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WHY Do sages use pebbels and sorces use LIGHTNING??


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Chalk me up as another person who actually likes the Project / TK Throw animations.


The only thing that I'd do to improve them would be to make them "environment specific".


If you're on a spaceship/cityworld/etc, they would pick up and hurl random bits of tech (droid parts, deck plating, etc).

If you're on rock/earth, you'd lift up and throw rocks/boulders.

If you're on sand, you'd sandblast them.



Champions Online had something kind of similar, with their "earth flight" power. It would rip up a chunk of what was under you, and use that as your travel mode. If you were on ice, you'd have a chunk of frozen ground. On a street, you'd have a chunk of concrete. Etc.

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Call me crazy, but I prefer the gravel and random debris.


Ditto. I leveled my Sage to 50 and at the time thought TK Throw was a little underwhelming but was basically OK with it. Now I'm leveling a Sith Inquisitor and here's my rotation-


Lightning-Lightning-More Lightning-Some Other Kind of Lightning-Back to the First Kind of Lightning. Rinse. Repeat.


I now really appreciate the differences between Distrubance, TK Throw and Project.

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Plain and simple i think bioware did some favoring for the sith,


Do you guys think developers ideas like this are causing FACTION IMBALACNCE??????????????????????????????? what you think??


This isn't reason for faction imbalance. Most people just like to play as evil character.


Only time when I actually prefer shock/force lightning is when I'm at receiving end. That's just because project looks way more painful when you actually get hit by it.


Also Disturbance looks better than any of these.

Edited by Halinalle
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the question here is


WHY WHY! , jedis throw things to the their enemys? WHEN u SAW THAT?


is a dark side skill to . all siths use the dark force to throw things


jedis use the force to PUSH enemys other than that i have never seen a jedi throw something (blabla joda , really no....he was just stoping it and PUSHING IT away)

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I dont think throwing rocks versus lightning is the problem. Its the animation coolness factor. If Consulars did the two hands in front while throwing rocks with a bit more zip to them, that would look way cooler than the put your hand to your face one they do now.
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Chalk me up as another person who actually likes the Project / TK Throw animations.


The only thing that I'd do to improve them would be to make them "environment specific".


If you're on a spaceship/cityworld/etc, they would pick up and hurl random bits of tech (droid parts, deck plating, etc).

If you're on rock/earth, you'd lift up and throw rocks/boulders.

If you're on sand, you'd sandblast them.



Champions Online had something kind of similar, with their "earth flight" power. It would rip up a chunk of what was under you, and use that as your travel mode. If you were on ice, you'd have a chunk of frozen ground. On a street, you'd have a chunk of concrete. Etc.

Can I pick up and toss a Jawa?

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A sorcerer and a sage walk into a cantina.


The sorcerer bellows out into the cantina, "I command the elements! Fear my...ow, stop, that..murrfle, pebbles, mouth, ow..."


The sage says, "Oh, I'm sorry, were you not done talking?"

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It is sort of odd that a Dark V Consular would still use rocks / objects and a Light V Inquisitor would use Lightning.


I mean, what exactly does Dark / Light mean then? Is it implied that Light V Sith is still more evil than Dark V Jedi?

Yea. So you're a Jedi, still with the order and the republic and you're going to advertise that you're rocking dark side powers.


You let me know how that works out for ya.

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I don't want Jedi lightning, that would be lame. I'm a jedi, I want to be a good guy.


But it could be something more like a Sage's Disturbance. All of my moves as a shadow look really cool, except project (and telekinetic throw, but I never use that). If all jedi force powers were more air-ish (like in the Republic opening cinematic), I'd be much happier.


Sticking with my shadow either way, though :p


Throwing :sy_galaxy: = :jawa_smile:

Throwing :csw_probe: = :jawa_mad:

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There is lore supporting Light side Jedis using emerald lightning.



Dude that link contradicts your point that Jedi should use lightening.

It showed up as yellow or green energy instead of blue or white, but otherwise it was very similar in both appearance and usage to the Force power known as Force lightning. This power was uncommon and controversial among the Jedi because of its intrinsic association with anger and aggression.
Edited by DarthKhaos
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There is lore supporting Light side Jedis using emerald lightning.




Which was only created by fanboys that wanted their cake and wanted to eat it too.



My personal opinion on how these force abilities work:



The Jedi access the force through selflessness. They eliminate the ego and become at one with the environment around them, and this allows them to manipulate that environment as if it were part of their own bodies - i.e. moving things by telekinesis.


The Sith access the force through the ego, the self, they focus on their emotions and inner strength rather than serenity and oneness with the environment. Therefor, their force abilities emanate from their own bodies, rather than their surroundings - hence, force lightning arcing from their fingertips.

Edited by Tenacity
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Yea. So you're a Jedi, still with the order and the republic and you're going to advertise that you're rocking dark side powers.


You let me know how that works out for ya.


Probably pretty good considering you're getting those DS points by doing some fairly evil things. They'd have to be pretty dense to not figure you're evil when you start everyday with drowning a bag of puppies and kicking old folks down the stairs.

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Probably pretty good considering you're getting those DS points by doing some fairly evil things. They'd have to be pretty dense to not figure you're evil when you start everyday with drowning a bag of puppies and kicking old folks down the stairs.

I do NOT kick old folks down the stairs... I run them over with a speeder. No tire marks so I get off scotch free.

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