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Can you really Blame us?


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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


I understand your frustration, but I stand by my opinion that people should really calm down and stop checking their e-mail every hour and do something else.


Technically you have not spent your 60 Euros (or dollars or whatever) for the early access... You have spent them to play the game. The only money you can say you have given for it is the small up-front deposit - which again will be subtracted from the final price.


And please, just remember that whilst you may be waiting a couple of days, many red zoners will be waiting much longer...


Thanks at least for being constructive, hope you get to play soon.

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Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Yes, I can totally blame you for feeling ENTITLED, which is what is causing you to be disgruntled. Do you get that "I feel that I haven't gotten what I feel like my money is worth" is NOT the same as "I didn't get my money's worth?"


How you feel is only a concern if your feelings were caused by deceptive or unethical business practices, WHICH THEY WERE NOT. Bioware declared the staggered launch on every promo material out there. They declared "up to 5 days based on the order in which code is redeemed" ANYWHERE ANYONE WITH HALF A BRAIN COULD SEE IT.


Then, to add insult to injury, you're still complaining even though they added 2 whole days of not-before-mentioned, in-no-way-promised EG access?!? Really? Stop holding Bioware accountable for you "feeling" that you weren't fairly treated.


People, the world is not your mommy. Everyone else does not exist to cater to you. Grow up already.

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On Topic however, I am interested on how this Wave scheme is truly in the best interest of people, be it the Players or Bioware. I'm asking this truly out of curiosity and not to be a dick.


It's in the best interest of both people and Bioware.


For Bioware it means less people hitting the login servers and less people concentrated in single areas at the same time. Each game server is in fact spread across multiple physical boxes. That's why in WoW for example, you may have seen cases where say, only Eastern Kingdoms crashed while the rest of the server is fine. Less load on each individual box means less lag and less risk of crashing for Bioware.


For us there's that physical advantage, but it also makes for a much more pleasant game experience. When the entire population of a server starts playing at the same time, it's not fun. You spend your time waiting for mobs to spawn as much as killing them, not to mention all the kill stealing you have to deal with. I got in on day one and I've never had a more pleasant launch experience, and I've played a lot of launches.


Staggered release also means less likelihood of queues. After someone's logged in for the first time they don't stay logged in all the time. The population's playtime will disperse a bit instead of everyone trying to log on day one and sitting in queue for hours. Couple that with a more even population distribution and, statisitcally, we should see a lot less queues even after official launch.


A staggered launch is the best idea a company has ever had for an MMO launch from a technical point of view. Unfortunately people are too short sighted to see it.

Edited by Veala
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So when you people get those Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes mails (assuming they don't go straight in the trash) that say "you may have already won $1,000,000!!" all over them, do you rage and cry once you open them and find out you didn't win?


There is nothing deceptive about may, up to, or could. They even said in those same announcements that EA was based on when you entered your code. There is absolutely nothing deceptive about that statement.


Words mean things...learn what they mean.


if it says "you may play up to 5 days early" than yes you are correct.


if it says "Preorder and you may play 5 days early" that is essentially the same as "Preorder and you may go to the bathroom if you raise your hand and ask politely".


You are all nut-hugging bioware incredibly hard. If this was such a non issue there wouldn't be legal definitions for the word and it's implication and cross reference with the word "shall"




MAY. To be permitted; to be at liberty; to have the power.

2. Whenever a statute directs the doing of a thing for the sake of justice or the public good, the word may is the same as shall. For example, the 23 H. VI. says, the sheriff may take bail, that is construed he shall, for he is compellable to do so. Carth. 293 Salk. 609; Skin. 370.

3. The words shall and may in general acts of the legislature or in private constitutions, are to be construed imperatively; 3. Atk. 166; but the construction of those words in a deed depends on circumstances. 3 Atk. 282. See 1 Vern. 152, case. 142 9 Porter, R. 390.


A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.




So, it depends on context which was referenced before.



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I have a brilliant idea, bioware should take down the servers until Friday.

Then see who got access and make them wait at the end of the line.

So those of us at the end are now at the front.


We'll see who's whining, crying, and QQing then.

I'd love to see them post "Due to people belligerently flaming and trolling those not in yet, we have decided to kick you all off, and let them in, then we'll let you in, maybe tomorrow, enjoy!"


Oh the rage that would fill these forums would be epic, so so epic.

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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


You need a giant chill pill. And you're not helping your cause either btw.

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Dude, if you're debating whether to order a $60-80 game or buy groceries I think you need to seek counseling. I'm real sorry you didn't get your invite yet, but your rant is borderline, "I'm a kid and don't have real world worries."


I'm not your dude, pal.


All kidding aside though, you'll have to explain how I sound like a kid with no real world worries when I mention in my post that money is worth something to me. I work hard to earn it, and I paid for something that is currently nothing more than an annoyance of ambiguously worded Early Access claims. And I'm not choosing games over groceries, I'm pointing out what it's worth to me if I spend it another way. I still buy groceries, trust me, I don't starve myself to play games.

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I have a brilliant idea, bioware should take down the servers until Friday.

Then see who got access and make them wait at the end of the line.

So those of us at the end are now at the front.


We'll see who's whining, crying, and QQing then.

I'd love to see them post "Due to people belligerently flaming and trolling those not in yet, we have decided to kick you all off, and let them in, then we'll let you in, maybe tomorrow, enjoy!"


Oh the rage that would fill these forums would be epic, so so epic.


It never occurred to you that most of us wouldn't give a flying fig, did it?

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Yes I can blame the whiners. They all saw what they wanted to see, not what was actually there.


I;m not in yet, will be lucky to get in, and frankly given that I have my annual staff meeting this weekend, I will thus not get to enjoy any of EGA except maybe Sunday afternoon. That sucks, but that's life and I am certainly not going to throw a tantrum like a spoiled 5 year old would, like many on these forums do.


So ya, I blame the users 100% on this. You should have read before you purchased.

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I feel that they are treating people unfairly and it just gets under my skin. Justify things as much as you want, I can't not feel this way and honestly getting angry about something I paid money for is, to me, a very poor way to spend money.


I understand the disappointment but, how is this method "unfair". If you have 200,000 new access slots a day and a million pre-orders how do you distrbute them fairly? They effectively did it first-come first serve based on registering your codes. Most of the delay in registering those codes seems to driven by retailer and customer issues. Would selling different levels of early access at different prices, a lottery or limiting pre-orders to first day capacity have been any more fair?

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I really don't see why people are so upset. I pre-ordered the collectors edition which I picked up today.


I can't play the game yet but I don't stomp my feet around, no.. I was brought up differently I suppose.


It is the 15th today. The day when the EGA should have officially started and still you moan and complain.


You are really embarrassing yourselves behaving in this manner. Please lets all grow up and realise official launch is only 5 days away.


I really wish Bioware opened up the forums on release day instead of having to see all this.


As for me, I'm going to go play Skyrim or CoH to pass the time, I suggest you all try doing something similar.

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if it says "you may play up to 5 days early" than yes you are correct.


if it says "Preorder and you may play 5 days early" that is essentially the same as "Preorder and you may go to the bathroom if you raise your hand and ask politely".


You are all nut-hugging bioware incredibly hard. If this was such a non issue there wouldn't be legal definitions for the word and it's implication and cross reference with the word "shall"




MAY. To be permitted; to be at liberty; to have the power.

2. Whenever a statute directs the doing of a thing for the sake of justice or the public good, the word may is the same as shall. For example, the 23 H. VI. says, the sheriff may take bail, that is construed he shall, for he is compellable to do so. Carth. 293 Salk. 609; Skin. 370.

3. The words shall and may in general acts of the legislature or in private constitutions, are to be construed imperatively; 3. Atk. 166; but the construction of those words in a deed depends on circumstances. 3 Atk. 282. See 1 Vern. 152, case. 142 9 Porter, R. 390.


A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.




So, it depends on context which was referenced before.




once again failure to take the word in context. i can post dictionary things too... mine however will be of the actual word not a synonym.



auxiliary verb, present singular 1st person may, 2nd may or ( Archaic ) may·est or mayst, 3rd may; present plural may; past might.


(used to express possibility): It may rain.


(used to express opportunity or permission): You may enter.


(used to express contingency, especially in clauses indicating condition, concession, purpose, result, etc.): I may be wrong but I think you would be wise to go. Times may change but human nature stays the same.


(used to express wish or prayer): May you live to an old age.


Archaic . (used to express ability or power.)

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This may or may not be true, however I don't see the little box I originally saw it in to refute or bow out.


However the preorder page still states in bold letters at the top




which proves my point in that it's marketing. Which is my entire point.


it doesn't say until you scroll all the way down and open the little FAQ page pull down about waiting til a later date. so, my original point stands. It's not deception. It's just deceptive marketing, which I guess to be completely honest, is always fairly deceptive in some way.


I see what you try to point out but you are mistaken just from the beginning, that's why you defend something totally incoherent here. Let me explain:


The small picture is the way of advertisement. The big picture is the way customers get it. As a costumer, you just don't care the way you understand things but you stuck with the small picture here which is the way of advertisement.


You are a costumer. And you have the ability to read. If you couldnt read, you would not understand the advertisement. Am I correct? Yes


You say it was 'PRE-ORDER NOW AND YOU MAY PLAY 5 DAYS EARLY' but it was not. It was 'MAY PLAY 'UP' TO'. Now everything changes. Cause You will play Up to 5 days no doubt and that being said, it can be 5 minutes earlier even.


Just because you read it wrong is not their fault as it wouldnt be if you couldnt have the ability to read at all. So you still try to defend something very very incoherent here.


Tho, You defend your opinion very well which is not the case here since your 'opinion' is-in fact- is wrong. It's a total misunderstood and that is not their fault either.


I didnt read any of your next posts but if you still try to blame BW here, that means you just try to blame them that's all which in this case put you in another state I would not appreciate.


However, if you understand that you were wrong just because you read it wrong then case is closed and you have no right to blame them anymore.


Simply You were wrong and like some others, I corrected you.

Edited by Joshbonrise
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Isn't this just anger redirected? After all--isn't the fact you are not playing the game right now your own fault? But instead of blaming yourself, you have redirected your anger at BW.


Face the simple fact that for what ever reason--too lazy, too poor, too uninformed, etc... You made the choice of when you pre-ordered. Next time either wait until release and get it day 1 or order earlier.


But seriously--it is your fault, not BW's.

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Just as soon as you realize that customer service is important, and people WILL take themselves elsewhere.


Go play one of the countless other MMOs on the market if you dont like it. This game will not suffer because impatient people leave over something that was detailed explained to them.

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the problem is, what their money is worth. and what they THINK their money is worth. Are two, entirely different things.


Buying the game gives you access to the game, nothing more. If you bought CE it also entitles you to products that the CE was advertised as coming with(the statue, STAP, mouse droid, ect) same goes for the digi deluxe.


Pre-ordering the game, entitles you to the crystal and early game access, nothing more. You where never promised that you would get 5 days of access if you preordered it the day before EA starts. The only people who have a right to complain about ANYTHING is people who got less then they where PROMISED.


For example. I preordered the standard edition, on day one. I was then promised that early access would depend on when you pre-ordered. Which means, if people who preordered after me, got in before me, i have a right to complain.

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if it says "you may play up to 5 days early" than yes you are correct.


if it says "Preorder and you may play 5 days early" that is essentially the same as "Preorder and you may go to the bathroom if you raise your hand and ask politely".


You are all nut-hugging bioware incredibly hard. If this was such a non issue there wouldn't be legal definitions for the word and it's implication and cross reference with the word "shall"




MAY. To be permitted; to be at liberty; to have the power.

2. Whenever a statute directs the doing of a thing for the sake of justice or the public good, the word may is the same as shall. For example, the 23 H. VI. says, the sheriff may take bail, that is construed he shall, for he is compellable to do so. Carth. 293 Salk. 609; Skin. 370.

3. The words shall and may in general acts of the legislature or in private constitutions, are to be construed imperatively; 3. Atk. 166; but the construction of those words in a deed depends on circumstances. 3 Atk. 282. See 1 Vern. 152, case. 142 9 Porter, R. 390.


A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.




So, it depends on context which was referenced before.




Sorry you feel spelling out the cold, hard truth and expecting simple statements like early access is based on when you redeemed your preorder code to be understood without requiring legal parsing constitutes "nut hugging". Get over it.


It's only an "issue" because too many people are whiny morons that can't be bothered to read and understand basic English.

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Oh, no, I think you misunderstood. I read the word "may" just fine. perceiving their intent (not boldly obvious or in anyway available without looking at the forums or a separate article) was the issue. If you choose to correct my lack of "comprehension" perhaps you should check your own first.


It's common business practice. It's like fine print, except they placed it elsewhere to enhance the marketing.


It's fair and totally legal. But it leaves some people with a bad taste in their mouth.


Haven't you ever worked at a retail venue and heard customer complaints about fine print BS?


this is fairly elementary...


I guess it's hard for you to comprehend.


and again, to reiterate, I care more about your lack of comprehension than the fact that i'm not in game. I needed some time off from studying


They make you study in the 5th grade now?

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if they said "might be able to play 5 days early" sure, I wouldn't care(not that I really care much anyhow, since i've got my lest semester worth of finals to worry about) but yeah... poor phrasing.


Might and may mean the same thing in this context.


"You may play up to five days early"


"You might play up to five days early."


These sentences say the exact same thing.


It's not "poor phrasing," it's "poor reading comprehension."

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See, I'd understand your complaint, and the others, IF it was the 20th, and you had to say...wait 10hours in a queue to log in. Or if the game kept crashing to desktop. Or if you didn't GET the game on the 20th, despite having pre-ordered. I really would understand those complaints.


But as I said in another post, this is like complain about not winning millions after buying a lotto ticket, becasue you were promised a CHANCE of winning. Also, there are still 5 days before the 20th. If you get in ANYTIME between now, and then, they will have satisfied their "promise" of EGA.




No that is actually a poor analogy because in the case of the lotto ticket it's already understood that your chances are about as good as being hit by a meteor and lightning at the same time.


Now look at Bioware's ad campaign. "Preorder now and get Early Game Access"


I don't think there is a single person who actually pre-ordered for EGA thinking they wouldn't be able to play it.

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I have not gotten my access on the preorder yet and it sucks but I can understand why they are doing it. I think it is actually fairly smart of them to do it in waves.


I have been in several launches where the sheer number of people crashed the servers, made lag very painful, screen freezes, or just plain made questing suck as I had to wait in a line of a dozen people for a quest mob to appear. Nothing like 3k people in the newbie zone ;)


Not to mention the general population has a nasty habit of finding exploits/bugs the testers did not which leads to server restarts and really long Q's to get back in.


This will spread people out a little and give them a real load test...in case they did not do one in beta.


SO until I get in I am training my patience so as to not fall to the dark side.

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Sorry you feel spelling out the cold, hard truth and expecting simple statements like early access is based on when you redeemed your preorder code to be understood without requiring legal parsing constitutes "nut hugging". Get over it.


It's only an "issue" because too many people are whiny morons that can't be bothered to read and understand basic English.

it has nothing to do with reading or understanding. people KNOW what they bought. They are frustrated because some people are playing at they are not. Why is it so hard for people to empathize. you only "hear" then whining because you keep refreshing the threads.

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