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Everything posted by HavO_c

  1. lex luthor who could beat superman sometimes is stronger than a jedi then?
  2. A better game engine,ingame mechanics,balancing stuffs would have been far better than voice acting.....i cant count the number of times my character said the same thing over and over again Anyway.voice acting is not enough @ level 50 and gets boring quite fast.... story? this feels more like a single player game instead of MMO
  3. who are you to tell us where it belongs ?!!!
  4. Will we have events like in wow?? will i be able to KILL SANTACLAUS WITH MY LIGHTSABER ?
  5. @ OP IF you NEED A RELATIONSHIP WITH COMPANIONS...ffs get a life dude ! looking for virtual affection? Are you mad son ?
  6. HavO_c

    pvp in 1.1.2

    I WANT explanations NOW !
  7. HavO_c

    pvp in 1.1.2

    The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus. so this means that i will have a harder time getting gears from bags ? and i have to grind to valor 60 to get some stuffs? wow
  8. who with a brain put rng in getting pvp loot ? seriously THIS Is A JOKE !
  9. if you dont care why the **** did you reply?
  10. The title says it all too many bugs,unbalanced world pvp,boredom at level 50.... for a 2012 mmo this is not very innovative imo.warzones gets boring after sometimes,on my server republic is just non existant compared to the imps and there is no cap in world pvp for the number of players allowed at the same time... yesterday did 2 warzones wins ( wins are rare for republic on my server ) and they didnt counted.i logged off soon after and uninstalled the game.why do you introduce new content when you cant even fix the existing ones? and yes tell your protocol droids to ****.your cs is so bad and you cant really solve any ingame problems.got 2 ingame problems recently and your cs is so stupid.get real game masters waiting on Tera and guildwars 2 now ^^ cya noobs ps : your game engine sucks !
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