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We are the laughing stock of PvP


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More arrogant drivel being spouted. I have 1v1'd Rage Marauders as a Carnage/Rage/Annihilation Marauder aplenty, and I assure you, for 1v1 it is the weakest spec of all 3. Predicting the smash is easy, and dodging or negating the damage is easy; especially as Anni. Force Camo to a smash = 0 dmg, and if you miss even 1 smash...it's gg.


you do know that your trying to argue with an agreeing man right? l2read

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clearly neither of you read my first post, the one that some one replied to, to which i replied again, which is the one you quoted


i can certainly 1v2 people ... and even live most of the time ... but to say its so easy its a joke, not in a million years ... unless they are 2 braindead keyboard turners


it takes every CD you have to win a 1v2


and if you pop CoP other classes can definitely stun you and wait it out, and good players do so quite frequently


and with camo ... yea, i escape alot, most of the time even, but its far from guaranteed, if im tying to escape someone with 30m big hits you pretty much have to predation first, if they have half a brain they will find you and kill you when camo ends


learn what you are responding to before you post ... i have L'd2P, i love my marauder, its fine, and im pretty damn good with it


but BS is BS no matter what side of the fence its on


and people exaggerating (greatly in this case) the truth does nothing to dissuade the QQers, infact it makes it worse because its not believeable


Listen to what you just said.Your complaining because you have to pop every cool down to win in a 2v1 situation. I dunno, maybe your right, maybe they need to make it so a 2v1 is laughable and we only have to pop every cool down to win in a 3v1. Would that stop your crying?


What exactly is being exaggerated? Even a bad marauder like you is claiming that you can win in a 2v1 situation most of the time. That roughly translates to one marauder is worth two players on the opposing team. How is that laughable? I mean is the problem that you actually have to work for it?


Of course force camo is not guaranteed, nothing in pvp should be guaranteed. It's pvp, your gonna die eventually, deal with it. The real problem with marauders is people like you who come on here complaining that we are the laughing stock, or that we are underpowered, or that we have no place. Just stop already, it really is tiring.

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Listen to what you just said.Your complaining because you have to pop every cool down to win in a 2v1 situation. I dunno, maybe your right, maybe they need to make it so a 2v1 is laughable and we only have to pop every cool down to win in a 3v1. Would that stop your crying?


What exactly is being exaggerated? Even a bad marauder like you is claiming that you can win in a 2v1 situation most of the time. That roughly translates to one marauder is worth two players on the opposing team. How is that laughable? I mean is the problem that you actually have to work for it?


Of course force camo is not guaranteed, nothing in pvp should be guaranteed. It's pvp, your gonna die eventually, deal with it. The real problem with marauders is people like you who come on here complaining that we are the laughing stock, or that we are underpowered, or that we have no place. Just stop already, it really is tiring.


and your still clearly not reading what im saying


go back a couple pages and start over


im not complaing about winning 1v2, im not saying we should do it without CDs


im saying that someone calling 1v2 so easy they are joke, is full of it ... you can win 1v2s yes, but its not easy (and if it truely is that easy then your opponents suck)


im not complaing about the class at all


im complaing about people who misrepresent the class calling us all but gods ... it doesnt help the situation


we are a strong class, definitely


if someone thinks we suck they can L2P, but they come on here to QQ and see people claiming to get 600k damage easily in WZ, winning 1v3s easily, etc, and they dont believe it (which they shouldnt) and so they feel justified in their QQ


whereas if they heard the truth ... this is a strong class, it performs well when in the right hands, but to get massive damage or to win 1v3s you need to work for it, and you need some circumstantial help (in some casses) then maybe their QQs wont seem so justified, and maybe they will accept that they need to L2P a bit more

Edited by CrazyAl
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I don't play a mara but I do play a jugg. If you are rushing into a group with force charge then you are going to die not because the class suck, but because you are an idiot. At the start of the game people will target the one closest to them, and usually that's mara or jugg because they think charging in is so damn cool. I typically wait until the range start blasting each other. When their concentration is on the other range then you go in and start taking them down 1 by 1. Typically they are so busy trying to kill each other I just walk up to them and start smacking them around. Force charge I save for runners. If you are playing against pre-mades then you are screwed. Join a guild and make your own pre-made.
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I don't even consider myself a skilled player (first melee class in an mmo, and only lvl 38), but with one of my guildmates healing me, I can destroy groups of 4 players on a fairly regular basis, as Carnage spec. I don't buy this "Marauder is underpowered" stuff. We do have some glaring issues, and in my opinion most of those issues are shared by all classes (too many knockbacks for example, makign things generally frustrating and unfun).


That been said, I do think our DPS is too low for a pure dps class. But I wouldn't go so far as to say we're underpowered. A few teaks would do the trick.


This has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with you, and everything with your healer. Every class is able to do that if they have a pocket healer and the opposition is dumb enough not to focus-kill the healer ASAP and then explode you.

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I have read through this and have found a lot of good information (even with the redundant l2p posts) but when it alls comes down to it certain people are just better with certain specs because they fit their individual play style.


I personally love al of the specs but in pvp I'm just better with carnage. That being said it currently is a weaker spec. With only small tweaks to both rage and carnage all the current specs would be equal. Looking at only the spec specific abilities and talents they have a disadvantage.


Lets try to focus more on ways to improve the specs or tips on using the other specs instead of infighting.

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The only thing bioware got right in their description of the class at CharCreation was agile. I know how to play the Mara, i had some very awesome games. This wasn't a rant fest of my own shortcomings. It was of the class as a whole. Skill doesn't make up for literally being CC'd and ganked before able to press a button.


If I am a threat to be reckoned with, well then the WHOLE 100% SWTOR community are very effective of snuffing me out... That's bull man. You aren't targeted because you are bad*** you are targeted because of the prejudice that Mara's are weak.


Read some other forums. See what outsiders are saying.


Not to toot my own horn, but I AM targeted because I am a badazz. The community on my server (including Republic) know how deadly my Marauder is. The ones who don't know who I am quickly learn as they get melted. The premades I go against who do know who I am immediately focus me because I will punish them if they don't and they know it. Anyone good builds a reputation for themselves and I always jump on the good enemy players I know about.


Anyone who has mastered the play style of Marauder/Sentinel will laugh so hard at ANYONE who thinks this class is weak. The people who think this class is weak are either bad at this class or not very geared, usually the first one. This is a high skill cap class, if you can't handle it then I suggest you go play a Bounty Hunter.

Edited by Hellion_X
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Not to toot my own horn, but I AM targeted because I am a badazz. The community on my server (including Republic) know how deadly my Marauder is. The ones who don't know who I am quickly learn as they get melted. The premades I go against who do know who I am immediately focus me because I will punish them if they don't and they know it. Anyone good builds a reputation for themselves and I always jump on the good enemy players I know about.


Anyone who has mastered the play style of Marauder/Sentinel will laugh so hard at ANYONE who thinks this class is weak. The people who think this class is weak are either bad at this class or not very geared, usually the first one. This is a high skill cap class, if you can't handle it then I suggest you go play a Bounty Hunter.


Marauders have high skill cap, joke of the day!

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I read some of this stuff but not all, so if this has been brought up, oh well.


The Mara. Class is great for story line play and even 1 vs 1 pvp but huttball and other group pvp, not so much no. Unleash/stun we have a 2 minute cool down but yet after we use it to free our selves we get stuned again and again and again while we are getting chopped up like dew back steaks we wait for the 2min cool down to past and we know we wont live long enough to see it until it has cool down. In group pvp's only we should have no more then a 10 to 15 second cool down on unleash. Also as main post to this thread was talking about how we are a melee class and we have to a do most of our damage up close and personal we have lost a good part of our lives while in the fray of things while Bounty Hunters have a wide array of range weapons that in the movies couldnt hold a candle to a force user but hey this isnt the movies i guess and it might as well be base ball bats vs high tech guns. And of Course Lightning users can stand back and beam yeah from a far, and it seems like every one has some form of force push/pull and yet Mara have to rely on saber throw and that your not clicking clicking clicking and still nothing is happening accept you getting stabbed or shot from behind while you are waiting for you ability to work while looking your enemy in their eyes knowing you are about to die and you know they should be dead but you just keep clicking away.


Now Bioware please give mara force push and pull if you do not give us nothing else that would be a big help. Sure we got force choke but again close range to use it.


Now also i want to address a bug or something i had several kills basically i got the final blow and yet someone on my team that didnt deliver the final death blow gets my point. Just awhile ago i was face to face one on one i tore this dude up and i look behind me a 40 feet from me someone else gets my point, now that just ticks me off, Please look into this Bioware give us Mara. The abilities to enjoy our Mara instead for me wishing i picked Jugg like i did in beta, i had know problems with pvp then.



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Unleash/stun we have a 2 minute cool down but yet after we use it to free our selves we get stuned again and again and again while we are getting chopped up like dew back steaks we wait for the 2min cool down to past and we know we wont live long enough to see it until it has cool down.


I fail to see how this only applies to Marauders. Every class is susceptible to stuns/cc once they used their "trinket" (i.e. Unleash).

Edited by AetherMcLoud
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I fail to see how this only applies to Marauders. Every class is susceptible to stuns/cc once they used their "trinket" (i.e. Unleash).


They have multiple stun/pushback/knockback/evasion/root to counter enemy stun/pushback/knockback/evasion/root

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I fail to see how this only applies to Marauders. Every class is susceptible to stuns/cc once they used their "trinket" (i.e. Unleash).


If you don't wait to trinket until you have a full resolve bar that sounds like a personal issue.

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I fail to see how this only applies to Marauders. Every class is susceptible to stuns/cc once they used their "trinket" (i.e. Unleash).


ranged attackers aren't as susceptible to getting CC'd because they don't have to get into melee range to do their dps.


why are we still having to explain such basic concepts when MMOs have been out longer than a decade?

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That's how they are promoted! Two lightsabers! to deal more damage. Juggs with Rage have higher damage output than a carnage.


Offhand adds plenty of damage. In Annihilate spec I've crit players for 700ish with the offhand alone on Annihilate, up to 3.5k with the main hand strike. That's 20% more damage. I don't see how it's that bad? You can come on here and complain about Marauders all day but i literally cannot see what more you'd want. People are saying if you get focused by multiple people you die. How? Unless you're in Alderaan on top of their turret you can get away from any situation 99% of the time. Force cloak + Predation. You have more tools to get away, escape, and survive than ANY OTHER class in the game, but still you want more? Learn to leverage everything you possibly can, pick up biochem, get the reusables, pop your power adrenal and relic or w/e on the healer and burst him down, use undying rage then rakata medpack to give you the edge in fights. If it's me vs 3 dps and I have ALL my cds, I can almost always get one guy after my resolve bar fills up just because of how many freaking survivability cooldowns there are. We almost have TOO many. Go watch STMP's stream at Gluten free gaming for a day, I don't see how you can HONESTLY watch that and say we suck. Carnage is the burstier spec, the burst isn't often or hard enough to pressure healers enough to make it very viable. Annihilation is sustained high damage with controlled burst spikes you can throw in. There's always a "best pvp spec"

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I don't think they aren't weak at all. They have burst damage right? Ive seen crits on me for 1500+ with heavy armor. Those guys hit hard.


My sage would be focus fired just the same. My Merc? Same thing. At least with Marauder you have escape abilities unlike the Merc or DPS Vanguard (tank at least you have damage mitigation to save your butt until a healer shows up).

Edited by Draeb
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You wanna see a high skill cap, play arsenal mercenary.


A quadruple amputee could play it by hitting the keyboard with their stubs.


Honestly for a decent Marauder that's about what it takes to kill an arsenal merc. Unless someone comes to save them (and it has to be a healer or a tank for me to not get them in time to force camo/predation away), or they're on the top walkway in huttball and they're specifically trying to LOS my charge, they're food.

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