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assassins need a buff


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why? #1 assassins should not be a "tank" class.. just take it out of the game, we wear light armor why would i go tank spec? #2 in dmg spec there is no way possible unless with battlemaster gear vs non pvp gear and they are below 30% hp, to deal a 5k crit, yet ranged classes can do it like nothing.. assassins are melee squishy(easy to kill) light armor dps, who although can go stealth, should have as much or more dps then any other class.. if you can kill me from range faster then i can kill oyu from melee with similar gear then we have a problem.. not only that, but they are the worst dps for pve in the game as well.. i feel like ive wasted over a week of true playtime on someone that requires 10000x more skill then any other class.. plz buff dmg for the melee squishy class


not to mention operatives can do a 5k crit easily, and have stealth

Edited by MrFb
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why? #1 assassins should not be a "tank" class.. just take it out of the game, we wear light armor why would i go tank spec? ...


You're kidding, right?


You do realize that our tank charge/stance immediately grants us extra armor to equal out to heavy... right?


That first statement is so absurd it makes it hard to take the second seriously. Take away flexibility and an entire role from us?

Edited by SeppTB
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You're kidding, right?


You do realize that our tank charge/stance immediately grants us extra armor to equal out to heavy... right?


That first statement is so absurd it makes it hard to take the second seriously. Take away flexibility and an entire role from us?






So you can go toe to toe with a heavy armored wearer then? No companions just you and him.



I think not.


Actually, I've seen it a few times and they die each time.

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why? #1 assassins should not be a "tank" class.. just take it out of the game, we wear light armor why would i go tank spec? #2 in dmg spec there is no way possible unless with battlemaster gear vs non pvp gear and they are below 30% hp, to deal a 5k crit, yet ranged classes can do it like nothing.. assassins are melee squishy(easy to kill) light armor dps, who although can go stealth, should have as much or more dps then any other class.. if you can kill me from range faster then i can kill oyu from melee with similar gear then we have a problem.. not only that, but they are the worst dps for pve in the game as well.. i feel like ive wasted over a week of true playtime on someone that requires 10000x more skill then any other class.. plz buff dmg for the melee squishy class


not to mention operatives can do a 5k crit easily, and have stealth


Made me lol

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I don't have battlemaster gear and am able to crit over 5k. 5232 is my maximum to date, and they average 4.8-5.1k on usual. Guess what? I have stealth just like an operative does too! I can go toe to toe with any class, indeed even heavy armor classes without using Dark Charge of my own, and am able to manage just fine. I am madness spec by the way, with a tanking set too. Edited by Krie_Marina
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@MrFb - Hmm....you should go reroll an Operative if that's how you feel. You obviously picked this class without taking a few minutes to look up any information about the class and formed a blatantly wrong assumption about how the class is played. I'm sorry that you wasted a week before realizing that the class isn't what you're looking for. Good news is that you can check out the class forums, mess around with talent calculators (like the one at torhead.com), and look up youtube videos to figure out what class comes closer to your expectations.



@RikHar - It's not that hard to fight and kill Juggernauts and Bounty Hunters. Even while running a 31/0/10 build. =)

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why? #1 assassins should not be a "tank" class.. just take it out of the game, we wear light armor why would i go tank spec? #2 in dmg spec there is no way possible unless with battlemaster gear vs non pvp gear and they are below 30% hp, to deal a 5k crit, yet ranged classes can do it like nothing.. assassins are melee squishy(easy to kill) light armor dps, who although can go stealth, should have as much or more dps then any other class.. if you can kill me from range faster then i can kill oyu from melee with similar gear then we have a problem.. not only that, but they are the worst dps for pve in the game as well.. i feel like ive wasted over a week of true playtime on someone that requires 10000x more skill then any other class.. plz buff dmg for the melee squishy class


not to mention operatives can do a 5k crit easily, and have stealth


Lawl. Do yourself a favor and roll an Operative. Maybe after that, your arguments might make a little sense.

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Ok so this guy is obviously new to the class, having only played a week, and doesn't yet realize that dark charge is the only way we can survive in pvp. The problem with the changes is that now they have taken away our access to damage/force talents in the other trees, lowering our already subpar damage.


I understand the theory behind the changes. The question is why start with assassins when there are other classes receiving numerous cries for nerfs? Where are all the posts claiming that assassins are op? If the player base was ok with assassins the way they were, then why wasn't BW?

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  • 2 months later...
i think they should get a defensive armor buff. When i am in warzones, and my armor is buffed to level 49, my armor resistance is only 40%. Yes, i am up to date with my gear to. Maybe dark charge is broken. My armor out of DC is 23% with it is 40% (this is warzone) that is not a 150% increase. It should be around 60%. 150% of 23% is about 36%. 36% plus 23% is almost 60%.
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i think they should get a defensive armor buff. When i am in warzones, and my armor is buffed to level 49, my armor resistance is only 40%. Yes, i am up to date with my gear to. Maybe dark charge is broken. My armor out of DC is 23% with it is 40% (this is warzone) that is not a 150% increase. It should be around 60%. 150% of 23% is about 36%. 36% plus 23% is almost 60%.


If you look at the Dark Charge Tooltip it states that it only increases ur armor rating not your reduction.. so if you do the math on your rating not your reduction you will probable find that the increase is correct

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i think they should get a defensive armor buff. When i am in warzones, and my armor is buffed to level 49, my armor resistance is only 40%. Yes, i am up to date with my gear to. Maybe dark charge is broken. My armor out of DC is 23% with it is 40% (this is warzone) that is not a 150% increase. It should be around 60%. 150% of 23% is about 36%. 36% plus 23% is almost 60%.


its armor amount, not mitigation. And it has slight Diminishing returns so its working as intended. Also operatives have abilties that hit hard but have long cds. Shiv has a 6 sec cd, backstab is 12 seconds. Voltic slash for u is no cd. chain projects can hit for 6k. and mauls have lower cd than back stab that can hit for 6k. Its def more of a hit and run type of playstyle but i think the reason theres been no change to deception is cuz once one is geared they are ridiculous. so adding any more defensive capabilty would be op. Its just a class u gotta be patient with once u get gear u will be a wrecking ball of stealth madness.

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why? #1 assassins should not be a "tank" class.. just take it out of the game, we wear light armor why would i go tank spec? #2 in dmg spec there is no way possible unless with battlemaster gear vs non pvp gear and they are below 30% hp, to deal a 5k crit, yet ranged classes can do it like nothing.. assassins are melee squishy(easy to kill) light armor dps, who although can go stealth, should have as much or more dps then any other class.. if you can kill me from range faster then i can kill oyu from melee with similar gear then we have a problem.. not only that, but they are the worst dps for pve in the game as well.. i feel like ive wasted over a week of true playtime on someone that requires 10000x more skill then any other class.. plz buff dmg for the melee squishy class


not to mention operatives can do a 5k crit easily, and have stealth


The first sentence confirmed that you do not know what you are talking about. The rest of your point is moot. If you don't like it, don't play it.

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So you can go toe to toe with a heavy armored wearer then? No companions just you and him.



I think not.


Actually, I've seen it a few times and they die each time.


i kill jugs and PT all the time in my light armor...


i just see a big load of crying from some noob assassin who doesn't know how to play. im top dps almost every warzone(my top game was over 450k damage) usually with most killing blows, and i carry the ball and plant bombs and capture stuff. assassin is an amazing class, it just takes skill and practice to play, the only thing it needs is another defense CD in its deception tree.

Edited by French-toast
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Wow this thread is a truckload of crap.


Nobody ever said Light Armor couldn't tank. If as a person its a non-sense to you, well don't spec for it. Assassin tanking is different from jug and PT doing it, but works extremely well still.


1vs1 assassin is considered as one of the best class out there, especially Darkness. They do not need a buff.


You want a "rogue" its not the assassin its the operative. Do not blame the game if you failed at doing your research correctly before leveling a character about the different playstyle and role.



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Operatives do not crit 5k easily anymore.


Before 1.2 it was possible if you popped relics and caught a non full BM geared player, but after 1.2 its pretty hard to score a 5k crit. Also had some rattaka gear to increase the dmg but seriously if you think assassins need a buff, roll an operative, they are fun to play but also very frustrating at some points (more in PvP terms honestly).


I have a full BM operative and the best crit i did was 5200 against a not fully BM geared player. Againt full BM geared i have scored 4,2K to 4,7K.


Currently after 1.2 patch i have seen metrics of sin DPS and Operative DPS. Sin DPS is about 1600 and operative around 1100. They are not so burst damage anymore, maybe buffed a little more sustained damage but energy consumption (operatives equal to sin force pool) is the main problem.

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So you can go toe to toe with a heavy armored wearer then? No companions just you and him.



I think not.


Actually, I've seen it a few times and they die each time.


I've actually gone Toe to Toe with a Shieldtech as Madness spec and won. It's all about the ability and how you play your character.

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Ok so this guy is obviously new to the class, having only played a week, and doesn't yet realize that dark charge is the only way we can survive in pvp. The problem with the changes is that now they have taken away our access to damage/force talents in the other trees, lowering our already subpar damage.


I understand the theory behind the changes. The question is why start with assassins when there are other classes receiving numerous cries for nerfs? Where are all the posts claiming that assassins are op? If the player base was ok with assassins the way they were, then why wasn't BW?



Survival is nothing without a healer either, I survive just fine in Deception spec, you just need to know when to use your cooldowns and abilities at the given times.

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And there goes all credibility right out of the window.




Haha. That was my first thought on this before the game came out. My second thought was if a tank is wearing light armor they'll have to compensate to heavy in some way. Not a real big leap required there.

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