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1.1.2 PVP Bag Changes. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (official quote inside)


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Originally Posted by GabeAmatangelo

The cost of Champion and Centurion items are NOT changing.


The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.


To reiterate the mention in my previous post, we will be changing Battlemaster Commendation drops in a future patch toward the same 'steady' progession goal without changing the overall average time to gear up.


Can we just deal away with the RNG completely? The BM bag RNG is a huge problem.

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After opening 42 champion bags i only got 2 tokens... I know im a crybaby cuz i quit the game for that but this makes me comeback...


Never care to find out whats the % of getting tokens in champions bags, can someone tell me, cuz after 42 bags and only 2 tokens looks like 0.00000000001%


What bothers me most is that people reach 50 with 6 bags and the mayority gets 2 tokens and been ranged 52 with 2 tokens makes me :mad:

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GG. So everyone will be full champion geared a a week or two.


lmao. casuals.....


It will take about 3-4 hours of dailies and warzones every night for 5 continuous weeks of farming to obtain a full champ set, 7 weeks for Republic players who can't complete the Ilum quests. I don't see casuals doing this anytime soon. Realistically, it would probably take them at least 2 months to complete their set if they don't play on weekends (i.e. casuals with an active social life).



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buddy of mine has received 5 champion relics in a row.... This is why these changes are happening... They did not intend on people getting the same piece of gear so you can get your companions up to PVP standards. Though it is cool that every one of my companions has a pair of champion gloves and boots.


Good change.

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I love the complainers that are annoyed that new 50's are going to be full champion in a week or two.


Yeah, you probably played since launched and farmed lowbies in non-bracketed warzones to get your gear. Nice work I'm sure that took tons of effort/skills on your part, you "deserve" your Battlemaster title...


The truth of it is that you are no longer going to be able to rely on your gear to save your ***** when you're keyboard-turning/mouse-clicking skills can't hack it any more!




IMHO PvP gear should only matter in open world PvP, everybody should be equal in warzones/tournaments. I think GW2 will have it right when that comes out as far as PvP/tournaments go.

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So maybe im just dumb, but i dont understand this at all, i just hit 50 yesterday and bought 2 champ bags, at the beg of the post i think it said i should get 15 commendations but i only got 3 commendations in each bag plus some cash.


my question is, is that right? bc i though it would be 15 commendation? im just a lil confused so a lil help would be great.


thanks all

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So maybe im just dumb, but i dont understand this at all, i just hit 50 yesterday and bought 2 champ bags, at the beg of the post i think it said i should get 15 commendations but i only got 3 commendations in each bag plus some cash.


my question is, is that right? bc i though it would be 15 commendation? im just a lil confused so a lil help would be great.


thanks all

the notes are about the upcoming patch.


it's upcoming.

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so am i just screwed i take it? i should have held onto the bags?...LOL

I've opened 44 bags and have 10 champ pieces (9 unique) to show for it. 1 in my guild has done better on the raw percentages,


Statistically I think you are better off opening them right now if you have zero or very few pieces.


However, the safe money is on waiting until you can buy them directly or (possibly) scoring a piece in spite of the even lower rate of success on the drop.

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Have any of you done the math on what it will take to get a full champion set? I did....




They are basically locking out PvP gear to only the most hardcore of people that spend their entire day, every day, in PvP. Everyone else is just SOL.


and then someone pointed out a flaw in your "math". Mainly this bit


"Now some of you are going to say "What about daily...", what about them? "



you might say people cant take dalies into account, but thats just simply stupid... i pvp 2-3hours daily to get those quests done, some days its only like 1h....


in a week you would obtain

7x2 + 2x3 bags = 20bags


thats 5weeks of ONLY doing dalies for FULL CHAMP gear... the meaning of the system is to close the freakin gab between newly 50's and bm geared, this is done by rewarding people centurion gear... and each bag gives 15cent commendations...


not only your math is completely garbage, so is your reason behind doing the math..


Excluding dailies in your "math" is a bit silly.

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Have any of you done the math on what it will take to get a full champion set? I did....




They are basically locking out PvP gear to only the most hardcore of people that spend their entire day, every day, in PvP. Everyone else is just SOL.


I disagree. Everyone asked for RNG to be removed and gear progression to be normalized. Pretty much everyone was able to skip Centurion gear and go straight to Champion in a couple weeks with the current RNG system. New 50s would show up and get smoked. Now they'll be able to get two pieces of Champ gear per week and a few pieces of Centurion as well? Seems to me BW got this one right.


So roughly 5 weeks to get Champion gear? Guess what, that's how long it takes to get Battlemaster. It's normalized gear progression. That's a good thing in the long run

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and then someone pointed out a flaw in your "math". Mainly this bit


"Now some of you are going to say "What about daily...", what about them? "





Excluding dailies in your "math" is a bit silly.


Funny how you left out the part where I give reason for not counting daily....I will include it here for ease..


How is it stupid not taking into account something you can't do, or the majority can not do? I have camped my happy little *** on Ilum for an entire day and wasn't able to complete the simple PvP daily, because of how broke the planet is.


So no, it isn't stupid that I am not counting the Ilum Daily/Weekley, because good luck getting it done. My statements were directed at what the player can dependably do, not the "I some how managed to catch a good streak for once in my life and the only time in my life on Ilum and get a single daily done" situation.



You have to be an absolute fanboy to think that Ilum is working on any level, or on that magical server people reference where it seems to work, yet no one can find that server. The truth with Ilum in relation to my math is that it will either decrease the time, awesome, or more than likely increase the time spent. Because of the uncertainty with it, due to its inherent design flaws, it was left out.


I am not against normalizing the PvP gear, but to do it in a way that greatly restricts or inhibits players from obtaining it is wrong. Someone paying to play this game shouldn't have be to an insane hardcore PvP player who has to spend half of his waking hours every day, just to obtain it. I am not saying give it away, but the amount of time we are talking is ridiculous for all but a small group.


This is coming from someone who has been gaming longer than most that read this have been alive. I, along with many others, do not have the ability or time to sit for 8+ hours every day and run PvP. It is just too much....

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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You have to be an absolute fanboy to think that Ilum is working on any level, or on that magical server people reference where it seems to work, yet no one can find that server.


See my signature. I've never failed to complete my Ilum and WZ daily. And I play max 4 hours a day. MAX. We have great PvP on weekends. I was able to get something like 60-70 kills yesterday, and the Republic rolls us and takes over Central, too.


Using server specific arguments in math is like using a variable to come up with concrete "this-is-a-fact" answer. The variable can change, and therefore the result can change.

Edited by alement
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heyo :)


got 2 questions:


1) im just about too hit lvl 50, should be 50 within the next few days, so should i just save up my champ bags til the 1.2 patch is released (just grind dailies to get the bags, max out crafting skills, run OPS/HMS, so i have something to do)


2) anyone know when the patch is gonna be released?


(seems a bit unfair on the players who have had to play with the current system, grinding it out the hard way, lets say everyone holds on to their bags now til the patch is released, everyone will have enough commendations too just walk into the champion gear.

i know im not level 50 yet so i haven't had too deal with the frustrations of grinding out the dailies/commendations but i dont want things handed too me on a plate either, just my 2 cents)

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See my signature. I've never failed to complete my Ilum and WZ daily. And I play max 4 hours a day. MAX. We have great PvP on weekends. I was able to get something like 60-70 kills yesterday, and the Republic rolls us and takes over Central, too.


Using server specific arguments in math is like using a variable to come up with concrete "this-is-a-fact" answer. The variable can change, and therefore the result can change.


You are correct, the variable can change and thus the results, I am simply siding with caution. I am curious, did you miss the hundreds/thousands of threads where people are voicing their frustration with Ilum not working?


EDIT: If you did not miss them then you can reference my fanboy statement. I will also point out that waving the "I am a BM" flag has no weight in this game right now. Considering a massive number of people hit Valor 60 in about a day or so of the 1.1 fiasco.

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I have PvP'd since my toon was level 10 and am not BM yet, nor do I have full champion gear yet. I didn't enjoy being farmed when I was level 20-35 in WZs until they finally bracketed out the 50s who had zero real life other than SW:TOR. I actually stopped PvPing until they bracketed as it was just making the zergbabies fatter. That was only a few weeks ago, so really, unless people were very very lucky with bag drops in the last few weeks since 1.1, yes they got much of their gear before bracketed WZs.


If you weren't level 50 yet by the time they implemented the sub 50 bracket you simply weren't taking the game serious. Really, there where people with two (2!) level 50 characters at that time.


If you had put in your time and effort there would have been no reason as to why you where not level 50 yourself.


On topic: Good changes, just hope the 25% BM Commendation drop rate becomes really 25% and not the 1-3% it is now. There are tons of complaints about this drop rate not actually being 25%. They could simply mail you a BM Commendation if you don't get one from a 4th bag, really tons of solutions - pick one and fix it and make a lot of people happy.

Edited by Scalare
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Have any of you done the math on what it will take to get a full champion set? I did....




They are basically locking out PvP gear to only the most hardcore of people that spend their entire day, every day, in PvP. Everyone else is just SOL.


I average 14 bags per week. It may take me almost 7-8 weeks to get a full champ set at that rate (pretty reasonable), but the cent set can be gained much more quickly (and that will make a new 50 reasonably competitive). Before you talk about how hardcore I am. I play 5 days per week, and only exceed two hours playtime on 2 of those days. Despite this I complete my weekly PvP quests every week, and my daily quests 4-5 days per week.


Also, my main is a sentinel. The only thing that makes me unusual is that I belong to a well organized republic guild that goes out to ilum in force 2-3 days per week and will acutually hold central for a couple of hours through some heavy fighting. If that was more typical I don't think we would have an issue here.

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