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WHY Do sages use pebbels and sorces use LIGHTNING??


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I prefer my rocks, thank you very much. I think it is one of the reasons that sage is still not vastly overplayed compared to sorcerer. I still regularly see more sentinels, guardians, and commandos than sages on my server. But when I tried out an alternate empire character, there was no class even close to sorcerers.


Also, the pebble storm is one of our best advantages in PVP. It is so difficult to tell where it is coming from in a crowd, where as purple lightning leads you straight to the offender.

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I like pretty much all of the sage's animations, sorcs have ZERO variety in their animations. nearly EVERY damaging ability of theirs is the same stupid lightning animation, I got bored of that **** so fast. their healing animations are the only thing I like better.



Srry guys but in episode 3 look uses the force against Obi-wan there was no little pebbles being thrown in the movie. Its more of a matter of lore being unused and made up thankyou
I know it's not from one of the movies but in the 2003 clone wars show, when mace windu lost his lightsaber he used the force to dismantle a droid and used the nuts, bolts, etc as projectiles just like telekinetic throw does with rocks. Edited by GregMD
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Chalk me up as another person who actually likes the Project / TK Throw animations.


The only thing that I'd do to improve them would be to make them "environment specific".


If you're on a spaceship/cityworld/etc, they would pick up and hurl random bits of tech (droid parts, deck plating, etc).

If you're on rock/earth, you'd lift up and throw rocks/boulders.

If you're on sand, you'd sandblast them.



Champions Online had something kind of similar, with their "earth flight" power. It would rip up a chunk of what was under you, and use that as your travel mode. If you were on ice, you'd have a chunk of frozen ground. On a street, you'd have a chunk of concrete. Etc.



it's telekenitic - gotta throw something


the gal i quoted from is spot on

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Chalk me up as another person who actually likes the Project / TK Throw animations.


The only thing that I'd do to improve them would be to make them "environment specific".


If you're on a spaceship/cityworld/etc, they would pick up and hurl random bits of tech (droid parts, deck plating, etc).

If you're on rock/earth, you'd lift up and throw rocks/boulders.

If you're on sand, you'd sandblast them.



Champions Online had something kind of similar, with their "earth flight" power. It would rip up a chunk of what was under you, and use that as your travel mode. If you were on ice, you'd have a chunk of frozen ground. On a street, you'd have a chunk of concrete. Etc.


This is already true. You should pay attention to the animations. For instance, the other day, I pulled a missile up out of the ground and hurled it at an NPC.

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Plain and simple i think bioware did some favoring for the sith,


Do you guys think developers ideas like this are causing FACTION IMBALACNCE??????????????????????????????? what you think??



Watch the Star Wars movies, if you've already seen them, watch them again. I remember quite clearly that Master Yoda was teaching Luke to lift stones using the force. I also remember the frequent use of lightning by the Empire, these are not imbalances created by BW, these are accuracies based on the films. Nuff Said

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I think there is some confusion about how emerald lightning/electric judgment works because it was never seen in the films.


Electric Judgment doesn't exactly behave like the Sith variation of lightning. For starters, it's yellow or emerald green (Luke's version in EU), but the bolts also move slower and the target's body begin to sparkle all over. Have any of you ever put your hand on a green plasma ball/globe? It's like that, but with more sparks. One of the main differences though is that it is almost certainly an instant killer, stopping all vital function and severing the body from the force, unlike Sith lightning.


In short, it's amazingly powerful, far more than Sith lightning, the only dark side power to come close to it's deadly efficiency aside from the thought bomb (for obvious reasons) is the force destruction orb, which like someone else mentioned, is also extremely rare and exotic. I would love to see the two in the game at some point, but if they remain accurate to canon, they would need to acquired at a very high level, ex. level 60 or 70, and with a minimum 5 min cooldown.

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I haven't played Consular and Sith.


But I must admit it took me quite while to figure out that Sith Lightning and consulars pebbles are same things. As a effect they are totally different.


Lightning is dramatic and looks scrary. That stone throwing...well it looks something you get from sale.


"Sorry sir, we've sold out lightning. But hey here is some dirt if you want it. Just 9.99!"

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How is it faction imbalance when the abilities do the exact same damage as each other?

Would you rather see a Jedi with lightning?

If you would, then you are not a star wars fan.


Because Sorc have elemental damage and Sage have Kinetic and energy damage.

How this was even placed beyond Beta is beyond any sane person.


Elemental bypass armor, Kinetic and energy does not. Its that simple.

There are also many defensive cooldowns and mechanics where ONLY elemental bypass them.


So yes, the Sith Sorc is obcenly overpowered and personally, I have 0 respect for anyone playing them, good or bad. I have not much respect for sages either unless they are full healers.

The DPS and CC sages and Sorcs can do is redicilous. And yet, Sorcs easily have just by the elemental damage around 20% more damage, just like that.


Have some knowledge before you utter any futrther words dude.

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Because Sorc have elemental damage and Sage have Kinetic and energy damage.

How this was even placed beyond Beta is beyond any sane person.


Elemental bypass armor, Kinetic and energy does not. Its that simple.

There are also many defensive cooldowns and mechanics where ONLY elemental bypass them.


So yes, the Sith Sorc is obcenly overpowered and personally, I have 0 respect for anyone playing them, good or bad. I have not much respect for sages either unless they are full healers.

The DPS and CC sages and Sorcs can do is redicilous. And yet, Sorcs easily have just by the elemental damage around 20% more damage, just like that.


Have some knowledge before you utter any futrther words dude.


You know, before you post a huge diatribe and and make a lot of claims about how the game works, it would probably be a good idea to double check all your claims to make sure you are correct. I just checked my sorcerer in game and compared his attacks against my sages and saw the following:



Shock(sorc) - energy damage vs Project (sage) - kinetic damage,

Force lightning(sorc) - energy damage vs TK Throw(sage) - kinetic damage

Overload(sorc) - energy damage vs Force Wave(sage) - kinetic damage

Force Slow(Sorc) - kinetic damage vs Force Slow(sage) - Kinetic damage

Electrocute(sorc) - energy damage vs force stun(sage) - kinetic damage

Crushing Darkness(sorc) - kinetic damage vs Mind Crush - kinetic damage

Affliction(sorc) - internal damage vs Weaken mind(sage) - internal damage

Death Field(sorc) - internal damage vs Force in Balance(sage) - internal damage


So far every Sage ability that does a resisted damage type is matched by an equally resisted damage type on the sorcerer ability. I skipped a couple of powers because I don't have them on both characters so I can't verify things - my sage has Telekinetic Wave and it does kinetic damage but the tooltip for the Sorcerer version (Chain Lightning) just says 'lightning' damage, which probably means energy but my Sorc doesn't have it so I can't verify. My Sorcerer also doesn't have the SI equivalent of Forcequake but since it is also a lightning ability it likely does energy damage just like all the other lightning based powers.


While I will agree that the sorcerer abilities have some minor advantages that only show up in PvP (stuns act more quickly due to faster animations, etc) there is no huge misbalance between the sorcerer/sage beyond that - every time one does resisted damage, so does the other and the same goes for unresisted (internal/elemental), they both match as well. I didn't go over EVERY single power, just the ones my characters most commonly use - feel free to bring up a specific power that isn't balanced, but your sweeping claims of game imbalance are pretty false.


I do tend to side with the folks who think the republic got screwed as far as cool animations go - I definitely prefer shooting lightning to throwing rocks, although the pure force powers (tk wave, force in balance, disturbance) are pretty cool looking - but from a mechanical standpoint things are pretty well balanced.

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The only ability the sage really got shafted on is the itty bitty pebble one. A double proc Project is considerably more epic looking and awesome than a double proc Shock, and lightning is fairly cliche and overrated these days. As a sorcerer I'm sad that majority of my abilities use lightning, and as a light sided sorcerer I'm even more sad that ANY of my abilities use lightning.
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I think throwing rock is way cooler than shooting lightning, only because I've seen lightning attacks like a thousand times in every single game that has magic in it... If you look past the Palpatine factor, lightning attack is pretty much the most generic and boring animation in a video game. The whole flinging-boulder-with-the-force animation is much more unique, honestly I can't say I've seen that before which is quite refreshing.


If anything, I'd say Bioware put more thought and man-hour to brainstorm and create unique animations for the Sage, so BW was actually biased towards the Sage, and budget cut the Sorcerer by reusing the lightning animations over, and over, and over , and over....



Edited by Dead_Ted
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Opinions are opinions.


I play Imperials and I HATE LIGHTNING. Sorcs have nothing but different shades of lightning. Sage skills look AWESOME. Sorc shock is a simply short lightning burst. Sage shock is pulling a droid/rock/chunk of earth/metal rod/whatever out of the earth and throwing it at your opponent. Much more awesome.

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Opinions are opinions.


I play Imperials and I HATE LIGHTNING. Sorcs have nothing but different shades of lightning. Sage skills look AWESOME. Sorc shock is a simply short lightning burst. Sage shock is pulling a droid/rock/chunk of earth/metal rod/whatever out of the earth and throwing it at your opponent. Much more awesome.



I still wanna pick up a Jawa and toss em!

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I don't see the problem here... Lightning? Just wear a rubber. Getting crushed by a 1 ton rock? Just jump out of the way.

Go stand out in a lightening storm holding a tall metal rod and rubber shoes & gloves and tell me how that works out for you.

Have you ever tried to jump out of the way of these homing giant chunks of space station parts?

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Go stand out in a lightening storm holding a tall metal rod and rubber shoes & gloves and tell me how that works out for you.

Have you ever tried to jump out of the way of these homing giant chunks of space station parts?


Doubt force throw is homing, otherwise Vader's aim sucks as 90% of the stuff he threw at Luke in Emperor Strikes back totally missed him. If a projectile has a linear path then avoiding it is possible.


Lightning storm? If a Jedi's lightning was as powerful as that from a storm, the Emperor would of won and Luke would be nothing but a pile of ashes.


Why the hell am I am I saying all of this...

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