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Looking for best tank in the Sith?


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I'd like to hear some thoughts out there from the always helpful community. I currently am leveling a concealment Operative (main), and I am looking for an alt. I thought Sorc would be cool until I saw the overwhelming population of them on my server.


So -- best tank class? I'd prefer a lightsaber class, as I it would be new for me. Thoughts?

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I'd like to hear some thoughts out there from the always helpful community. I currently am leveling a concealment Operative (main), and I am looking for an alt. I thought Sorc would be cool until I saw the overwhelming population of them on my server.


So -- best tank class? I'd prefer a lightsaber class, as I it would be new for me. Thoughts?


Well, if you're looking to be a tank, you can't go wrong with a Sith Juggernaut.

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"Best" is really a matter of personal preference and opinion, so you're going to get a lot of different responses on it.


If you really want a lightsaber, then you're looking at either an Assassin or Juggernaut. Assassins use light armor (it's buffed to be comparable to heavy, but still looks light and robe-y) and a double-ended saber. They get Force Pull (if spec'd for tanking) and can run in to attack targets at close range.


Juggernauts wear heavy armor and use a single lightsaber. They don't get pull, but have Force Leap and Push, as well as Choke (which becomes unchanneled through talents in tanking tree).


Both of these classes also have 2 DPS trees, the Assassin has one focusing on stealth and one with a stronger focus on DoTs. While the Juggernaut can either focus on DoTs and Lightsaber attacks or Force attacks. It really just depends on what you're interested in. Personally, i prefer the Juggernaut and i think the Sith Warrior story is more interesting than that of the Inquisitor -- but that's just me.

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Both force-using classes can serve as tanks. Juggernauts are your traditional, heavy-armor-wearing melee tanks. Assassins, while wearing light armor, can certainly serve as main tanks because of how Dark Charge works to increase the armor value of items worn to equal that of a heavy-armor user. Assassins, in my opinion, tend to have better AoE threat gen, and are a tad less spikey with incoming dmg (i play a healer) than Juggernauts because of their self-heals. Juggernauts have a slightly more useful 'gap-closer' ability to get them in range to begin tanking.


It's pretty early in the game to truly claim that one is 'better' than the other. With comparable gear, both Juggernauts and Assassins can make fine tanks, it just boils down to personal preference and sometimes player skill. There is currently a known issue with lack of CRAFTABLE shields for Assassin tanks - that's not to say they don't exist, just that artificers can't produce them.

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You guys rock-- thanks so much. The assassin is so cool, let's be honest, I mean who doesn't want a double-ended ls? BUT----- I get my stealth jollys from hidden strike as is. ;)


I think the Jugg will be a nice change of pace for me. I think I will do that. I really appreciate the perspective. Cheers!



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I'd like to hear some thoughts out there from the always helpful community. I currently am leveling a concealment Operative (main), and I am looking for an alt. I thought Sorc would be cool until I saw the overwhelming population of them on my server.


So -- best tank class? I'd prefer a lightsaber class, as I it would be new for me. Thoughts?


Best is always a tough term. You can think about it from a threat standpoint (i.e. ranged-tanks are great for those peelers that run to the healer or dps that picked the wrong target), mitigation (Juggernauts likely have the best pure mitigation), avoidance, etc. A nice aspect to this game is that three different classes have viable tank options, and while I haven't done ops I have found no issue as a healer keeping an Assassin, Jugg, or Powertech alive.




I would say the Juggernaut overall however is not only a Lightsaber user as you wish to have, but probably the closest to your prototypical sword-n-board (despite no board per se) tank whereas an Assassin with his light armor may feel like a more active, frenetic tank if you like that approach.

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Judging on feedback i've read thus far, the Assassin appears to be the most 'underpowered' of the three tanking AC's available. Simply put, the assassin CAN tank, but the Jugernaught AND Powertech seem to have the better variety of tools and capabilities available.


The 2nd poster i believe also forgot to mention that aside from Force Choke you also get saber throw which is a BRILLIANT rage builder.


One of my favourite combos if i am getting rage starved is to use Force Push to knock an enemy away, follow up with a saber throw (builds 3 rage) THEN Force Charge to build another 3 rage. It also deals reasonable damage while doing this!


TBH i do LOVE my jugernaught. Its a bit nasty if you've got DPS hitting multiple targets as your AOE damage is RUBBISH!... but i've had little problems holding threat on e.g. 2 targets at once if they are both coming under a lot of damage... and can easily speed-build threat using backhand/force scream and revenge hits....


However, i would NOT underestimate the Powertech (bounty hunter). Their ability to generate 'mass' threat through their various AoE attacks is amazing! Especially at the lower levels they really do beat the Jugernaught in EVERy arena except for possibly survivability CD's... and even then its a close call.

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