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3000 years back, still it look like the movies?


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Well the SW universe makes a lot of assumptions. In this case the assumption is that technology has plateau'd. There are very few discoveries, just changes in the way they use the knowledge they have. The Death Star wasn't breakthru in technology so much as it was a breakthru in the industrial capacity and desire to build something Moon Sized that could blow up a planet. Presumably no one had really wanted to do that before. And considering the total lifespan of both projects I can see why.


Its fantasy, enjoy the assumptions and try not to compare it to how far we've come in the last few hundred years. Who knows, maybe there is a tech level where we really can't ring much more out of how much we can affect the world around us and it looks a lot like the Star Wars universe :)

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Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! That sounds like a pretty big design flaw, then.

Can't they board it up or, you know, put some plywood over it or something?



Well if money is no object we can have it fixed by tomorrow.


How about i get a quote?

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Most people didn't wear pants up until the past few hundred years.


There lot I like to say about this but most people covered what I would say so, mute. But here I will say something. YOUR WRONG. Look up Ice Man, or picture of Duris the 2nd and I don't mean the 300 movie one. Pants been around for thousands of year. The European tribes wore them, and the Asian tribes and nation wore them whether Mongals, Japanese or Persian.


Now on subject. Technology need several thing to advance, Culture, Politic, Economic, and Technology. Culture meaning that a culture must be willing to embrace a new idea. Now look at China. China in the 1400's was one of the most advance nation in the world, more advance Europe. But then around that time they politically took an intrest to surpress the inovation, so come Opinan War they are crushed easly, because the British had cannon, inspite the Chinese invented. This is politic and culture. Now on a world with more then 100 nations this is one little issue, but in a galaxy with really only 2 and then 1 nation this can become a major issue.

Then there economic. Put it this way. Steam power in about 400 yrs, we end up on the moon. So why are we not on Mars, and I don't mean 20 year ago I mean 400 years ago. First steam power was develop in 100 by Heros. It was a little steam wheel that spinned. Roman understode wheels and leverage. Why Because Slaves were cheap. So it was forgotten. As for technology it's assume if you experement enough you will find the solution. Yeah if you doing the right one. Many technology come from ideas based off individual thinking outside the box. Also many time technology in other area. Think where genetic engineering be if X-ray was not discovered.

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This has got to be the most pointless discussion I've yet seen on these forums.


It's a made up universe for crissakes! So make up whatever reason you want for the technological stagnation. Whatever floats your boat.

In the GFFA, that would be repulsorlift technology - something else that hasn't really changed much in 3,000 years. ;)

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And this explains why there are virtually no wireless communication options during the time of SWTOR... how?


The Rule of Two doesn't apply to technological advancement, which is the subject of this thread. Also claiming that the whole galaxy just froze technologically for thousands of years is absurd, given the starting point (comparisons to our Dark Ages are silly; that took place in the absence of high technology and accessible computers for the average person).


No.THIS is what the thread is about...

So we are 3000 years back. Still the world look like the new movies and Clone Wars series. Vehicles have not changed much, armour and weapons are the same. Even the clothing design is very close to Darth Vader! Trooper armour look like the ones in Clone wars series etc. Did the world stop 3000 years back and only people got older? Didn't the weapon design change at all? They made one armour and then they said "lets use this one for over 3000 years now"... hello? It's like our world would stop at 1920, same cars, cloths and so on. Walking around looking like Capone in 2012? Maby it would have been better to stay 3 years from Clone wars in the story?
From the OP. He is bewildered why the LOOKS of things have not changed. It's even in the second sentance. Want me to quote it again?

You. Can't. Read. Or decided not to. The Rule of Two is why tech long lost appears in a later era. I never said it prevented tech from developing. And your quote

Also claiming that the whole galaxy just froze technologically for thousands of years is absurd, given the starting point (comparisons to our Dark Ages are silly; that took place in the absence of high technology and accessible computers for the average person
is in itself an absurd, since I doubt you've been thru any dark ages yourself, let alone one with high tech to know this, to know what would happen. And since it's a MAKE BELIEVE galaxy, and the writers WROTE that it happened, it did. Follow a link. Read.

Also, I was showing the post I was replying to..you know the one I quoted at the TOP of my own post, to be untrue, that being the creators at BW didn't know any story and needed writers to make/read it for them.

I can tell you didn't understand what you were reading. Since I didn't claim the Ro2 stopped tech advancing. I linked to the stuf showing the Star Wars team (writers and Lucas Arts) claim WAR did it. And if you have ever read a book, a fiction would help, you understand that in a MADE up world/galaxy, writers make things happen by saying it happened.

Anyway. SWTOR DOES have a wireless communication. It is beter than what we have in the real world. It's called the Holonet. Another link you won't follow or read is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comlink. They are even in the game (to underused for sure). In a nutshell, it's costly.

If I seem insulting, it's because I do historical research for a living and I Am insulted. If you want to disagree with a point (fact or opinion) I make or find, do so. But do not be so lazy you gloss over my post and missquote me or fill in your own blanks. Don't not follow a link and pretend to know what it is. The OP asked a question in the form of a statement. I used Links to the right info for an imaginary galaxy and writers who made imaginary events. I answered his question.

Edited by penumbri
bad grammer and spelling. Typo
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I would say that things have changed a hell of a lot from 2000 BC to today, a span of 4000 years.


You mean like no one today has the tech to build the majority of the ancient stone monolithic structures found around the world today?


No one makes a suitable mobile crane rated for the capacity to move some of the blocks that were set in place in structures dating back more than 4000 years. Maybe not the best example, but The Colossi of Memnon were each carved from solid stone, weigh between 600 and 1000 metric tons each and were transported over land more than 400 miles, sometime around 1350 B.C.

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I can buy that technological advances have become very gradual in the Star Wars universe.


But I don't accept that fashion, art and design wouldn't of changed, even if slowly, over the course of 3,000+ years.


I didn't expect or want SWTOR to look too different, but sometimes it looks too much like the films especially...


the TIEsque fighters

the trooper armour

the Star Destroyer-like ships


bottom line; and with the caveat I know very little about Stars Wars lore, I expected/wanted the Sith Empire to look different to the new Galactic Empire of the fllms.

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I can buy that technological advances have become very gradual in the Star Wars universe.


But I don't accept that fashion, art and design wouldn't of changed, even if slowly, over the course of 3,000+ years.


I didn't expect or want SWTOR to look too different, but sometimes it looks too much like the films especially...


the TIEsque fighters

the trooper armour

the Star Destroyer-like ships


bottom line; and with the caveat I know very little about Stars Wars lore, I expected/wanted the Sith Empire to look different to the new Galactic Empire of the fllms.


I do know SW lore. There isn't much art in the SW movies to judge how much art has changed. Fashon...well how much can a jedi robe change?

And I have seen a couple examples of Republic tech that looks mostly unchanged, but for the majority of TOR vs SW movies, it's not the same.

As for the old Empire and the Empire of the SW movies..I have shown with links why it look almost the same. I'm not going to retype it here. Just say...read the 2 post above from me, and go to the links. Super footnotes...Empire tech doesn't progress because it vanishes till it is rebuilt. Sienar Systems is a fictional company that builds the Tie Fighter from plans rumored from Emperor Palpatine (who also built Darth Mauls ship Scymitar). As for the Star Destoyers seen in the movies IV V and VI, we know that there are other types of ships the Empire uses during that time because they are talked about in the Cantina scene by Han Solo. Why keep that look? Because the Empire is the Sith Empire. Palpatine is a Dark Lord of the Sith (by way of teachings and belief not birth of course).

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I can buy that technological advances have become very gradual in the Star Wars universe.


But I don't accept that fashion, art and design wouldn't of changed, even if slowly, over the course of 3,000+ years.


I didn't expect or want SWTOR to look too different, but sometimes it looks too much like the films especially...


the TIEsque fighters

the trooper armour

the Star Destroyer-like ships


bottom line; and with the caveat I know very little about Stars Wars lore, I expected/wanted the Sith Empire to look different to the new Galactic Empire of the fllms.


You have to take into consideration engineering costs. A regular person would likely faint if they were shown the cost to engineer something like say, an iPhone.


I would imagine they stick with a design once a type of starship has been engineered to the point of working without major bugs or problems. A starship simply would not be re-engineered for a very long time even to change minor ascetics.


I don't know this for fact, but I would imagine that Palpatine simply used old schematics that were proven to work. He would be smart enough to know he didn't need to re-invent the wheel.

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Except for the fact that SWTOR takes place "Old Republic" whereas the star wars in the films takes place in the "New Republic" implying that the Old Republic fell out of power which would be equivalent to the fall of the western roman empire and the technological stagnation that follow afterwards.


^^ Nope.


The New Republic wasn't even a part of the movies at all. It was the Rebellion at that time. The New Republic was created in the EU books entirely.

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One of my biggest gripes about this game to date.


It doesn't FEEL 3000 years old. Too much of it is waaaay to similar to Clone Wars & Movies. There was a fairly large amount of change in the "feel", the technology, etc between Tales of the Jedi to the Knights of the Old Republic...and that was what...300+ years. BUT....3000 years...didn't produce much change at all?


Not buying it, no matter what corporation-driven-socioeconomic-strata you want to throw out there. Hundreds of worlds with different cultures, societies, technologies, etc....and this what there is? Tech-wise, yes...technology can reach a limitation until some massive breakthrough (or technological loss [i've lost the cure for cancer!]), but designs constantly get updated, improvements are always made, and we progress. And that's just one world. Imagine hundreds of worlds progressing on their own path...then combine them.


Now...from a purely business stand point, don't get me wrong...I get it. Completely. Brand recognition. That simple. I just don't like the fact that my trooper is looking like a clone trooper and the speeders look like modern speeder bikes. All this aside, I'm still enjoying the game and I will continue to play it. :)

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I find it funny that the old Empire is three times cooler looking than the New Empire, even if I only see their stuff while I'm shooting at it.


Why wouldn't it? I mean how much tech can 2 people actually make us of?


Think about it, at the time of the Vader tossed the Emperor into the reactor core in the second Death Star, only 23 years had passed since Order 66 (19 BBY to 4 ABY). How much "Sithish" can you reform a Galaxy in 23 years? Prior to that the Sith (Remember there was the Rule of 2) kept their heads down and out of sight no open action.

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One of my biggest gripes about this game to date.


It doesn't FEEL 3000 years old. Too much of it is waaaay to similar to Clone Wars & Movies. There was a fairly large amount of change in the "feel", the technology, etc between Tales of the Jedi to the Knights of the Old Republic...and that was what...300+ years. BUT....3000 years...didn't produce much change at all?


TotJ's early parts were placed at 5000 BBY, main part at 4000-3996 BBY and the last part at 3986 BBY. KOTOR comic is 3964-3963 BBY so far, KOTOR I 3956 BBY and KOTOR II 3951 BBY. From last TotJ to the earliest KOTOR is thus only 22 years.

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I remember seeing a post about the graphical design of TOR saying something like.


"We were going to make everything more archaic, but changed it to make everything seem more familiar"


Yes, i prefer the style of this actual era as well as shown in the graphic novels

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The time it would take us today to send a message from Earth to the nearest star, is measured in centuries.




This is not true. Our messages can travel at the speed of light, and the nearest stars are less than 5 light years away.

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"modern science" is relative, its not a new concept. Even the construction of the Pyramids are still engineering marvels. Just because they didn't use CAD programs doesn't mean they didn't have engineers or scientists design them.


Back in the timeframe of the Roman Empire, aquaducts, baths, etc were considered modern science. The coliseum was an engineering marvel.


Full Suits of plate mail armor were considered "hi-tech".


Even look at weapons. People used the sword, spear, bow, etc for thousands of years.


Let's not forget Eratosthenes, the Greek who calculated the circumference of the earth using a bit of math and natural observations, all while never leaving Egypt, to within 2% accuracy.


The thing is, at least as far as I'm concerned, is we have the BS Preconceived notion that early civilization here on Earth was a bunch of primitive people freshly removed from chasing Wooly Mammoth's with pointy sticks. And we apply that preconception to media even fictional media without thought.

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So we are 3000 years back. Still the world look like the new movies and Clone Wars series. Vehicles have not changed much, armour and weapons are the same. Even the clothing design is very close to Darth Vader! Trooper armour look like the ones in Clone wars series etc.


Did the world stop 3000 years back and only people got older? Didn't the weapon design change at all? They made one armour and then they said "lets use this one for over 3000 years now"... hello?


It's like our world would stop at 1920, same cars, cloths and so on. Walking around looking like Capone in 2012?


Maby it would have been better to stay 3 years from Clone wars in the story?


You need to keep that "iconic look" to keep the lore whores and fanboys happy.

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Lore Perspective:


Wouldn't say that their technology has reached a plateu, There are many other advancements to be made, Teleporting, Anti-Matter technology, Wormhole technology etc. Just look at Start Trek & Stargate, They have some certain things that we don't see in StarWars.


Then again we still use cars as a transportation service after 100 years of it's invention, I'd say that their technological advancement slows down the more advanced they become. They maybe discover new weapons, resources much faster when at war but otherwise it's pretty slow.


Logical Perspective:


Would it really be fun playing in a StarWars universe were nothing looks like the movies and you have a proto-lightsaber that needs a huge battery that you tag along with you, Or spaceships that fall apart after traveling to planet?

Edited by _Zorth_
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