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only took a month and a half...and now...


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I have plenty of content to go thorugh and have had the entire time. I've had to drop more quests levlling in this game than any MMO i've playing in the past. I've been 50 for quite a while and still having lots of fun.


As I said, Capper. Some people will have the issue, others will not. I leveled to 50, and never ran out of quests. However, the fact remains that you reach level 50 playing casually in Under a month and a half. At level 50, peoples focus changes from quests in their log that they may have skipped, to new and exciting things like raids, or pvp.


Gearing in past games has taken almost as long, if not longer than leveling to get to the cap. This game makes it very easy to gear for pve, and makes PVP gear luck based. They're going to correct some of that luck issue, but it still doesn't change the now.


Don't you think it's an issue that you're dropping quests rather than finishing them while they're your level because you Out level them so quickly? I think it's a little bit of an oversight.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Rift has that, you can lose entire zone for a long time...i've enjoed that aspect of the game.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Get Guild Wars 2 when it launches - supposedly what you're describing is the focus of that game.

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I think the leveling process is a huge success. It encourages you to experience the class stories, all of them, precisely because it's so fast. What they should have done, is make the entry level to raiding harder, so that you need the columi from hard mode fp's to do normal and add a 4th set. That, however, would make the casuals cry like they always do when the pinata with purples in it doesn't keel over by looking at it meanly.


BW is a virgin, they had no idea people would play so much and clear so much content so fast. I mean, heck, they are even increasing required exp to legacy! A system that's not even in the game yet! The balancing act of keeping casuals happy while still having non-trivial content is a hard one. I'm willing to give them slack because the infrastructure for an awesome game is there and I understand just how much manpower it takes to make even a simple FP. Most people don't, they think it's just plopping NPC's into a map like bots in an FPS. It's not. Yet people expect operations that need to be designed for 2 raid sizes, on 3 difficulties to be spawned in a month? LOL. It's like people going to a computer store with bullet holes in their casing and say "fix plis".

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I think the leveling process is a huge success. It encourages you to experience the class stories, all of them, precisely because it's so fast. What they should have done, is make the entry level to raiding harder, so that you need the columi from hard mode fp's to do normal and add a 4th set. That, however, would make the casuals cry like they always do when the pinata with purples in it doesn't keel over by looking at it meanly.


BW is a virgin, they had no idea people would play so much and clear so much content so fast. I mean, heck, they are even increasing required exp to legacy! A system that's not even in the game yet! The balancing act of keeping casuals happy while still having non-trivial content is a hard one. I'm willing to give them slack because the infrastructure for an awesome game is there and I understand just how much manpower it takes to make even a simple FP. Most people don't, they think it's just plopping NPC's into a map like bots in an FPS. It's not. Yet people expect operations that need to be designed for 2 raid sizes, on 3 difficulties to be spawned in a month? LOL. It's like people going to a computer store with bullet holes in their casing and say "fix plis".


More importantly your point about casual players may absolutely be the entire truth behind SWTOR. It's made for much more casual players than people like me. Or rather, it's based around the casual players speed of playing.


I'd be perfectly happy roaming around killing things for fun, watching players duel, or seeing interesting things. However, the game really doesn't supply these things. I know I'm being vague on "Interesting things", but I can be. What I find interesting, others may not.


Edit: This idea may not be a bad one for the game. It will retain those subscribers, and those that seek more will simply seek it elsewhere.

Edited by VenthiosLestaran
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exactly.. play Rift ppl.


- dynamic invasions and ingame events

- all tools for adventure / raiding / pvp / etc.

- free spec skill system where u can have many builds to switch between them

- open spec skill trees where u can have 3 class trees to put ur points as u wish

- no lags even with 100 vs 100 fights


Have you guys even played Rift?


Dynamic invasions that are more of a nuisance than anything. They are ALL the same and there is nothing dynamic about them besides happening randomly. The invasions are always the same and get old old old fast.


They have a lfg tool and instant adventure. Not sure what tools you need for raiding besides the 19 other people raiding with you.


Respecs aren't free and become more expensive each time. WOW model.


They pretty much broke every class with constant tinkering... Healers can't heal, DPS can't DPS, and tanks can't tank. Only way to even do content is to use the predefined cookie cutter builds.


You're full of crap saying it doesn't lag with 100 people. It lags with 40 people. Their Warhammer engine sucks. When you get around 40 people in an area mobs and other players fade in and out of existence.

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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.


Rift ---> that way , though i cant guarantee that you find much people doing that dinamic content you speak off unless your in a really good server


i admit , it is fun to do , and it can be implemented here, but there are bigger fish to fry , and that is not something they can do in a few weeks time, so conne back in a few months?

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I just don't get why people are rushing through the game. It's not a race to the end.


I've been playing almost daily since early January and I'm at lvl 29 with a lvl 12 alt. I have 2 and a half days played on my main, but I spend time running around, looking at the environment, and killing random things. It doesn't always have to be about questing.

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Rift ---> that way , though i cant guarantee that you find much people doing that dinamic content you speak off unless your in a really good server


i admit , it is fun to do , and it can be implemented here, but there are bigger fish to fry , and that is not something they can do in a few weeks time, so conne back in a few months?


I don't understand why people respond starting off with a spiteful ----> That way comment. What's wrong with wanting SWTOR to have more, and varied stuff, than they do now? It's like some people are diametrically opposed to having the game get more stuff to do that isn't in the exact narrow lines of the pure theme-park.

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More importantly your point about casual players may absolutely be the entire truth behind SWTOR. It's made for much more casual players than people like me. Or rather, it's based around the casual players speed of playing.


I'd be perfectly happy roaming around killing things for fun, watching players duel, or seeing interesting things. However, the game really doesn't supply these things. I know I'm being vague on "Interesting things", but I can be. What I find interesting, others may not.


Edit: This idea may not be a bad one for the game. It will retain those subscribers, and those that seek more will simply seek it elsewhere.


It's cause everything is jam packed and tightly designed to be someones quest area/mobs. A great thing to add would be a planet with 2 instances and a lot of free space, no pvp zones, no quests, just a forest or grasslands where pvp is allowed, but not encouraged with token objectives like in Ilum. The 2 instances would be on opposite ends and be empire and republic cities where every guild has it's own instance that is a city that you can build, and invite group members in if you want. A place where you can just chill and take a breather.


A place that has nothing of worth to anyone, so no one can harass you for doing what you want to do there.


But now I got sidetracked. The point is, that even if you had every developer in the world making content, it still takes TIME and a lot of it to make operations. The models, the map, the environments, the mechanics, the loot tables, the boss mechanics, the trash etc... all of these need real people WRITING code and rewriting it when problems arise.

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He means things like player created content and player cities, things that made a game like SWG stand out.


Instead we get the cheap WOW clone.


Lazy lazy lazy.


What are you on exactly? You do realize that a sandbox is really easy to manage because you just give your players the tools to make their own fun? Instead they are doing everything themselves, that's the opposite of lazy.


Sorry this isn't your preferred style of MMO but do not go around throwing insults for no reason, that don't even apply. This MMO is anything but cheap on top of it.


MY God this thread. /bangs head in wall

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He means things like player created content and player cities, things that made a game like SWG stand out.


Instead we get the cheap WOW clone.


Lazy lazy lazy.


I love how "lazy" is the new insult that gets thrown around.


NEWS FLASH: You're playing a video game. You're sitting down... safely and anonymously behind your keyboard. You're not training for the Olympics. You're not training to become the next cage fighting phenom. V I D E O G A M E.


You are only perpetuating any number of terrible stereotypes placed on the gaming community by the outside world by calling each other lazy. Try as hard as you can but nobody is scared of you. Nobody feels threatened by you. Nobody is impressed by this type of behavior in the least.

Edited by Anzel
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like...imperial walkers invade a town...the townsfolk are like omg help me jedi, you help fight back the imperials...but if you don't in time the imperials take over the city and build fortifications...but you and your friends via an ad-hoc group take the town back for the republic! etc etc...you know. dynamic.



Rift had stuff like that... and guess what people hated getting killed everytime they wanted to go do quest and crap, it would be nice to have maybe that once a week on saturday or something but doing it every day and blah people will get really tired of it really fast and would end up quiting

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I love how people throw around all these "They should innovate!" and "they need to change this and that" but, when asked *how* exactly, you will, 100% of the time, get "I don't know" or something that's completely STUPID without even a hint of foresight or taking into consideration anyone or anything else than what *they* want.


It's the same in the FPS communities, everyone is moaning about maps being bad etc, then when you go look at custom maps you realize that 99% of the people uploading them couldn't design a closet.

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I don't understand why people respond starting off with a spiteful ----> That way comment. What's wrong with wanting SWTOR to have more, and varied stuff, than they do now? It's like some people are diametrically opposed to having the game get more stuff to do that isn't in the exact narrow lines of the pure theme-park.


Diametrically? did you seriously use a word like that to respond to someone posting said remark? lol.


I actually would rather not have dynamic content on here to be honest; I'd rather just not have to farm armaments, and; when they get released, have some nice shiney new flashpoints/ops to do.


IN MY OPINION (caps necessary) dynamic events here wouldn't work; simply because of the constant instancing, numerous reloads per planet just to land, and long downtimes would mean that by the time a player group could RESPOND to said event the event woulda like played out, badly. This is especially true on the REALLY abandoned worlds, such as Quesh (yeah... it's that really small planet that you kinda were on for about 5 seconds, in case you forgot.) where the planet would simply be trashed to pieces so badly that no new players would be able to do their quests there.


On the flip side, a KIND of dynamic event could happen I guess where a random world which isn't normally accessible opens up; say the imperials invade (lack of bothering with other lore) Yavin 4, Dantooine, or the like and both imperials and republic are able to travel to said world for a certain amount of time *shrug* would be a helluva lot of work though; and there are more important things to fix

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I love how people throw around all these "They should innovate!" and "they need to change this and that" but, when asked *how* exactly, you will, 100% of the time, get "I don't know" or something that's completely STUPID without even a hint of foresight or taking into consideration anyone or anything else than what *they* want.


It's the same in the FPS communities, everyone is moaning about maps being bad etc, then when you go look at custom maps you realize that 99% of the people uploading them couldn't design a closet.


I can design a map, and couldn't design a closet... Well, mainly because I don't actually know what a closet is. Is it the American name for a wardrobe or some other cuboardy type thing, I forget.


But yeah... You might be onto something, Bioware needs to design a world based around cuboardy type things... like a furniture factory planet invaded by imps (it's a god damned awful idea, but you know snipers would love all that cover!)

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On the flip side, a KIND of dynamic event could happen I guess where a random world which isn't normally accessible opens up; say the imperials invade (lack of bothering with other lore) Yavin 4, Dantooine, or the like and both imperials and republic are able to travel to said world for a certain amount of time *shrug* would be a helluva lot of work though; and there are more important things to fix


And on servers with heavy population imbalance? Oh, that's right, the other side would never have a use for it. You might say "you should buff the side with less players then!" Yeah, that worked *so* well in Wintergrasp. Oh, wait, it didn't, it just caused entire factions to server transfer, good going.


EDIT: This is the problem with dynamic events. People will reroll/transfer if their side keeps losing, which results in servers getting polarized even more and you have servers with 0 reps or 0 imps.

Edited by Jandi
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Diametrically? did you seriously use a word like that to respond to someone posting said remark? lol.


I actually would rather not have dynamic content on here to be honest; I'd rather just not have to farm armaments, and; when they get released, have some nice shiney new flashpoints/ops to do.


IN MY OPINION (caps necessary) dynamic events here wouldn't work; simply because of the constant instancing, numerous reloads per planet just to land, and long downtimes would mean that by the time a player group could RESPOND to said event the event woulda like played out, badly. This is especially true on the REALLY abandoned worlds, such as Quesh (yeah... it's that really small planet that you kinda were on for about 5 seconds, in case you forgot.) where the planet would simply be trashed to pieces so badly that no new players would be able to do their quests there.


On the flip side, a KIND of dynamic event could happen I guess where a random world which isn't normally accessible opens up; say the imperials invade (lack of bothering with other lore) Yavin 4, Dantooine, or the like and both imperials and republic are able to travel to said world for a certain amount of time *shrug* would be a helluva lot of work though; and there are more important things to fix



Did I seriously use English? Yes, I did. It's not just against Dynamic content, but I've noticed a trend that people just tell you to get the hell off the forums instead of actually looking at what they have to say.


I like your idea about random planets opening up and such, something that POPS on your galaxy map and gives you a notification via holocom. That would be really interesting. Imps, reps, whatever. It could be pretty interesting, go there, find others, do the event in the time allotted, get the reward and move on to whatever you were doing. It's a great starting point for an idea that could flourish.


I'm sure ideas like that got tossed around in development, they were simply turned down for what they chose to present. Good thinking.

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And on servers with heavy population imbalance? Oh, that's right, the other side would never have a use for it. You might say "you should buff the side with less players then!" Yeah, that worked *so* well in Wintergrasp. Oh, wait, it didn't, it just caused entire factions to server transfer, good going.


I wasn't referring to a PvP content style thing, I used the wrong word there I meant Republic OR Imperials could travel to it, as in similar to the early worlds where imperials/republics don't share the same planet (Balmorra for example) I kinda didn't phrase the whole thing well because it was an on the fly whilst I type idea. I also assumed it was obvious I was refering to PvE not PvP content; as in my opinion the only issue with PvP content at the moment is damned armaments. (though more maps would be nice, and no doubt will come in the near future)


Edit: Your edit sums up the other half of why I think Dynamic events wouldn't work here; and why I suggested opening up another non-normally accessible world for a "Dynamic" system. As stated though it would HAVE to be PvE content exclusively because otherwise many servers would simply have one side turn up without the other.


Edit 2: And nope, I wouldn't say buff the weaker side, I love being the numerically inferior side... because inferior numbers doesn't stop you having the max number of players in a WZ, and lets face it no one pvps on Ilum anyway because of stupid armaments (not to mention if you can't guarentee victory it's rarely worth the risk of powering up the other side more)

Edited by Genesis_Shadow
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I wasn't referring to a PvP content style thing, I used the wrong word there I meant Republic OR Imperials could travel to it, as in similar to the early worlds where imperials/republics don't share the same planet (Balmorra for example) I kinda didn't phrase the whole thing well because it was an on the fly whilst I type idea. I also assumed it was obvious I was refering to PvE not PvP content; as in my opinion the only issue with PvP content at the moment is damned armaments. (though more maps would be nice, and no doubt will come in the near future)


Umm... how is that different, really, to how it is now? Operations open once a week, flashpoints once a day, at noon, when they reset. Or you mean at random times? Well, that wouldn't be "random" for long and people figure out the times. Then you would also get the "so, we are supposed to sit in imp fleet just in case it opens to get the best stuff? Screw that" If it wasn't the best loot, people would go "Why bother, the loot is crap anyhoot".


I hope you see the *possible* dilemmas here.

Edited by Jandi
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