekly: 3 Champion bags


Ilum Daily: 1 Champion bag per day * 7 days = 7 Champion bags

Warzone Daily: 1 Champion bag per day * 7 days = 7 Champion bags


Purchaseable Champion bags: (3 Warzones * 80 Warzone Commendations * 7 days) / 800 Warzone Commendations = 2 Champion bags <- rounded down.

*Assumptions: Average of 80 warzone commendations per warzone, only running 3 warzones a day.


So, using the above assumptions one can anticipate receiving 22 champion bags per week which equates to 154 champion commendations per week.


Using the costs posted below (still missing earpiece and implants) to get all possible champion gear would take a player around 5 weeks.


642 Champion Commendations / 154 Champion Commendations per week = 5 weeks <- rounded up.



under the new system more people will pvp then pve to gear up


I've done the match quickly on the pve dailies (which will mostly net you tier 1 gear) and it doesnt come close to how quick you get tier 2 pvp gear by comparison - stat wise the gear is comparable even factoring the expertise in.

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6 weeks? Doing every single available Ilum and warzone quest EVERY DAY? That's 42 straight days, that's kinda insane and way too long. I don't have time to do those quests every day, and on top of that Ilum is unplayable on my server because there never are any Republics around there.
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Look I'm a programmer in .net and have been programming for years. In cases such as these, there is a set number they staticly assign for these rolls. These are strictly a number roll situation.


These random rolls have a static percentage, that's the only way to code for christs sake.


Thus, whatever percentage it is, there will be those who get more or less than that because their population pool is less than ideal for a realistic return. Thus, if someone goes 0-20, that is unfortunate but statistically, somewhat likely given the number of people we're talking about here. Also likely is those who get 12/20 but you don't hear from those QQ'ers on the forums cuz they're happy.


You need to learn how numbers work because you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.

You obviously have no clue what YOU are talking about, you speak as if you know how many people are getting gear within a certain number of bags and that "most people are happy with it" attitude, when there has been more threads on this topic than almost any other in these forums (i.e. about how they hate the system).


Nothing in what I said disagrees there is set chance for getting an item, but what is statistically theorized to happen in rolls and what actually happens are two completely different things. Also factor into that that no one actually has shown the chance of getting a certain item and you have to know the chance of getting duplicates. Which is a problem that will be removed with the new system.

Edited by Manigma
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What people don't understand is that the time it would take to gear has not changed. BW was very clear on this. They removed the RNG and duplicate factor from the equation because it's very frustrating and makes it seem worse than it is.


If you run the numbers from fresh 50 to fully geared, it would literally take the same amount of time to gear given all the probabilities and computation needed to generate each piece within the scope of the provided metrics.


What this does is gives the impression of progression via other MMO's for slow but steady progress instead of RNG or blind luck.


The numbers bear out the same. If started at the same time with the same fresh 50, it would STATISTICALLY be the same amount of time to get fully champ geared.


Except for the fact that I have seen a rank 20 before in full champ gear....please stop posting.

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Except for the fact that I have seen a rank 20 before in full champ gear....please stop posting.



Well, actually my gild leader is rank 9 and had his set at rank 3... illium daily/weeklys ftw.


Iam rank 59 and still missing 2 pieces of the set... gloves and breast.

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under the new system more people will pvp then pve to gear up


I've done the match quickly on the pve dailies (which will mostly net you tier 1 gear) and it doesnt come close to how quick you get tier 2 pvp gear by comparison - stat wise the gear is comparable even factoring the expertise in.


This is conjecture.


You're assuming the gear grind alone is worth stomaching huge diiscrepancies with the faction imbalance on some servers. Nor is attracting non interested pvers to the pvp environment going to give republic team even odds of winning against a faction, who from the start, has been psychologically more desirable to the average pvp demographic. I guess what I'm saying is republic doesn't need more baddies queueing up....


It's not uncommon, for some servers, for a relatively inexperienced republic who won't be able to get into a quality premade to lose his solo queues all night long.


Sometimes, the daily actually feels like a weekly. The guy you quoted is right, republic math will be entirely different than imperial.... And when I say different, I really mean worse but it will differ server to server.

Edited by kalexkhan
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This is conjecture.


You're assuming the gear grind alone is worth stomaching huge diiscrepancies with the faction imbalance on some servers. Nor is attracting non interested pvers to the pvp environment going to give republic team even odds of winning against a faction, who from the start, has been psychologically more desirable to the average pvp demographic. I guess what I'm saying is republic doesn't need more baddies queueing up....


It's not uncommon, for some servers, for a relatively inexperienced republic who won't be able to get into a quality premade to lose his solo queues all night long.


Sometimes, the daily actually feels like a weekly. The guy you quoted is right, republic math will be entirely different than imperial.... And when I say different, I really mean worse but it will differ server to server.


I NEVER solo queue on my republic 50 anymore. It's frankly not worth the time. on a good night its 20% win chance.

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The OP's calculations are assuming that you play Imperial; unfortunately, they are not applicable if you play Republic on "standard" population servers (avg 75 players on repub fleet during prime time).


Using the OPs example, it would take a Republic player 7 weeks to complete his Champion set.


642 commendations / 98 per week = 7 weeks <- rounded up.


My calculations were not set by being either Imperial or Republic, but rather a "all other things being equal or held constant" (ceteris paribus). I will say that even playing as Imperial I can't complete Ilum dailies every day due to the fact of not enough Republics on our server, and the fierce competition there is in the central point to get the armaments. What this more boils down to is another discussion on faction imbalances, and the need for Bioware to distribute the faction populations more evenly on the servers for better competition.


The RNG system is just bad. One of our new 50s has opened up at least twenty bags now, and has not received a single piece of equipment. If this new system had been implemented he would of had at least two pieces of gear so far.

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