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What am i supposed to do till march?

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yus. I'm looking foward to March new FP called "lost island" some unknown raid comin out too. What i am doing now? raid logging every tuesday to zerg Nightmare 16man kp/ev for 2 hours. Casually lvl an alt inbetween time.


Hope that new raid doesn't take 2 hours to clear >_> ..what else ..i hit BM already ..no point in it now am i right?

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I actually agree with this.

They make their content easier than other games, so people are going to go through it faster. They should be pumping it out faster than a heroic and an ops every half year. Game will get stale fast.


This is not WoW, where when they put out a new raid they expect it to take at least a year for most guilds to get through it.

Edited by Nightfox_
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i already have two 50's i raid on weekly, and ilum pvp takes allot of time. also becoming hutt rich takes some time, currently on 6million credits. there is allot to do in this game. get together with friends level a group of 4 alts together and harrass low level reps(or emps). Raiding in this game is a tad easy but with bugs like nightmare ev puzzle boss bug it can be uber frustrating. when stupid bugs wipe your raid it adds to the difficulty i think, maybe thats why they havent fixed them:)))). in other words alts r cool raiding is fun for two days. hell i even go clear normal mode content just to have a raid to do^^. but all i all new game new stuff to do from many different angles. so dont hate so much k?




ps. blizzard puts out raids that get cleared on heroic in the first day also. if it takes you a year to beat deathwing heroic u r doing it wrong.

Edited by ppljuice
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i already have two 50's i raid on weekly, and ilum pvp takes allot of time. also becoming hutt rich takes some time, currently on 6million credits. there is allot to do in this game. get together with friends level a group of 4 alts together and harrass low level reps(or emps). Raiding in this game is a tad easy but with bugs like nightmare ev puzzle boss bug it can be uber frustrating. when stupid bugs wipe your raid it adds to the difficulty i think, maybe thats why they havent fixed them:)))). in other words alts r cool raiding is fun for two days. hell i even go clear normal mode content just to have a raid to do^^. but all i all new game new stuff to do from many different angles. so dont hate so much k?




ps. blizzard puts out raids that get cleared on heroic in the first day also. if it takes you a year to beat deathwing heroic u r doing it wrong.


The game is very Basic even to a casual like myself. Persoanly i feel i should not be grinding the limited fluff content or rerolling 6 weeks out from a release. Granted ive had more free time then i do normally. have maxed faster in this game and tiered through gear progressions that are not even really worht the time spent. faster then any game ive ever played. I find the group mechanics very very easy all but a few fights in FP's . And the normal mode raids are one trick ponies. Not hating on the game but we do need to feedback why we are not liking the endgame.

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i hope so. but i can't remember a single example of a game that got MORE difficult as it matured.


Deeper we can hope for, with time, but...i was really hoping for more myself. i'm having fun, but then again i just started raiding last week. I imagine next month may look a little bleaker if we one shot through everything.


Ah well, Hutt rich sounds like a good plan too.

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