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Darkness PvP Gearing Help


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Hi! I apologize if this topic is already covered. I recently hit 50 and plan on speccing 31/0/10 for pvp, in preparation for the next patch.


I was wondering which pvp gear set is typically considered optimal for darkness, the stalker gear, or the "tank" gear?

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It's really a personal preference.


If you're in pre-mades and just playing as a ball carrier or a distraction to pull guys out of the objective, then obviously use tank gear.


I'm currently running 31/0/10 with DPS gear and focus.


Burst is still acceptable and I can survive longer.


It's more of a Commendation build than anything.


Pulling about 200-300k with ~10 medals every warzone.

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The Survivor set is pretty much useless for PvP.


Assassins are not really all that ideal for running the ball, since we lack charge.


I run the tank set. I'm pretty sure it's the best one to use. You're always going to be darkness while pvping unless you want to die in 3 hits. Crit does nothing for darkness assassins since a lot of your damage will be from autocritting shocks/chain shocks. And you should also always be guarding someone and using your two taunts to reduce damage to the team. With dark charge up, you're unkillable and still doing good damage if you have Exploit Weakness and the Chain shock and Harnessed Darkness talents (I'm running 27 3 11 and I think it's the best spec). If you want some extra damage, I think get the 4 piece survivor set bonus and then get stalker pieces as you see fit.


As for ball running, I really disagree. You have a 20s cd sprint that breaks impairments, force shroud that also breaks impairment. As long as you save your major cooldowns (Deflection, Unbreakable Will) for when you're close enough to sprint over the fires, you're good to go. I agree charge is better, and Assassins are probably better at guarding the carrier than running it, but we're still quite good at it.

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I run Darkness with the Survivor gear. I'm almost always the ball carrier. When I'm not, I throw my shield on the carrier.


Like the poster above said, using your sprint to break CC and your Shroud to remove impairments really makes you an a ideal carrier. Yes, you don't have a charge ability, but it doesn't matter if you can leave everyone in the dust.


Be sure to read through the post on Resolve on the pvp board; it'll help you to understand how best to use that system.

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The Survivor set is pretty much useless for PvP.


Assassins are not really all that ideal for running the ball, since we lack charge.


but we have force speed that breaks roots and that has saved the game plenty of times on huttball or interuptting someone on void star for planting.

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It looks like i will work on the stalker set then, thanks for ur replies :)


And a focus is viable instead of a shield?


Shield negates almost next to nothing in PVP, therefore most run a focus.


That also means dropping shield talents, such as Dark Ward.

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I love my darkness assassin. Why? U win every 1 on 1 fight, cept maybe good troopers or other classes that can do both healing and dmg. Nevertheless u got real nice survabilty as force cloak, deflection, some selfhealz and stuns and sprint. And ur an all star player in Huttball, wich i personally like the most.


But since tanking stats in pvp r kinda broken, I left out all the pvp stat talents in darkness and only took the utility talents. These combined with avoidance in deception tree and sith defiance from the Madness tree and the high endurance stats on survivors gear and the kick *** utility talents, makes u one awesome tank. Specially for Huttball:


U can easily walk with ball tru fire (Im half battlemaster geared tho) or sprint without losing to mutch health. If u sprint the enemy will probs b to late to stun u on the fire. If u walk over the fire, use your cloak so 90% of all stuns and snares wont effect u for 5s. Also u got a reduced cd on unbreakable will (your cc breaker) if enemy still manage to stun u on the fire pits.

And we got 1 more abiltiy that makes your enemy cry in general chat :p FORCE PULL! If enemy has ball, go stealth to a nearby firepit, wait till the enemy ballcarrier is in pull range, and pull him on the pit as soon the fire is about to come up. B sure to have one or ur stuns rdy aswell for it to work. Electrocute = 5s stun and Spike = 2s stun can with Darkness b used while out of stealth. Ow..ALWAYS check your enemy's resolve bar. They r immune to almost every cc when its full.


Tank stats DO work litlle in pvp tho, its not completely broken. Vs. Marauders and other assassins for example it does make a lil difrence. But there r other threads about this. Im still not sure tho if im gonna buy bm shield next tho....I like the endurance onit..But for now running with champ focus.


Anyway, yea. Darkness assassin is fun to play with a lot of utility for good team play. Or 1 on 1 gank fun in Ilum ;) Im running with 32/7/2

Darkness will b even more awesome with commin changes ;)

Edited by Spacebeestje
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Shield negates almost next to nothing in PVP, therefore most run a focus.


That also means dropping shield talents, such as Dark Ward.


Is it really that useless in PVP? I'm just curious if there's anything to back this up as I can see charges being eaten up in PVP.


I would much rather run with a focus and not worry about refreshing Dark Ward.

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Shields tend to negate only weak attacks and will do nothing against the Tracer Missile that killed you. It's not that they don't work, it's that they don't work on anything you need it to work on except Execute, which is the one attack you don't want to see at all.


Also, the most dangerous classes (Op/Sorc/Merc, take your pick) do the majority if not all of their damage in the form of Force/Tech attacks. A shield might be strong against say, a Sniper, but those aer not the guys you need extra survivality on (and Saber Ward shuts them down quite well).

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I like the 2 set bonus from Survivor, i trait spike to be out of stealth and on a 20s cooldown, so i use 2 for Survivor bonus and rest in stalker.


Im barely starting to gather my champ gear, and i went 31/0/10, I dont get my commedations from dps tho, i get it from Protection. Shield the ball carriers, shield healers, shield anyone who is getting focused on by more than 2 enemies, and you will see the medals piling up, I avg about 6-8 medals just from Protecting people, the rest is just a bonus for me.


As I have been collecting pieces one by one, and slowly building my expertise, Ive noticed that my dmg is increasing and Im breaking 100k dmg when before id barely do 60k-80k dmg. This has been my experience so far with the Darkness pvp set up.

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I like the 2 set bonus from Survivor, i trait spike to be out of stealth and on a 20s cooldown, so i use 2 for Survivor bonus and rest in stalker.


Im barely starting to gather my champ gear, and i went 31/0/10, I dont get my commedations from dps tho, i get it from Protection. Shield the ball carriers, shield healers, shield anyone who is getting focused on by more than 2 enemies, and you will see the medals piling up, I avg about 6-8 medals just from Protecting people, the rest is just a bonus for me.


As I have been collecting pieces one by one, and slowly building my expertise, Ive noticed that my dmg is increasing and Im breaking 100k dmg when before id barely do 60k-80k dmg. This has been my experience so far with the Darkness pvp set up.


Impressive, considering there are only 4 protection-related medals...


Edit: OT, it is hard to say what set to go for.


Atm definitely full stalker set, because def stats hardly benefit you in pvp situations.


But when you do PvE as well, the (champ/bm) survivor's set is great for hms and ops.


But2 BW announced their intention to nerf the PvP gear (so it might not be as viable for PvE anymore in the near future).


Considering all the qq about the viability of tank stats in PvP, we might also see a buff to them at some point.


What I did is going for full champion survivor first, then collecting the stalker set. Now I am working on full bm survivor set, planning to add bm stalker later as well.


Thing is, we don't know how BW is gonna change the game in the next few weeks/months. Collecting full stalker now might be a regrettable choice after a possible buff to survivor.


So it really is complicated to decide what to go for. I'd recommend survivor, if you do both PvE and PvP, stalker, if you solely PvP.


Also, don't forget, that you are reaching a soft cap for expertise around 550, so you'll want to add PvE gear after that. Then it is another question, which slots to replace with PvE items and which enhancements and mods to switch around, and so on and so on....

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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It's really a personal preference.


If you're in pre-mades and just playing as a ball carrier or a distraction to pull guys out of the objective, then obviously use tank gear.


I'm currently running 31/0/10 with DPS gear and focus.


Burst is still acceptable and I can survive longer.


It's more of a Commendation build than anything.


Pulling about 200-300k with ~10 medals every warzone.



you use a focus and run 31/0/10 obviously, so do you constantly pop dark ward, and is it still as effective without a shield generator? just a little curious on that I hate poping dark ward I always forget.

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