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OBIWAN KANOBI is the strongest out of everbody, he defeated ANIKIN. right?


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Am i the only padawan here that thinks there is nobody that can defeat obiwan.


What characters do you think would have a chance against my lore king(Obiwan)??????






ps .. no snobby rich kid remarks please and lets try not to start too big of a lore battle , happened before.

Edited by iloveicarly
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Am i the only padawan here that thinks there is nobody that can defeat obiwan.


What characters do you think would have a chance against my lore king(Obiwan)??????






ps .. no snobby rich kid remarks please and lets try not to start too big of a lore battle , happened before.


I'm pretty sure a greater Demon of Khorne can demolish Obi-Wan with just a glance.

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Am i the only padawan here that thinks there is nobody that can defeat obiwan.


What characters do you think would have a chance against my lore king(Obiwan)??????






ps .. no snobby rich kid remarks please and lets try not to start too big of a lore battle , happened before.


Luke.. Luke in his prime would be able to take Obiwan while eating a sammich at the same time.

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Samuel L Jackson would mop the floor with him.


In all nerd honesty when your superpower is all out defense tell you make a mistake and I cut off your limbs it is going to be hard to find someone who can take you on. Vader has raw power and aggression but attacks create openings and we saw how this played out already.


the secrete to beating someone who has maxed out there armor class with dex is easy however, you make them flatfooted.


Obi's style relays on defensive work and timing... but an attack that uses subtlety and obfuscation is going to rip such a tactic apart and having the edge in force power hardly hurts.


I give you your winner....

Count Dooku


an example of his pure @sskicking power.


Edited by Templeman
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Yes Obiwan beat Anakin, but it was not because he was more powerful.


Obiwan was a Master of his saber style, that was extremely defensive oriented.


Anakin at that the time, was as strong in the force as anyone alive... but, he was not a master of anything. He was just naturally talented so to speak. And extremely arrogant.


This arrogance was his downfall, not Obiwans superior skill.


The fact is, Anakin lasts as long as he did against a master of his skill on pure talent alone, that just shows how much power he possessed in the force.


Right before the battle ends, Obiwan gains the advantage and points it out to Anakin. Anakin in his arrogance defies Obiwan, thinking nothing could hurt him.


He deliberately jumps defenseless into Obiwan, thinking his power would protect him. It was a mistake that costs him dearly.


Later as Darth Vader, he refused to make that mistake again. Vader would later on learn to control his arrogance and mastered all lightsaber forms plus his control over the force.


This is one of the reasons he goes on to be one of the strongest sith lords ever...


His arrogance cost him everything, including some connection to the force... imagine if he figured it out before his horrible injuries.

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But episode 19 when Luke saves the power droids remember when he was fighting vador and he let vador kill him on purpose so that he could channel his force into luke. Count dooku didn't defeat obiwan as you would learn in episode 24, obiwan let dooku live but still put up a fight so that dooku could still meet with anikin, obiwan wanted to see if Anikin would kill him or bring him to justice. Remember the top lore will win on this thread
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But episode 19 when Luke saves the power droids remember when he was fighting vador and he let vador kill him on purpose so that he could channel his force into luke. Count dooku didn't defeat obiwan as you would learn in episode 24, obiwan let dooku live but still put up a fight so that dooku could still meet with anikin, obiwan wanted to see if Anikin would kill him or bring him to justice. Remember the top lore will win on this thread


Ok... you are ether now trolling, or just ignorant of the lore.


You keep saying top lore, what you want to say is G-canon over C-canon, you can use that in future trolling :)


1- Obiwan let Vader strike him down, cause he knew how to become one with the force (learned from Quigon Jin) and it was the only way to keep Vader distracted so Luke could escape.


Luke was the Jedi Orders last hope, and if Vader found out what he was at that point, would have possibly killed him, or worse turned him to the Dark Side.


Obiwan channeled no force power into Luke.


2- Your telling me Obiwan let Dooku cut his arm and leg , just to see how Anakin would fair? Or how about the second time they meet, when he clearly tells Anakin "we take him together this time" but then lets Dooku crush him under a starship bridge (on a starship being bombarded no less) to let his apprentice fight a sith lord on his own?


Wow, that screams Jedi teachings there...


Dooku was a master duelist who simply out matched Obiwan. He was a former apprentice of Yoda (greatest jedi master of the time period) and trained Quigon Jin himself. He also had tutored Obiwan when he was a youngling.


The "top lore" as you say constantly shows Anakin being able to accomplish what Obiwan could not. Anakin had the greatest connect to the force EVER. As stated by Lucas himself... King of the "Top Lore" or in proper terms "G-Canon".

Edited by Pesh
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umm did you watch episode 31?? i dont think you did as you would learn that when yoda first met Obiwan they discussed that Anikin had the darkside in him sense he was a youngling, remember yodas race lives for over a 1000 years and yoda gave the droid memory cells to Count Dooku which he then told anikin to stop the jedi order, there was too much battle physinthisis carriers for Anikin to make the short cut to Taris. Remember episode 27? Edited by iloveicarly
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I am assuming you are talking about the animated series.


Which is not G-Canon. G-Canon is only episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.


The series falls into C-Canon. Which according to Lucas and Lee (who keeps all canon in check) falls behind G-Canon.


The way cannon works:


If something from C-Canon contradicts something from G-Canon, it is wrong and the rule will go by what is stated in G-Canon.


Dooku is stronger and bests Obiwan x2 in G-Canon. This is the TOP LORE.

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