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George Lucas rumored to be erasing original trilogy (and he should).


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I really wish Lucas would sell the Star Wars rights to like a collective of Expanded Universe writers or even two the doctors at Bioware.


Star Wars was and is a fantastic idea, one that could be made far superior if taken away from Lucas and given to competent universe builders.

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Lucas doesn't own the story anymore (from a fan perspective) and anything he does is just from a spoiled tantrum throwing child's point of view.


Which, ironically, is itself a very spoiled tantrum-throwing child's point of view. Lucas does own the story. Get over it.

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Which, ironically, is itself a very spoiled tantrum-throwing child's point of view. Lucas does own the story. Get over it.


Which, doubly-ironically, is itself a very spoiled tantrum-throwing child's point of view. Star Wars fans aren't obligated to like everything Lucas does. Telling them to "get over it" is an incredibly childish response to someone with an opposing opinion.

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I'm gonna go sit in a corner and repeat the phrase "it's just a weak rumor" like a mantra.


The article makes an impression of a guy who outright HATES the prequels and all it's characters, making up conspiracy theories about Lucas and the the OT..

Edited by Mechavomit
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there's an interesting article over a rumor that George Lucas intends to undo the events in the original trilogy and that he should).


The idaa is that some bounty hunters develop time traveling technology and go back and prevent anakin from becoming Darth Vader. I'm assuming this also prevents Palpatine's plans to come to fruition.


Read more here:

How George Lucas May Erase "Star Wars"


Bad troll, go back under your bridge. Where do you get your conspiracies from, the leprachaun who rides unicorn sprinkling fairy dust from his magical lamp filled with purple smoke that comes from mount olympus? Seriously whoever believes this needs to go to the doctor and ask if he can give you something for the case of the 'stupids'.

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Hey everyone, i heard that Lucas is making a spin off of the series completely based of the gungans. See a rumor. everyone can make one. doesn't mean its true. and OP, just go. The original trilogy is the only good movies. the original original that is before we goofed with them and put them on dvd
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I'm very much in the skeptical/nonbeliever camp on this one. But assuming its true for a moment, it seems like a strange direction for GL to go with the franchise. Time Travel doesn't seem very Star Warsy to me. It sounds like he saw Star Trek (2009) and said, "hmm maybe thats how we undo all that stuff that made me a house hold name."
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Two sources that refer to it as an unverified rumor still makes it an unverified rumor.


If you read the link it says as much.


Again, it can’t be stated clearly enough that this is just a rumor right now. Heck, it sounds more like disgruntled fan fiction than anything, but we’ll all have to wait and see how things shake out with the shelved series.
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Which, doubly-ironically, is itself a very spoiled tantrum-throwing child's point of view. Star Wars fans aren't obligated to like everything Lucas does. Telling them to "get over it" is an incredibly childish response to someone with an opposing opinion.


And once again, as if I cannot say this enough, I'm not responding to a reasonable expression of dislike. I'm responding to the ridiculous assertion that "Lucas doesn't own the story anymore" (He does) and unfounded personal attacks like "anything he does is just from a spoiled tantrum throwing child's point of view." (Look in a mirror, eh?)


Liking or disliking is beside the point, and not an issue. It's the overly hostile and borderline delusional bull@#$% that is beyond the pale.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Well, ( and hi there, haven't been on these forums in a few weeks as I'm too busy playing) there are a ton of things that press the wrong buttons about the canon stuff...here's one example.


In the books they actually made excuses ( that being crappy servos or something) as to why Vader changed his fighting style (as seen when he fought Ben and later Luke). You know, what-ever. The guy in the Vader suit was actual sword-master! In other words, if you fought with blades in a real sword fight the way they did in the the SW 1,2, and 3 you would die at the hands of a man who makes himself a smaller target and uses only efficient accurate strokes. Also, watch the movie too! Vader was NOT exerting himself. He was trying to subdue an unskilled fighter and beat down an old man. Conclusion; it's not necessary to explain in canon terms that which can obviously be attributed to story telling style. Use your imagination.


I'm sure this has all been debated for years. Maybe, fans try to go too deep sometimes. Maybe George pandered to the fans a bit too much and now he's got this mess. Or is it a mess? It's fiction. The next book he writes could have the whole galaxy getting sucked into a super-massive black hole. After all, it was long, long, ago and far, far, away.

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And once again, as if I cannot say this enough, I'm not responding to a reasonable expression of dislike. I'm responding to the ridiculous assertion that "Lucas doesn't own the story anymore" (He does) and unfounded personal attacks like "anything he does is just from a spoiled tantrum throwing child's point of view." (Look in a mirror, eh?)


Liking or disliking is beside the point, and not an issue. It's the overly hostile and borderline delusional bull@#$% that is beyond the pale.


Technically, he said that Lucas doesn't own the story as far as many, or maybe most, fans are concerned. Which is true.


Lucas can tell me that Jar Jar Binks is part of canonical lore all he wants, but I'm going to pat him on the head and keep reading EU books and playing Kotor.


What he does with the story from here forward has nothing to do with how I see Star Wars.


I have an image of Star Wars in my head, and it's more EU and Kotor than Episode 1-6.


Oh, and in that image, Han shot first.

Edited by Yfelsung
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Not true. I'm a huge Star Wars fan, and I love the "original" original trilogy before Lucas decided to start fiddling with it. I'm talking 1995 THX VHS release. And I'm also not a fan of the prequels and everything they changed (midichlorians anyone?). So yeah, lets not go using blanket statements about groups of people, it makes you sound like an ignorant arse.


Exactly... and Star Wars fans have even kind of written GL out of the EU... canon levels were reestablished, With A canon including the original three and the EU, with most of the comic books and the some of the games. B Canon includes all games and EU... G Canon is the Prequels, the Cartoon, and some of the out of the Ranch addendums.


The Fan base allows Lucas to play with his toys because we can't stop him, but it doesn't mean we have to stop playing with the ones he doesn't like anymore. He can keep Jar Jar.

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Im curious what GL will change in the original trilogy he didnt already change for 3D version?!? I highly doubt the article but it would be laughs. I also cannot believe George hates the original trilogy since his entire livelihood and company is directly attributed to original SW.
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What he does with the story from here forward has nothing to do with how I see Star Wars.


I have an image of Star Wars in my head, and it's more EU and Kotor than Episode 1-6.


Putting it that way is fair enough. I too believe that what constitutes "canon" is a personal choice, and that anything can be discarded or accepted at will. But it was not a reasonable post like this that I was responding to.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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