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Tired of unlocking my abillities. Move it!


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Bioware can you please move the unlock button away from the 1 slot ability, i unlock it and pull my abilities off in warzones all the time, it gets annoying.. and old. Bad choice to put that right there, just sayin.


learn to hotkey, clicking abilities in a MMO is like playing a shooter with a wii remote instead of a mouse.

Edited by AndantePhist
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I have to agree. Clicking is not only slower compared to key binding but the game will feel more exciting if you learned to keybind as many of your actions.


Since most people use the WASD combination you can get a ton of skills available without needing to move your fingers away from the area over the movement keys. A good place to start is to put your most commonly used abilities on keys 1 through 4. Any abilities that require you to stand still and not move can be left as clickables since you can't really use them in the heat of the battle anyway, you always have to stop first to activate them.

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I understand what you guys are saying, that doesnt defeat my point.. the unlock button is right next to 2 abilites, and in warzones being precise over speed isnt always an option. What is an easy solution for those that actually use the mouse and click the abilities (this feature is in the game right?, for use not just because).. just move the unlock switch to a better location, problem solved... :confused:
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