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Now you have framerate, now you don`t.


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Hey guys and galls,


I just got my invite yesterday and the first thing I did was turn all the graphic settings down to low because I know that even if I met the reccomended system requierements it doesn`t mean I can play this amazing game at full resolution and texture detail.


I was surprised how great the game looked even with everything turned down and i was getting acceptable frame rate for the first couple of minutes.


Then I enter the first outdoor combat scenario and the game decided NO MORE FRAME RATE FOR YOU! and it wen't downhill.


I thought here we go again, I gotta invest in another PC, but then I enterted a story area. BOOM 40 frames per secon, fluid combat, I could even see the move animations of my character (oooooh that`s what slash is supposed to look like).


Sufice to say that I was left baffled about the difference in performance. I get it that outside takes more computing power but can it go from absolutley fluid combat to unplayable?


Thank you in advance!


P.S. No the server wasn`t at all crowded.

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Core 2 Duo 2.8, 8600GT (of the top of my head), 4GB RAM, you know standard.


Dang man your rig is insane outdated. You're getting performance issues because your video card can't handle the shaders and your processor can't handle the insane amounts of information coming your way.


The reason why it runs so laggy in outdoor areas is because of the draw distance. The draw distance is much smaller when inside room or instances. Outdoor areas and wide expanses cause much more stress on your system.

Edited by Der_Toter
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Core 2 Duo 2.8, 8600GT (of the top of my head), 4GB RAM, you know standard.


I got almost the same system.

AMD 2,8 Dual core, but i got a 8800GT which is like 3 times as good as 8600.

So my suggestion is to by a new gpu.


When i tried sw tor i had the 8600 and it didn't work smooth, at all!

10-20 FPS in crowded areas, 5-15 in Warfronts (Unplayable)

With 8800 GT i will get around 25-40 in warfronts, and 30-50 in crowded areas, atleast i hope :)


But something close to it, and btw i played on Medium with 8600 to get so low.

Edited by Tiriensoul
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2400 does exist.


Yes, there are i5 2400's, but there's no such thing as an i5 2400k.


Anyways, Core 2 Duos and Core 2 quads aren't that slow... they're definitely old, but the CPU industry doesn't move very fast. It's definitely the graphics card that needs some updating.

Edited by DarthSiricus
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