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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Can you really Blame us?


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When Star Wars Episode III came out, I went to the theatre with about 10 people at around noon...12 hours before the premiere. We were really far back in line. The people in the front of the line had been waiting for four days.

We ended up sitting in, like, the fourth row of the theatre. Hayden Christensen is an even worse actor when you're ten feet from his giant emo face.


Did I get mad at the people who were in the front of the line for waiting four days and getting better seats than me? No.

Did I get mad at myself for not spending four days in line and not being able to see as well? No.


I was excited to be seeing a movie on its opening night with other people who were just as excited as me. I chose to spend my four days doing something else. And the people who chose to spend their time waiting in line got a slightly better experience than me.


Because in the end, I still got to see the movie.



Long story short, you chose to wait longer. You don't get the perks of being first. You still get to play this game. You'll get to play it for months or years. In the end, one or two days isn't going to matter.


And this is coming from a Dec. preorder who won't get in until (hopefully) tomorrow.

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Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. ....


As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand.


1. Yes, I can blame you for being disgruntled. I understand the value of money. If you are choosing to play a game over buying groceries that is your problem. Also, you were cheated out of NOTHING. The game is technically not even set to start for 5 days. If you get in tomorrow, then you have still gotten in early.


2. You DID choose to not order in July. You chose to pay your bills over buying a game. Nothing wrong with that. But it's not anyone else's fault either that you needed to choose one over the other. These were your choices whether you like it or not.

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I think what ticked off most of the people that didnt get in the first three days was the way BioWare managed the release.


Stopping at like 2Pm the first day and noon the next with 4 waves that gave everyone not in a bad taste.


Then they took down the server status page for hours when people started listing all the servers where light and standard.


It may have been a good idea and may end up working well.


Their customer service index in most peoples mind went from the high 90's to next to nothing.


They didn't handle the customer service approach of trying to appease the masses and ignored almost everyone that was posting anything about it.


having been a F&I director at a large Car Dealership, You piss off the customer, doesn't matter what you do to fix it they will talk bad about you the rest of their lives.


And BioWare has made 100's of thousands of people angry with them

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This sums it up. Thank you!




I think what ticked off most of the people that didnt get in the first three days was the way BioWare managed the release.


Stopping at like 2Pm the first day and noon the next with 4 waves that gave everyone not in a bad taste.


Then they took down the server status page for hours when people started listing all the servers where light and standard.


It may have been a good idea and may end up working well.


Their customer service index in most peoples mind went from the high 90's to next to nothing.


They didn't handle the customer service approach of trying to appease the masses and ignored almost everyone that was posting anything about it.


having been a F&I director at a large Car Dealership, You piss off the customer, doesn't matter what you do to fix it they will talk bad about you the rest of their lives.


And BioWare has made 100's of thousands of people angry with them

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It's Gamestops fault that they didn't give you the code when you pre-ordered like they should have.


See, that's the thing, I asked them how they were out of codes, and the lady explained it to me. Turns out Bioware/EA told them straight up to stop printing codes.


And sure, even if it's Gamestop's fault, Bioware customer support should have helped me get my code instead of running me around in circles, and then basically telling me "Hang in there, we'll fix it maybe". They're equally to blame, if not moreso.

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Really there is a FAQ that states we will be rolling out slow as molasses? Can you name another launch that has been this slow? Name one...... They had firm dates set before hand. They did not bother to change the advertisements. There was no way to know they were afraid to let people on. There was no basis to believe it. I don't think anyone here can say they expected a 4+ day roll-out.


A simple link that said if you ordered now 3 days early access or what not would have sufficed. Instead there was this notion especially when were being "nice", and giving extra days. That they wanted as many people on as possible. Not that their roll-out was so slow that it required 2 more days to meet their up to 5 day advert.


Here's your first problem, considering this a launch. I know a lot of people want to because your character isn't being deleted yadayadayada. You can consider it "Launch" if you want but that's just a word. The fact is that this is EARLY ACCESS. The game is NOT live yet. You can not walk into Gamestop today, pick up a copy go home set up a subscription and start playing. This is not a released game. The released date IS Firm. 12/20/2011 If you want a firm date that badly then come back in 5 days.


As for the FAQ it does not say "slow as molasses" but it does say that order of entry will be determined by when you redeemed your pre-order code.


It's not Bioware's job to do your crititcal thinking for you. It's your responsibility as a consumer. They are more than covered by saying that you MAY receive UP TO 5 days of early access. This is like going into a store that is having a sale "up to 50% off" this does not mean that every time will be 50% off. Only some items. Likewise not everyone will get 5 days, only some, others will get less. Everyone will get something though.


Once again in case you missed it. They NEVER advertised that you will get 5 full days from pre-ordering. If you can find anywhere that says exactly that and not Up To then you'll have a case.

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See, that's the thing, I asked them how they were out of codes, and the lady explained it to me. Turns out Bioware/EA told them straight up to stop printing codes.


And sure, even if it's Gamestop's fault, Bioware customer support should have helped me get my code instead of running me around in circles, and then basically telling me "Hang in there, we'll fix it maybe". They're equally to blame, if not moreso.


That's hard to prove. If I were Gamestop I'd definitely say that it was Bioware's fault.


As for Bioware giving you the run around, can you blame them? It would be hard to determine if you legitimately didn't get a code or are just trying to get extras

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Sigh...... If they delete your toons then it's not launch. You had early access to play the game.... Also Bioware had their launch party if memory serves me right on the 13th.... This pre-order debacle is another way to pump out a few more sales, and alleviate some load across multiple dates.


Here's your first problem, considering this a launch. I know a lot of people want to because your character isn't being deleted yadayadayada. You can consider it "Launch" if you want but that's just a word. The fact is that this is EARLY ACCESS. The game is NOT live yet. You can not walk into Gamestop today, pick up a copy go home set up a subscription and start playing. This is not a released game. The released date IS Firm. 12/20/2011 If you want a firm date that badly then come back in 5 days.


As for the FAQ it does not say "slow as molasses" but it does say that order of entry will be determined by when you redeemed your pre-order code.


It's not Bioware's job to do your crititcal thinking for you. It's your responsibility as a consumer. They are more than covered by saying that you MAY receive UP TO 5 days of early access. This is like going into a store that is having a sale "up to 50% off" this does not mean that every time will be 50% off. Only some items. Likewise not everyone will get 5 days, only some, others will get less. Everyone will get something though.


Once again in case you missed it. They NEVER advertised that you will get 5 full days from pre-ordering. If you can find anywhere that says exactly that and not Up To then you'll have a case.

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See, I'd understand your complaint, and the others, IF it was the 20th, and you had to say...wait 10hours in a queue to log in. Or if the game kept crashing to desktop. Or if you didn't GET the game on the 20th, despite having pre-ordered. I really would understand those complaints.


But as I said in another post, this is like complain about not winning millions after buying a lotto ticket, because you were promised a CHANCE of winning. Also, there are still 5 days before the 20th. If you get in ANYTIME between now, and then, they will have satisfied their "promise" of EGA.


I Disagree..

The Ad on the screen said up to 5 day advanced game play..


NOT IF you ordered earlier then someone else - you will get in sooner..

That was found out later..


All that matters is they let some in early and others not..


If anyone gets a full 5 days then EVERYONE should get a full 5 days.. IF ordered as a pre-order..

This invites in waves was never discalimered that you might not get 5 days pre launch game time but others would (In the Ad).. No fine print to even warn you..

now that we are past the 5 days and some folks have gotten their 5 days and others have not well THAT is deceptive advertising.. Plain and simple..


You don't have to agree I really don't care..


but those that were left to wait have every right to be pissed off..


Money was exchange and a contract agreed into..

The words MAY get up to 5 days does not let them off the hook at all.. That is not clear enough language for any reasonable lay person to not expect to get 5 days when others have..


Anyone that Pre orderd at this point should have gotten the same 5 days promised of advanced access..

That is why people are upset..

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That's hard to prove. If I were Gamestop I'd definitely say that it was Bioware's fault.


As for Bioware giving you the run around, can you blame them? It would be hard to determine if you legitimately didn't get a code or are just trying to get extras


Yeah, but why else would Gamestop NOT give me a code?


And I can blame them. ESPECIALLY since there are a lot of other people in the same boat as me. I really don't think the threat of someone getting EGA without pre-ordering is not worth pissing off a ton of customers




To the people saying Launch is on the 20th, Bioware disagrees. :p


Edited by Edmund
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Sigh...... If they delete your toons then it's not launch. You had early access to play the game.... Also Bioware had their launch party if memory serves me right on the 13th.... This pre-order debacle is another way to pump out a few more sales, and alleviate some load across multiple dates.


I said people are considering this launch because they're NOT deleting your toons. This is a fallacy since this is Early Access and not launch. When Launch comes anyone will be able to log in whenever they want.


The Launch party for EUROPE was on the 13th. Not sure why but the official release date and the Launch Party for North America is on the 20th.


I seriously doubt that the sales would have varied much one way or another without early access and they have been extremely transparent that a large reason that they're doing early access is to relieve some server load at launch.

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Yeah, but why else would Gamestop NOT give me a code?


And I can blame them. ESPECIALLY since there are a lot of other people in the same boat as me. I really don't think the threat of someone getting EGA without pre-ordering is not worth pissing off a ton of customers




To the people saying Launch is on the 20th, Bioware disagrees. :p



Likely because they'd been mishandling their codes.


There are a lot of other people in the same boat as you because retailers mishandled their codes. Not Biowares fault.

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Because they viewed it as launch is why. The servers will not go back down outside of maintenance, or replacement from this point on.


I said people are considering this launch because they're NOT deleting your toons. This is a fallacy since this is Early Access and not launch. When Launch comes anyone will be able to log in whenever they want.


The Launch party for EUROPE was on the 13th. Not sure why but the official release date and the Launch Party for North America is on the 20th.


I seriously doubt that the sales would have varied much one way or another without early access and they have been extremely transparent that a large reason that they're doing early access is to relieve some server load at launch.

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NOT IF you ordered earlier then someone else - you will get in sooner..

That was found out later..


it was known long long before the 5 days were announced that if you ordered earlier than someone else you'd get in sooner. You should probably read the thread, it's been gone over multiple times.

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