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Way too many 'no mount zone' timesinks


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Well, I lasted to lv41. But I've just about had enough now I'm on Hoth. The 'travel-to-action ratio' has just got to the point where the game is no fun.


Why oh why must we endure the huge amount of massive empty hangars, orbital timesinks, caverns, and bases, where we completely arbitrarily can't use our speeders?


They are a completely artificial and wholly unneccessary timesink


We can mount in the busiest areas of the fleet... so why not in these big empty friendly structures!! (I'm not asking for it in hostile areas)


When combined with the loading times (loading Hoth is particularly bad for me) and the clumsy inter-planet travel system, these no-mount zones are just a timesink too far.


Yes, it's an MMO, and these artificial timesinks unfortunately are seen as a necessity to developers - to increase hours of play and subscriptions. But it's just too much in certain areas of SWToR.


Just allowing players to mount in friendly bases, hangars, starports, and orbital stations (or better still... remove orbital stations and maybe hangars!) would make the game a less frustrating experience.


(And before any WoW comparisons... remember, it's competing with modern WoW, not at-launch WoW. And of course, WoW doesn't have the same number of large interior areas)

Edited by bluescrn_ofdeath
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The sheer diversity of topics people feel the urge to whine about is amazing on these forums.


Or indicative of how lacking this game is.


EV provides ample time to reflect on your failures as a person after a wipe and running back from your nearest speeder point to the next boss. If it was a bug that wiped you then you have time to write a trouble ticket about the same bug that has been there since beta. Make sure you have a straight area to auto run though since follow is so iffy.

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really ?


your mad becasue you cant ride the speeder in-base ?


and that's ...what? ... what percentage of travelable area ingame?






about 40% I would say, boo.


Remember that these time-sinks aren't there to make the game longer they're there to make the game longer without having to have actual content, you should feel ripped off every time you go through an orbital station, gone are the days when travel was seen as a way of making the world seem like more then a bunch of levels gone are the days whe...[code:4 rebooting... bioware.drone activated, excuse mode.]


Hey now, Sw:ToR is a very fine MMO and all MMOs have useless time-sinks, you wouldn't complain about having to shoot people in an FPS would you? I think you'll find Sw:ToR has probably got the shortest time-sinks and the fastest mounts in MMO history, incidentally did you see that 85% resub rate in the financial news, now that's worth talking about!

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Its just rough with the mounts not even being that much faster, 90, 100, 110.

I love the nonmountable areas.

Especially stuff like the first FP Black Talon. You can mount anywhere you want there, when typically you wouldn't have even had a mount that early on.

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Well, I lasted to lv41. But I've just about had enough now I'm on Hoth. The 'travel-to-action ratio' has just got to the point where the game is no fun.

In my opinion, Hoth is by far the worst travel-to-action ratio of any planet. On my first toon, it wasn't as bad because I took Bioanalysis and killing monsters along the way for "skinning" broke up the travel. Now that my second toon is on Hoth, it is painful. The xp for killing the silvers isn't worth the time delay. Hoth either needs more quests or less traveling between questing areas.

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It took Blizzard how many years to figure out mounts should be usable in Undercity?


It is not fun running around where there is no threat, no NPCs, and no purpose.


I'm all for dismounting people that access the Broker, talk to NPCs, etc, but it's annoying to constantly run around empty space just to reach the end of a 200m hall way.

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