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Who here is gonna have limited play time cause of Holidays?


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I myself am not gonna really get to fully play til after Christmas cause of my family. They will not accept the fact I would rather not go to niagara falls. I would rather stay home away from the cold. But Who else is not gonna get good play time til after the holiday rush?
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I have some family and friend obligations... so I won't have as much time to play, but I figure there will be plenty of time to play in the future. It is kind of annoying though; and playing the game really has nothing to do with it, I just get a bit overwhelmed by all the visiting, parties, etc, etc. I finally get time off from work and it's not even "my own time" anymore. I just like quite/me/downtime. But I set some limits. I will go to the Christmas Eve parties/dinner, Christmas parties/dinner, Day after Christmas party, New years eve party, and New Year's Day dinner that I've been invited to... but that's it (and yes, my family and friends do more! lol). Edited by Jilla
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I am 12/4 so I think I will get in tomorrow, but tomorrow my father, step mother, and 2 sisters are arriving to stay until Wednesday. Also Saturday-Sunday I will be at a family holiday event.


So from when I get in to next Wednesday I will be so busy at home. I will still find 30-40 hours to play in that time frame though. Put my family to bed at 9, game from 930-4am, wake up at 7am and repeat 3 days in a row. MWAHAHAHA.

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I wish I could just ignore my family but that never works. I get guilt tripped into going. If it wasnt for the fact we have to travel I wouldnt mind it. But we are traveling to Canada. Which to me is not a fun place. I will end up sitting in a hotel room bored out of my skull. This is the only reason I hate holidays,
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I don't think I'm going to have much time to play until after Christmas proper, yeah. Part of that is the holidays, part of it is some volunteer work that I signed on for months ago and it's just coincidentally falling into this week and next. FML. :p


Still, I'll be happy to log on ... tonight? tomorrow? and set up my characters. I'm a slow leveler anyway :)

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Not so much the holidays (besides general festivities anyways) as typical life. I've got finals, a friend's wedding, more work hours due to uni break, and time to cash in with friends I don't get to see much during semesters.


It's not the end of the world though; I won't fuss about it.

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I myself am not gonna really get to fully play til after Christmas cause of my family. They will not accept the fact I would rather not go to niagara falls. I would rather stay home away from the cold. But Who else is not gonna get good play time til after the holiday rush?


Yea I won't be able to play from 20th to 28th for similar reasons.

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I will be going to spend the the week between Christmas and New Year at my parents place, and will have no access ti SWTOR.


However I believe the co-op game of Gears of War 3 and some drinks with my brother could well be in the works :)


Heheheh that actually sounds fun. I am gonna try to take my PS3 to the hotel and hook it up so I can try and play some Mass Effect 2 and maybe even some RE5

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Me! My gf is staying with me for 2 weeks starting on the 23rd. I'll get to play a little but I will spend a fair bit of time doing stuff with her too. She does not like swtor she is a Skyrim girl. Still I get to play other games :p


hehehehe Sounds like a cool GF there Korvenn. My GF is mad at me cause I have to go with family. She and I had tried to plan for what we were calling an Anime Holiday. Wanted to watch a bunch of Christmas Animes. That isn't happening now though.

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lol @ OP, i say **** family and game on, me and my brother will play all day while the rest slaves around for us like companions


I would if I could. But My family is very....Hmmm Old fashioned. They believe that On holidays everything electronic is to be shut off save for lights and your suppose to sit with family and play cards and dice and drink.

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I got all sorts of time to play when I get in. School is on break, kids are off school but will be playing with friends or playing their own games. Wife is at work or playing her own game. Only day that will bad for me is Christmas and tomorrow because we are having my sons birthday party. But I can play tomorrow morning while he is still at school and when we get back from the inlaws.
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My wife is due with our 2nd child Dec. 28th. Between that and holidays our play time will be pretty limited.


Should I ask if I can take my laptop into the birthing room?

I would, especially if she likes Star Wars.

The baby isn't even cute until they give it a bath.

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