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Commando healers, really Bioware?


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Well even a skilled healer tank/dps duo would be in trouble right there. Your class is not designed to roll over zergs. If it's you and a friend, well your friend is unlucky.


It's possible to beat them (Me and Dab have done it before, but we had seismics off cooldown and know how to focus and not CC snap eachother).


Anyway AMP2+MP1+kolto0+trauma probe 0 = 5 casts in 3 points. You have twelve, I wasn't saying your class needs a nerf I was just pointing out that persons complaint was based on dishonest maths. If you cast MP 4 times in a row you will have recharged enough Ammo to cast a 5th while doing it. So 5 casts would imply just using MP as spam.


Doesn't matter how sucky you are maths are maths don't lie.


So instead of suggesting you learn to play I am going to suggest you take a beginners course in mathematics.


I don't think reactive sheild is OP at all btw, it's still easy enough to kill someone with it on if you know how to stop them casting(knockbacks/concussives/seismics) then they are down to long cooldown Kolto and trauma probe which I can out DPS easily.


One amp one mp and one kolto with a trauma up? That's 4 ....f o u r. ;)


Besides, you or your target are dead against two Marauders on stims. When you cast trauma and kolto you are clearly not under pressure. Or keen on proving you have no clue, what healing really means. ;)


Don's assume to much with ammo recharge times too. My AMP is 1.1 secs with relict and MP is 1.5~ sec cast.



I don't want to get into the fallacy that you think you can outheal 7k DPS straight from two decent geared DDs. Especially when they cc lock you. But apparently you got some magic healing skills who outheal anything while preserving ammo for free.

Edited by -sasori
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This thread is stupid.


You never attack someone with their shield wall up.


You learn to interrupt, stun, and knockback.


You make hard switches with more than 1 person and wreck any healer.


It's called a level playing field. I know it's hard to understand, but give it a shot.

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You don't have time for an insta cast heal when under pressure? Learn to play the game please, there is a reason that skill is at the top of the tree.


Oh noes you will likely die in 2v4 combat! So unfair the idea that four people have an advantage over 2.


Now I think about this you are correct everyone should form an orderly line then proceed to 1v1 all their fights. I've played all specs on mando at 50 now. CM is strong if played well.


"Assuming maths"

Please get real the numbers are there for the world to read. 2+1 does not = 6 in anyone's head but your own.


Edit: 5 was a typo I did mean 4 the point is 4 casts does not = all your ammo.


And if you want the magic non-ammo healing skills use Biochem.


Unless you have better gear and insane skill you should lose when outnumbered 2:1.

Edited by Gwal
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People have no problem killing me. So I think you are referring to Commandos that know how to play their class. Why, there are even other people that know how to play their class, too! Guess what they do all day?


:rolleyes:Kill Commandos.:rolleyes:

Edited by Bethivus
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You don't have time for an insta cast heal when under pressure? Learn to play the game please, there is a reason that skill is at the top of the tree.


Oh noes you will likely die in 2v4 combat! So unfair the idea that four people have an advantage over 2.


Now I think about this you are correct everyone should form an orderly line then proceed to 1v1 all their fights. I've played all specs on mando at 50 now. CM is strong if played well.


"Assuming maths"

Please get real the numbers are there for the world to read. 2+1 does not = 6 in anyone's head but your own.


Fail Troll?


learn to count to F i V E. Any while at it, our insta cast heal on top is called



B A C T A I N F U S I O N.

You fail at basics, i'm done wasting my time. :cool:

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Fail Troll?


learn to count to F i V E. Any while at it, our insta cast heal on top is called



B A C T A I N F U S I O N.

You fail at basics, i'm done wasting my time. :cool:


Semantics doesn't trump maths go necromancer another thread where someone is calling you out on your idiocy I'm sure there are plenty.


I stated 4 casts does not equal all your ammo you made up a brain dead straw man to knock down and yet you carry on.

Edited by Gwal
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Well, heavy armor + guard, then they go immune to interrupts. I mean, what's the point? I simply do not understand their reasoning behind this class, it's more like a gimmick than anything else.


"Hey guys, check this out! This will REALLY piss people off! :D:D:D:D:D COMPUTOR! COMPUTOR!!!"

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i feel for you OP. I am a juggernaut and whenever I was on Ilum and a commando would be around I would absolutely dread it. Melee classes like in most mmo's suck compared to DPS. A commando can run around and STILL SHOOT THEIR GUN while my jugg has to lope after them in the hopes of being able to catch up to hit them if force leap is on CD. By that time however I am usually dead.


Bioware sent me an e-mail asking for my opinions on what I thought about the game. Among many other negatives I listed, I said that sorcerers and commandos needed to be adjusted. Not necessarily nerfed, but tweaked so that they weren't so OP...which they both are.


A whole team in huttball made up of only sorcerers has to tell you something about the balance in this game.

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Never really had much problems with sorcerers to be honest, just time your cc and interrupts and you can outplay them. However, you don't really have that option with commandoes. Even if I time everything just right I can interrupt at most 5 of their heals, and even then they have 2 instants and their bubble.


I really don't understand the point of the class at all. One tree has GRAV ROUND and one tree has this crap... Was it like "Hey let's see how people react to IWIN!" or? Just beyond my ability to comprehend what the idea behind this was.

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I've just stopped attacking them with my Operative and go for other targets. Sad but I don't see any really threat to them at the moment. Used to be able to dish out just enough to get them down occasionally, but now it just won't happen.


Curious; Is there any class/player out there who feels comfortable with going after equally geared Commandos?



Yes either class I play.


PT Pyro


or Assassin Madness


I always go for healers no matter the class as soon as i see you cast a green icon thats like taunting me also the last green spell you will cast in that lifetime, as I know how to use and cycle my interupts/stuns

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Sorry the Drizzle probably made people cry.


Reason you sucked in a scenario the Drizzle is familar with is likely because the Merc/Commando had 2k+ more hps than you, the full max 30% mitigation or more, and they know how to play whereas you don't understand the class.


Mercs require a specific rotation to keep their heat low whiel they heal. They rapid scan healing scan and between they have emergency heal and kolto. Those are the heals. You need to lock out the heal without a cooldown in order to prevent the majority of heals.


You need to use stuns intelligently when mercs/commandos bubble or adrenal because at that point they're essentially ultimating to get heals off.


As long as you time your interrupts and stuns, the matchup is definitely balanced. You have interrupt, knockback, and at least 1 stun, more if you're a stealthy.


In short, bads will be bads.


For the record I play Merc Heals, Assassin DPS, AND Jugg Tank all in PvP.

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You need to use stuns intelligently when mercs/commandos bubble or adrenal because at that point they're essentially ultimating to get heals off.


We know this already(read before you reply), but if you play against one that isn't simply sh*t then it just doesn't matter unless you're several people on him at the same time. And even then it takes a long time if he has any idea what he's doing.


Just drop the "L2P" arguement already, if you're hoping to start an arguement you're just barking up the wrong tree. If you think the class is fine as it is, especially compared to other healers, then just say so.

Edited by Crowleyz
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I have both a commando (champion geared) and a sage (champion/bm mix) healer and I can say that if you're having more trouble with commandos then you're not playing effectively.


Commandos are terribly immobile, they have no real interrupts except their stun and kb which are effected by resolve, and the shield you keep complaining about is on a 2 minute cd.


Sages have sprint, cc, root (if they don't get salvation and spec for it), kb, bubble, and more healing throughput.


As a commando I spend far more time healing myself because everyone can get to me. I consider it part of the class design to occupy dps as well as heal.


As a sage I can escape and spend far more time healing my team. Additionally I can do so for longer because sages have better long term resource sustainability. If, however, a sage gets trapped, they won't survive for nearly as long.


If your complaint is that commandos are overpowered healers then you're wrong. Sages are better pure healers. If your complaint is that they have too much survivability, then you're also wrong. In good team play, their ability to survive isn't as helpful in a warzone as the healing capacity of a sage and it is part of what they gain for sacrificing healing.


I can't really speak to scoundrel healing because I haven't played one.

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At the end of the day, killing guarded healers is way too hard vs the skill required to set up guard. It's basically an "I win" move that gives Commandos in particular insane mitigation and you can't even interrupt them. If you interrupt one heal, they can simply cast another if their aura mastery is on CD. A guarded Commando can tank entire teams of DPS if the tank is using taunts. It's just stupid and there isn't a counter.




Yank guard one way. Yank or knockback healer the other. CC / interrupt one while killing the other. There's your counter. It requires a team though, and not many players are good at finding or working with a team.

Edited by Mannic
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Yeah if the Commando has guard it's pointless to even attempt killing it. It will take about 4 DPS on their game spamming interrupts to down it in a decent amount of time. You're better off killing the tank like others have said and CCing the healer when you can. Marauder heal debuff is useful in these situations. But yes, guard and heals is extremely effective (some would say too effective) and counters double that amount of DPS. Edited by CaptainInsano
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melee is not counter for merc healer. ask ranged to kill them.


melee is counter for sorc healer. go aim them.


This seems pretty spot on in my experience. On my Sorc i can eat a Commando healer. On my Jugg? Simply too annoying. Sage/Sorc healers are food for my Jugg however, they simply cant get away and cant heal enough.

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All you need is a decent marauder or sentinel. With the 20% healing debuff, 6s cooldown interrupts and dots that ignore armor they don't last long at all.


They can dispel the dot dmg of a marauder and if specced are immune to interrupts for a while, this doesnt count only for commi healers.

Edited by BobaFurz
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They can dispel the dot dmg of a marauder and if specced are immune to interrupts for a while, this doesnt count only for commi healers.


Commandos can only dispel tech effects. Sages can dispel force effects.

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As Assassin at least, nah can't see any way I can even make a dent in their health. Insane amounts of HP, insane amounts of healing, defensive cds and yeah... really horrible.


And if you get "TWO" together healing each other- cant do any damage at all!

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