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Can you really Blame us?


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That only works in the case of limited resources (i.e. there is only one checkout counter), that doesn't apply to the internet, especially when during prime-time play hours all of the servers are at light population and the zones in the game are all instanced.


Actually... It does.. There is only so much servers can handle load wise. haha

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You're partially right, I'm not that self-centred. It's more like if we can't all get the same pre-order bonus, why even bother offering a pre-order bonus? Some people getting extra days is not giving everyone the same bonus for pre-ordering.


If you can't have it all, noone should get anything. Not only that, but you want crashing servers on the 20th rather than letting others get something you don't. That is beyond self-centered!

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Original Email Sent out about pre-orders (before 5 days was announced as the time frame):





According to that, they said depending on when you registered your pre-Order would deterime when you would gain early access.



here is the orignal news artical as well ( from Aug 8 2011):





Supplies are limited and the order in which you pre-order and redeem your code at The Old Republic’s Code Redemption Center is the order in which we let players in during Early Game Access - so don’t delay! Visit the Pre-Order FAQs for more details.




Again BW/EA has ALWAYS stated how EGA would work. What is not clear about that.

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I have to agree I have not complained once since early access opened a few days ago thinking I was getting in on the 15th. Albeit its only 10:56 EST and I guess I still could get access as I'm sitting here working from home today and not prospecting for sales which is my job duty. Even if I don't get in today fine not really a big deal but if I'm not in for the weekend I'm really going to be pissed.
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Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. Like I said in a previous post, I was barely getting my rent money together in July because of a huge loss in the amount of hours for employees at that specific time at my place of work. I was also recovering from a break-up that forced me to move to a new place that I now had to pay for on my own.


Poor baby


Fact of the matter is, people who ordered early got in early. People who shop when there's a sale will get items for less than normal, that doesn't mean the merchant should lower their normal price for you because you were unable to buy during said sale


Your personal problems are yours to deal with, not BioWares. Do I feel bad for you? Yes. Do I feel you are justified in complaining about not getting EARLY access because you were LATE? No

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Man wouldn't it suck if you didn't get a game to play after you payed for it?


Oh wait, you are, sweet!


This is the funniest launch I've ever been a part of and I want to thank each and every one of you whiners for providing me hours of entertainment while I sit here at work. Between the folks who think they actually payed for early access to those who think letting millions of people online simultaneously for the first time is a good idea.


What sucks worse is that someone out there will have to pay the same price as you in like Feburary and lose like 2 months of game time!! And oh god forbid they ever reduce the price of the game, bet you would want a refund for the difference eh?


I salute you!

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Customers who redeem their Pre-Order Code at the Code Redemption Center prior to launch will be able to pre-load the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Game Client before the official Game launch. Pre-loading the Game does not grant you access to the Game. Pre-Ordering the Game only allows you access to the Early Game Access period and your Color Crystal. Early Game Access may be up to 7 days. The length of your Early Game Access depends on the date and order in which you redeemed your Pre-Order Code.


i think it is you who failed to read.


Bravo sir.

I would love to just start quoting this in every thread where people act like they are entitled to something they are now.

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That only works in the case of limited resources (i.e. there is only one checkout counter), that doesn't apply to the internet, especially when during prime-time play hours all of the servers are at light population and the zones in the game are all instanced.


that works weather or not there are limited resources. people who buy their gi joe first will be able to play with it before you.


i havent seen any light servers during prime hours. the us servers were mostly heavy last night up until about 2am est. now there are only 2 light eu servers and its still not prime hours.

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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


- Edit -


Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. Like I said in a previous post, I was barely getting my rent money together in July because of a huge loss in the amount of hours for employees at that specific time at my place of work. I was also recovering from a break-up that forced me to move to a new place that I now had to pay for on my own.


to quote Adam Jensen; "I never asked for this."




I would attempt to understand you, however, BW has explicitly stated everything that they intended to do. They stated from the beginning that everyone would have the OPPORTUNITY to play UP TO 5 days. That leaves 1-4. Now, they did us a favor by starting 2 days early and now, from what it looks like, EVERYONE will get 4-5 days playing. What is there to complain about??

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Actually... It does.. There is only so much servers can handle load wise. haha


Yeah except in case you missed the last part of my statement, even during primetime the servers, except in the case of 1 or 2, have yet to get past the "light" population status. And none have gotten past Standard.

Edited by Mltdwn
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So i wait patient on my last day off for prob a month and hope that i can get in and play. if not well i wasted 5 bucks


You did not waste 5 bucks, the pre-order deposit is deducted from the price of the game!


If would get a penny for everyone I have to explain this to I would have almost half a dollar :)

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At least you guys don't have a step father that got in before you guys.. And everytime I walk past the office I see him logged into the game idling as he is on his work lap top working.. He has EGA and isn't playing. But he told me he is gonna stay logged in all day just to spite me. hahaha
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You realize that the problem was created by the whiners themselves, not by Bioware. They created a mass delusion and it went on from there. Do I really need to go into detail? It's been stated over and over on here; but, they seem to only hear what they want to; which, ironically is the very cause of their problems.
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This is how the world works. No point in arguing if it is fair or not. It is how everything done and will always be done. Be glad you know this now from a game and not by not reading the terms and conditions of something actually important like a car rental, or any sort of contract.


Sincerely, Life.

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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


- Edit -


Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. Like I said in a previous post, I was barely getting my rent money together in July because of a huge loss in the amount of hours for employees at that specific time at my place of work. I was also recovering from a break-up that forced me to move to a new place that I now had to pay for on my own.


to quote Adam Jensen; "I never asked for this."




You have valid points plus people need to remember MANY who pre ordered in July did not get codes from Game stop to enter until much much later, one got it as late as December. Some got them right away, some didn't. Wal mart people also got messed up on that.


Don't base something on code entry unless your code time lines are absolutely perfect which these hardly are. (this does not affect me I am talking about the people it does affect)

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You realize that the problem was created by the whiners themselves, not by Bioware. They created a mass delusion and it went on from there. Do I really need to go into detail? It's been stated over and over on here; but, they seem to only hear what they want to; which, ironically is the very cause of their problems.


Wow! Blame the victim. Guess what. Out of the two parties ONE is in complete control of the situation. They could have let everyone in by now without incident and they choose not to so the complaints are inevitable. What I don't get is what you think you are going to accomplish by defending them. They are not going to flag your account to get a special online gift. At least the complaints may actually result in people getting in sooner. What do you accomplish? Squat. Your not making the upset people feel any better and your certainly not getting any reward from Bioware either.

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The point myself and some others have tried making over the past few days is that everyone that is playing now, or not playing yet has paid the exact same amount. The only difference is timing. I understand your frustrations - I'm not in yet myself, but the simple fact is that nobody paid more for a pre-order than people who are waiting until the 20th.
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You have valid points plus people need to remember MANY who pre ordered in July did not get codes from Game stop to enter until much much later, one got it as late as December. Some got them right away, some didn't. Wal mart people also got messed up on that.


Don't base something on code entry unless your code time lines are absolutely perfect which these hardly are. (this does not affect me I am talking about the people it does affect)


This is not Biowares fault though. The codes were given to the retailers. The retailers mismanaged them. Blame there does not lie with Bioware.

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Can you really blame people for being disgruntled?


Yes, I can. BioWare's intentions were crystal clear from the start to anyone with an ounce of reading comprehension skills. Sucks that you weren't able to preorder on time, but your complaint is no different from someone who's upset that they couldn't buy the game until February. You feel entitled to your game now, for no other reason than that you want it. Do you get mad that people get ahead of you in line at the store because they got off work earlier and were able to do their shopping faster?

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First I would just like to tell all the people who are calling everyone who posts an angry complaint or remark saying that they will never pre-order anything from BioWare again a *********** whiner to back the hell off.


Can you really blame people for being disgruntled? Stop and think about it for a second. Some of you may not understand the value in money (not expecting everyone to) but to certain people, dishing out $60 to $80 is a pretty big chunk of money for a video game. Especially when, for example, I can buy a week's worth of groceries with that kind of money. So don't call people whiners and start flaming people when they feel they haven't gotten what they feel their money was worth.


I probably am also not going to pre-order another Bioware game if they EVER re-use this EGA scheme of sending waves out. I don't think my money has been well spent when I'm sitting here, wasting my time feeling annoyed every hour I check my email and still haven't received anything. A feeling, enhanced by the fact that Bioware has done next to nothing to at least tell us approximately when players will get into the EGA.


I can't help but feel annoyed at this, it's just the way I feel and I can't change it, so I'm very sorry, but spending money to feel annoyed isn't a valid purchase for me. I'm sure I'm not alone in this. If I pay for a game, I want entertainment and fun, not the opposite.


Anyway, please note that I'm not bashing Bioware's EGA scheme per-se. Maybe it's a good way to set up launch for them, who knows. All I'm saying is that personally it's not my cup of tea as a launch procedure and I'll take no part in any future releases that are similarly planned.


- Edit -


Been getting a lot of people saying it's people's own fault for not ordering sooner and etc. As I've said before, I didn't choose to not order in July, I would have in a heartbeat. People don't have the extra income to spend on games whenever they feel like it, idk why that is hard to understand. Like I said in a previous post, I was barely getting my rent money together in July because of a huge loss in the amount of hours for employees at that specific time at my place of work. I was also recovering from a break-up that forced me to move to a new place that I now had to pay for on my own.


to quote Adam Jensen; "I never asked for this."




Next time preorder immediatly and you are rewarded. I preordered 21 july and was on top of things.. I got in 5 min after the servers opened 13 dec.


Hanging back and waiting till december to preorder... ah well... now you have to wait


If you wait the line is longer. First come, First Served... cant be more fiar then that.. Some people are just lazy but want to be treated like they are first in line


About the money.. thats alame excuse too because I am still not charged any money. You didnt have to pay anything in july

Edited by Kortak
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Wow! Blame the victim. Guess what. Out of the two parties ONE is in complete control of the situation. They could have let everyone in by now without incident and they choose not to so the complaints are inevitable. What I don't get is what you think you are going to accomplish by defending them. They are not going to flag your account to get a special online gift. At least the complaints may actually result in people getting in sooner. What do you accomplish? Squat. Your not making the upset people feel any better and your certainly not getting any reward from Bioware either.


If they were going to let everyone in on the same day then they might as well have moved the Launch to the 15th instead of the 20th. As for your wild claim that they could have let everyone in by now without incident, you know this how? Crystal ball? Inside information?


I'm not going to get anything by defending them but making sure that fallacies are not spread without being defended.

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