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Why does everyone assume a BM gear nerf?


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It is our intention to gradually, over multiple patches, reduce the impact of situational consumables on endgame combat resolution and shift the factors which determine the outcome of combat more towards personal skill. As part of this effort, specifically for PvP, we are also working on changes that will reduce the gear related power difference between new characters at level 50 and players in full PvP gear. We feel that at the current time, this difference is too high.


When I read what he said, I assumed they'd be adding blue pvp gear back into the game, as starter gear for 50s so they won't get torn apart in the 50s pvp bracket. Nowhere did he say they were nerfing BM gear. But everyone starts screaming as if the sky is falling when we really have no clue what their plans are.

Edited by Lady_Alyria
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Because Battlemasters are the biggest cry babies in the universe. They want all that Ilum farming to mean something.


Unlike the people who seem to believe that everyone ahead of them exploited to get there.


They are super-mature and absolutely never QQ.

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When I read what he said, I assumed they'd be adding blue pvp gear back into the game, as starter gear for 50s so they won't get torn apart in the 50s pvp bracket. Nowhere did he say they were nerfing BM gear. But everyone starts screaming as if the sky is falling when we really have no clue what their plans are.


Perhaps by granting startup expertise gear, their BM gear becomes less effective on new 50s. Therefore, it is a "nerf" to their gear for doing less dmg to the ungeared.


I dunno... I'm trying to find some rational to their thinking.. but I really can't.

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I'm all for giving an advantage for people who have put more time into the game, but the BM sets are a bit ridiculous, especially now that they took the randomness out of the BM gear but kept it for champs/cents. I also read in a dev article prior to the release of this game that the devs only wanted the BEST pvp gear to only give a 10% stat boost over fresh 50's. There is absolutely no way you can sit there and say that as currently implemented that the current BM gear is only a 10% boost.
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you realize everyone is someone else's "no lifer" right?


To some people playing a star wars online video game at all qualifies you for that title.





That being said:


Gear based games are always terrible wheel grinds. "Oh I have to beat this monster so that I can get this loot so that I can get stronger so that I can kill this monster so that I can level up so that i can.."


etc etc etc


There's no end, it's just a carrot ona stick waiting for new "content" to be patched in adding more grind.


If they can achieve a fun to play balanced pvp situation that gear is more about choices of strategies than of time sink (IE: Choosing which stats to stack rather than rewarding the guy who has 10 hours a day to farm) than they will have succeeded in making a fun game.


They will also watch their game fail miserably as people, as much as they cry otherwise, love their gear grinds and pout and cry when they can't go farm an unfair advantage over more skilled players.

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you realize everyone is someone else's "no lifer" right?


To some people playing a star wars online video game at all qualifies you for that title.





That being said:


Gear based games are always terrible wheel grinds. "Oh I have to beat this monster so that I can get this loot so that I can get stronger so that I can kill this monster so that I can level up so that i can.."


etc etc etc


There's no end, it's just a carrot ona stick waiting for new "content" to be patched in adding more grind.


If they can achieve a fun to play balanced pvp situation that gear is more about choices of strategies than of time sink (IE: Choosing which stats to stack rather than rewarding the guy who has 10 hours a day to farm) than they will have succeeded in making a fun game.


They will also watch their game fail miserably as people, as much as they cry otherwise, love their gear grinds and pout and cry when they can't go farm an unfair advantage over more skilled players.


There's a big difference between playing a game after work or a few hours a night in contrast to someone that plays 8 hours a day with an elitist condescending attitude towards "casuals".

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There's a big difference between playing a game after work or a few hours a night in contrast to someone that plays 8 hours a day with an elitist condescending attitude towards "casuals".


I know plenty of girls that think guys that play video games AT ALL are "no lifers".

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the only person here with a condescending attitude is you.


You think people who play more than you are losers. You justify your play level and the people who would dismiss you as a loser you think are not worth listening to.


Yet you think we should care about your opinion.


Sorry, doesn't work that way.

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