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[UPDATE] Can't tell when ability cooldowns are up or not.


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Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller

We hear your feedback and are working on adjustments to increase the readability of the cooldown UI in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg




In patch 1.1 the overlay on your abilities which showed when they were available to use or not was changed to an overlay that goes down to the bottom of the icon as it's cooldown comes up, but because the icon isn't "greyed out" anymore, a lot of the time it looks like you can click an ability that is on cooldown and use it, but you can't.


As a Jedi Sentinel I already spent half my time staring at all my cooldowns but now with this it's more like 99% of the time spent staring at my bars trying to decipher my next move because I can't just clearly see what is on cooldown or what is not, it's awful.


We want this change reverted to the way it was, which was PERFECTLY FINE. Why you even felt the need to change it in the first place is beyond me. I hope bioware don't think this is what we were talking about with regard to "ability delay", because that is a completely separate issue and the visual indications of when an ability is on cooldown or not had nothing to do with it, so in the end I really can't fathom why they changed it.


CHANGE IT BACK! I can't play like this -.-


Quote from some guy that puts it pretty succintly:

Except you cannot easily see if an ability is actually "off CD" or just "nearly off CD", this is a vital difference.


In some cases it can easily look like an ability is off CD, but in reality it had a good 7+ seconds left before it its, just the timer bar has effectively merged with the bottom of the icon.



This is much, much worse than the orginal UI design, it's solved a minor problem only to create a major one.

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This is the first thing that is actually already fixed for me.


Yea they screwed it up for the first time (and I dont believe that it was intentional change, I believe they screwed up something in the game while doing quick Ilum changes..), but its actually already fixed for me.

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I literally can not play the game as is in it's current post patch form.


I don't have great vision and with all the flashing and shadows moving I can't tell what is what anymore with my glasses on or off.


The cooldown as it was in beta was fine! then it got that light blue hue that I couldn't see. Now it's totally unusable for me.


Bioware please revert to the simpler original format, or make cooldown depiction style an option in preferences.


I can no longer play this game. It's a shame. Please get this fixed and tested by folks who don't have perfect eyes. :o

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I had a feeling they would come up with another genius idea cause they can't admit they made a mistake and revert this.


Pre 1.1 was fine and shouldn't have been touched. Why the hell did you touch cooldown animations in the first place (in 1.1). Why don't you revert to pre 1.1. Who designs your UI? Do they really think that the prettier the animation or the more colourful the icons or the more flashing the more functional the UI?



Edited by vandana_
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For the love of god why can't they get this right???????????? Hello McFly??????


What the hell is so hard about coming up with a cool down notification system that imparts all you need to know in a quick glance??? Having a blue cool down guage when the user interface is blue, and most of the spell icons having blue backgrounds (at least for me as a Sentinel) make the new system almost as bad as the other, why not just have the damn icons greyed or subdued when not available for use.


This system is slightly better than the other version but with all the flashing and bright colors its almost blinding!!!!!!


Come on it's not that hard. It shouldn't take 10 fixes to resolve this issue!!!!

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For the love of god why can't they get this right???????????? Hello McFly??????


What the hell is so hard about coming up with a cool down notification system that imparts all you need to know in a quick glance??? Having a blue cool down guage when the user interface is blue, and most of the spell icons having blue backgrounds (at least for me as a Sentinel) make the new system almost as bad as the other, why not just have the damn icons greyed or subdued when not available for use.


This system is slightly better than the other version but with all the flashing and bright colors its almost blinding!!!!!!


Come on it's not that hard. It shouldn't take 10 fixes to resolve this issue!!!!


I think it's because they've never heard of this thing called "beta testing". Oh wait, they have, we're in paid beta right as we speak.

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This problem should be secondary. The first problem that should be fixed is the issue with rolling an action bar causing any cooldowns on that bar to roll to.


Yes that's pretty annoying as a sniper.


The issue the thread is about is annoying too though. We need an option for numeric values on the buttons.

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Yes that's pretty annoying as a sniper.


The issue the thread is about is annoying too though. We need an option for numeric values on the buttons.


Agreed. But one is a bug; one is a poorly implemented feature. Fix the bug first, and roll back the poor implementation (they should have addressed this bug before they bothered playing with CD appearance).

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The latest (1.1.2) iteration of the UI is really over the top, as far as CD timers are concerned. I'd go as far as calling it intrusive, if not downright obnoxious! Yes, 1.1.1 was flawed and needed fixing, but guys this was not the answer :(


In addition to being an eyesore, it's also inefficient. There is a split second's transition right after that horrible gauzy overlay finally rolls down, but before the skill button 'pops' into glorious technicolor life.


In that split second it's VERY hard to distinguish between skills that have met their activation cost (focus) and the ones which have not.


I know I'm only a DPS'er.. but that S stands for Second (a measurement of time - no sarcasm, really!). I can't afford to fritter them away, waiting for the GUI to make up it's mind.

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I had a feeling they would come up with another genius idea cause they can't admit they made a mistake and revert this.


Pre 1.1 was fine and shouldn't have been touched. Why the hell did you touch cooldown animations in the first place (in 1.1). Why don't you revert to pre 1.1. Who designs your UI? Do they really think that the prettier the animation or the more colourful the icons or the more flashing the more functional the UI?




quoted for truth. revert all the changes, it was fine before you started *********** with it bioware.

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Unlike Ilum this is affecting everyone, even the most casual PvE players. This situation is in dire need of a hotfix which needs to be deployed not in matter of days but hours. It's like playing FPS game and suddenly a patch removes crosshair, it hugely affects your enjoyment comming from game!
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theres used to be a mod for wow called cooldown count that added big yellow numbers to your buttons that turned to red numbers at 3 that counted down made seeing when stuff was off cd super easy would like to see a option for that
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Unlike Ilum this is affecting everyone, even the most casual PvE players. This situation is in dire need of a hotfix which needs to be deployed not in matter of days but hours. It's like playing FPS game and suddenly a patch removes crosshair, it hugely affects your enjoyment comming from game!


I does not affect me.

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I does not affect me.


Well good for you but me and my whole guild doesn't like it, infact I am yet to meet person in game who actually likes it. Such experience allows me to assume, majority of players is affected in negavite way by this change. And no poll doesnt say much as it was open only for like 12 hours and only few europeans were able to vote and still almost 60% hate it.

Edited by grucho
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