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Back from WoW - This really is the best mmo out there


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Well I quit WoW over a year ago. Something like that, I played it for 6.5 years


Anyway SWTOR is providing an MMO with almost everything I have been missing.



Guns, Auto Cannons.. Grenades, EXPLOSIONS!


Lightsabers, Space Ships.


I think maybe I am really tired of WoW and I finally have my Sci Fi MMO. It probably helps that my dad is a huge Star Wars fanatic and has raised me and my 3 brothers and 1 sister to be the same.


I am over 30 years old.



I love this game.

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The game will be over by mid 2012. The end game is flat and there is no stay power. The concept was great but when implemented it failed. The game devolves to a single player game that would be better served on a 360. The pvp is some of the worst pvp I have ever played. People that talk about skill in this game have none. This is a gear based game and it breaks down to gear=farmers=no skill. I see all these posts about fix this, fix that and they all fail to recognize the simple fact that the game cannot be fixed. I had high hopes for what SWToR would be but at release the game is solid six years behind the industry standard. Rift offered so much more then SWToR and it died in less then half a year. See you all in Tera or GW2 but SWToR is over before it started : (


p.s. Dishonable mention to the mods for burying so many prior posts. That attitude is half the reason the game is a failure.

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The game will be over by mid 2012. The end game is flat and there is no stay power. The concept was great but when implemented it failed. The game devolves to a single player game that would be better served on a 360. The pvp is some of the worst pvp I have ever played. People that talk about skill in this game have none. This is a gear based game and it breaks down to gear=farmers=no skill. I see all these posts about fix this, fix that and they all fail to recognize the simple fact that the game cannot be fixed. I had high hopes for what SWToR would be but at release the game is solid six years behind the industry standard. Rift offered so much more then SWToR and it died in less then half a year. See you all in Tera or GW2 but SWToR is over before it started : (


p.s. Dishonable mention to the mods for burying so many prior posts. That attitude is half the reason the game is a failure.



Well you are saying it will be over but so far I have 5 RL friends who left WoW for it and are in a guild with me.


I also found a long lost Marine Corps buddy on Facebook who is a gamer and is in the guild with me.


My Wife plays and she has never played any game with me until I got her hooked on Skyrim, and then after she got bored of that she is now hooked on SWTOR.


One of her work friends just quit WoW and joined us.


For me the game keeps on growing, and my server is far from dead, Crucible Pits.


We are about a 1:1 ratio Republic vs Empire, it would be nice to see anyone on Empire actually have any skill in PvP though.



But your cry as far as the game being dead? Quite the opposite from my perspective.

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The game will be over by mid 2012. The end game is flat and there is no stay power. The concept was great but when implemented it failed. The game devolves to a single player game that would be better served on a 360. The pvp is some of the worst pvp I have ever played. People that talk about skill in this game have none. This is a gear based game and it breaks down to gear=farmers=no skill. I see all these posts about fix this, fix that and they all fail to recognize the simple fact that the game cannot be fixed. I had high hopes for what SWToR would be but at release the game is solid six years behind the industry standard. Rift offered so much more then SWToR and it died in less then half a year. See you all in Tera or GW2 but SWToR is over before it started : (


p.s. Dishonable mention to the mods for burying so many prior posts. That attitude is half the reason the game is a failure.


Flagged for spamming and non-constructive posting.

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on the WOW forums anything that brings up anything other than WOW either good or bad.


is instantly thrown into the deepest darkest corner of the forum.


try it just bring up some other game in general on the WOW forums and boom it'll get moderated in about 4 minutes.

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I can't be the only one who plays WoW and SWTOR at the same time can I? Both games are triple A releases with good things about them




1) Companion system


2) Voice Acting


3) Zone immersion


4) Shock collar on Vette (i would of bought the game just for this)




1) Plays a la carte, so many options for the players to tackle content


2) Superb questing experience with many different paths to take


3) Players aren't punished significantly for being stuck on "dead" servers


4) Streamlined alt system

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I can't be the only one who plays WoW and SWTOR at the same time can I? Both games are triple A releases with good things about them




1) Companion system


2) Voice Acting


3) Zone immersion


4) Shock collar on Vette (i would of bought the game just for this)




1) Plays a la carte, so many options for the players to tackle content


2) Superb questing experience with many different paths to take


3) Players aren't punished significantly for being stuck on "dead" servers


4) Streamlined alt system


i don't see how the questing has many different paths to take.


i make a character in their origin area and then level up like i do on SWTOR. only humans ALL start no matter the class in the same area.

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i don't see how the questing has many different paths to take.


i make a character in their origin area and then level up like i do on SWTOR. only humans ALL start no matter the class in the same area.


Yeah, that race has a particular starting zone. There are only 4 starting zones in SWTOR, a paltry number compared to WoW's. The unique leveling experiences you can have in WoW blow SWTOR out of the water. That reason does not make SWTOR a bad game, they just have different strengths.

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After leaving SWTOR after becoming bored on my first 50, I went back to WoW.


Devoid of any story and an awful crafting system, not to mention the complete lack of immersion (Flying mounts and 15 minute hearthstones?).


WoW had it's time and place, but SWTOR is definitely the future of MMOs. Yes, it will take time to catch up in sheer volume of content and many systems (like PVP and space combat) need work, but everything the devs have successfully accomplished really shines.


You actually build a relationship with your companions and PVP is fun even at the bare minimum level to enter war zones.


All in all, Bioware has a subscriber in me for at least the next year, I can't wait to see what they do with the game and can't wait to embrace a community that is slowly being cleaned of those who really shouldn't be here!


I completely agree. Companions were the only feature I was a little iffy about when I first followed the game, but I've come to really love them. I have an amazing bromance with Corso, and I'm loving this friendship I have going with him!


I tried to play some more WoW, but I just can't do it anymore. SWTOR is just way better, in my opinion.

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Hearthstones in WoW have a 30 minute cooldown and let you travel to whatever bind point in either world you've bound to.


SWTOR's Quick Travel has a 30 minute cooldown and lets you travel to any bind point on a world you've unlocked.



So uh...wut?

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WoW still has better combat mechanics, theres no denying that.


Although both a fairly terrible, swtor's pvp is slightly more tolerable


I really doesn't, wow's combat is so simplified it's silly. You only need 3-5 buttons for most classes. Also the animations are terrible :/


Even after 7 years wow is still unbalanced and there is no more to do at end-game than there is in TOR. Except in wow everything is far easier.

Edited by NasherUK
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Those who shouldn't be here need to be here, because in "BIG BOY WORLD" money talks and it talks a lot. The fewer people playing this game the grimmer its future becomes. Yes, the SW IP literally prints money, but when you drop 200M dollars people expect things. They expect a lot of things, and regardless of if you hate some things that have been set as a standard, UI customizations, X-server LFG/WZ and macros. WoW has set that standard and failure to meet it or polish on it leaves the game rather flat.


I, personally, convinced 6 of my friends to roll with me on SWTOR, there are only 2 of us left. The combat lag, no looking for group, the impossible WZ queueing at not peak times is all a huge turn off (I play on a high pop server on the least populated faction). This game is only about 60% complete as an MMO and 100% complete as a single player game. If I spend literally 40minutes spamming L2DPS any HM FP an can't find a group something is extremely wrong with the game. Everyone PvPs not because they want to but because there is a queueing system. Also having to reform group every time you exist is just mind boggling retarded.


Does this game actually want people to complete its 4man content? Because it seems they are doing everything to road block players from it. The gear required spikes, so BW is hoping that all these fresh 50s will flood the servers and making looking for groups easier well first they have to run 20 HM Taral Vs and PvP constantly and get good RNG bag drops, then we will have some players to capable of running other content. I am not waiting around for that The community argument is dumb people naturally form guilds, but sometimes people want to just do content. I WZ most of my time on SWTOR and I don't care about most of the people I random queue with, I don't build any sort of special bond. I just make mental notes of all the bads, so why not let it be cross server so the people who actually play at non peak hrs can have FULL WZ groups (I can't count the number of non full WZ I have been in. 1.7M players and I can't get a full WZ group, laughable). I have wasted so much time looking for groups its mind boggling.


WoW isn't immersive, rofl. Blizzard made its millions on having the capability on romanticizing its content like no other company. They are releasing an expansion of kung-fu pandas, bet it sells WAY more than this game did on launch and maintains a larger player base. In its recently announcement to shareholders, they admitted they are no longer looking to gain new subs, but to retain its current base it lost over 1M subscribs and still has 4 times more than a SW game. Blizzard lost 1/10 of its player base in a year, BW lost the same in 1 month. To tell me this is a "better" game is just fanboy-ism. The numbers don't lie and they never will. This game needs a facelift out of 1995 quick and the voice-acting and companion gimmick isn't it. Companions are just pets you put gear you don't want on and who really cares about voice-acting when most of the quest are kill and fetch quest, I thought I spammed spacebar a lot in WoW to keep my JPM up, this game took it to a whole new level.


Yea, this is a rage post. But if BW wants to focus are the smaller fanboy side of things, I wish they would come out and say it so I can find a new game or if they actually want to push this game into the future and get rid of the archaic ideas. Because if you don't like macros, X-S LFG/WZ, addons, guess what, you don't have to use them. I love them, I want them because it sucks up some of that wasted time I spend continually killing myself in RP.

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i don't see how the questing has many different paths to take.


i make a character in their origin area and then level up like i do on SWTOR. only humans ALL start no matter the class in the same area.

I think by "different paths to take" he was just referring to you don't always have to quest in the same zones to level up. As a Human you normally level up in the Eastern Kingdoms, but you're not stuck with that. If you tire of that area you can always go to places in Kalimdore to level up. You also level very quickly in WoW now so you might end up skipping zones along the way. You may choose, when playing a new character, to level in those zones you missed.
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I can't be the only one who plays WoW and SWTOR at the same time can I? Both games are triple A releases with good things about them




1) Companion system


2) Voice Acting


3) Zone immersion


4) Shock collar on Vette (i would of bought the game just for this)




1) Plays a la carte, so many options for the players to tackle content


2) Superb questing experience with many different paths to take


3) Players aren't punished significantly for being stuck on "dead" servers


4) Streamlined alt system


I cancelled my WoW sub years ago...never got the itch to go back. Your SWTOR feature list is greatly limited. I don't play both because SWTOR is clearly the better option.

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So the OP played wow and SW:TOR - and says its the best mmo available atm? Thanks for your very well founded advice!


Maybe try a nice mmo not the whole world is speaking of? Theres much more out there than SW:TOR and WoW (which is both the same with different bugs)

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