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Darth Arho on Ilum


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I dont know if something is bugged or what but i have died 5 times trying to kill Darth Arho. During the fight a couple Jedi come in to help but he quickly kills them, seems to become stronger then kills me in seconds. Is there a trick to this?
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probably not a spoiler but tagged it anyway to avoid any enthusiasts




wasnt overly hard this morning, did die to it once,

after he kills those jedis use cds and just nuke him, i tried running away from aoe thingy he does but he pulled me back, died before i did so defensive cds and nuking probably works. (tank spec with healing companion)



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If you are one of the classes gifted with an interrupt on a low cooldown, the fight is easy. You just need to constantly interrupt one of his abilities; some kind of blast. Resounding blast, or something? It places a debuff on you that increases the damage you take from the AOE Lulzy Lightning he then does, and it stacks.


If you are one of the classes shafted without an interrupt on a low cooldown (hi commandos) the fight is straight up retarded. Don't even bother interrupting anything until the second phase of the fight, because you cannot outlast the 30s and 1 min cooldown on your two interrupts (cryo grenade and concussion).


You need to pillar hump to break LOS because that SOB will spam his terrible ability over and over and over and over and over whilst occasionally yanking you towards him. Pew pew him a little, hide. Pew pew him a little, hide. Heal if you can, rinse, repeat. You do this to let that stackable debuff fall off (I think it only lasts a few seconds unless it's refreshed, and that SOB will try to refresh and increase the stack constantly). Your companion will die and you will end up kiting Arho's *** all over the place, pew pewing him until he's dead. It will take forever.


I died about 7 times as a heal-specced commando and asked for help with the fight. There were only 3 other people on Ilum, as it was 10pm a week or two ago. One really kind soul agreed to help me, she was also a heal-specced commando. Was still a really rough fight.

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