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BUFF operatives!!


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Yes its totally fine... now that we lost our damage source we die before we have time to kill anything...


Our armor an survABILITY SUUUUCKED, thats why we did huge dmage... now we die before we are able to kill someone because we have low survability and mediumu damage

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heavy armors have heavy armors...

sorc has bubble

assassin has good armor and high damage

maurader sucks like us


Assassins have light armor, which is 5-7% less damage reduction than Operatives. Unless they're using Combat Techniques in which they completely neuter any burst damage.


Sorcerors have bubble? Operatives have a bubble too (although on a longer cooldown.)

Edited by savionen
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Assassins have light armor, which is 5-7% less damage reduction than Operatives. Unless they're using Combat Techniques in which they completely neuter any burst damage.


Sorcerors have bubble? Operatives have a bubble too (although on a longer cooldown.)


DAH.... operative bubble sucks cuz it has huge cooldown... it cant be relied on like sorc....

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You cant survive any kind of damage as operative... the moment you are coming out and its not 1v1 vs a low rmor opponent ur dead



then be smart about it and avoid that or go in there come out of stealth do your dmg then cloak screen and get out. Or if you have a dot then clear it with toxin scan then cloak screen. No you cant just sit there come out fo stealth and start becoming a hack-and-slash player. Do you dmg and gtfu

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then be smart about it and avoid that or go in there come out of stealth do your dmg then cloak screen and get out. Or if you have a dot then clear it with toxin scan then cloak screen. No you cant just sit there come out fo stealth and start becoming a hack-and-slash player. Do you dmg and gtfu


YOU CANT KILL SOMEONE FAST ENOUGH to use cloack screen and get away, you usually die before that.... PLUS CLOACKSCREEN HAS 2 MIN COOLDOWN!!!!!


You cant rly get away when there is a 5v5 player game where you are trying to kill a class you are getting ***** by other op ranged classes like commandos that kill you in 2 seconds with grav round...

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YOU CANT KILL SOMEONE FAST ENOUGH to use cloack screen and get away, you usually die before that.... PLUS CLOACKSCREEN HAS 2 MIN COOLDOWN!!!!!


You cant rly get away when there is a 5v5 player game where you are trying to kill a class you are getting ***** by other op ranged classes like commandos that kill you in 2 seconds with grav round...



yes you can you go after the person that has the least amount of life


You have got to be smart about it. I play all the time and never have that much trouble. Yea i die a lot more than before but who cares if i die 6 times compared to once before? Still can get 10-15 killing blows and break 200k dmg every time. I am not even concealment and hidden strike still works for me

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Operatives have been nerfed completely, the concealment spec is too weak... You can barely kill clothies and automatically lose vs heavy armored opponents...


You are weak an others know it so since you are melee you are one of the first targets for noob tracer spam











YOU SUCK. Operatives still do incredible damage, and do not feel nerfed to me at all. I will not be signing your post that needs to be deleted...

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If anything operatives STILL need toning down, they are still very, very competitive. The people who are complaining are the terrible players who relied on the opener and OP crits.


Learn to use the other abilities in the class, learn to play or reroll to merc so you can easy mode tracer spam instead.

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If anything operatives STILL need toning down, they are still very, very competitive. The people who are complaining are the terrible players who relied on the opener and OP crits.


Learn to use the other abilities in the class, learn to play or reroll to merc so you can easy mode tracer spam instead.


Needs toning down? Ha! Our burst was destroyed from this nerf which was the core essence of our class. Granted we still have numerous mechanics that allow us to kite you around and escape from fights, but our overall DPS has been made sub-par by these nerfs. The scoundrel/operative burst was OP before, but it was all we had, if they are going to take that away to the degree that they did, than they need to give us something back in the line of 'out-of-stealth' dps. If not for the PvPers then for the PvE'ers because they are the ones who suffered most from this nerf.

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Operatives to me seem like the top healer of PvP atm.


They do pretty decent if they are not focused on. Their lack of more than one casting heal makes them very vulnerable to interrupts and reliant on steady HoT's.

If you interrupt a scoundrels 'underworld medicine' and they dont have their tactical advantage up they can do nothing but stand there and wait for the timer to come back(or for a tactical advantage to proc.)

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Operatives to me seem like the top healer of PvP atm.


Well you'd be wrong. Operatives are decent healers with the heals over time. But when it comes down to the crunch of pvp (and I mean warzones here because ofc there is no pvp outside of warzones) , they have very little survivability in comparison to sorcs and mercs and also have 0 utility (i.e knockbacks / sprints / jumps). At this point some may argue "you have stealth / vanish ) but if you spec into healing your vanish isn't viable at all in pvp as it stops you from being able to heal yourself or anyone else for 10 secs.



This game is taking an awful turn in the way they are dealing with things. It's turning just like Rift did when rank 8 came out. They are catering to all the whiners and new players who want to instantly be on par with people who have been playing / pvping for some time...

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Operatives have been nerfed completely, the concealment spec is too weak... You can barely kill clothies and automatically lose vs heavy armored opponents...


You are weak an others know it so since you are melee you are one of the first targets for noob tracer spam











Only if I get to 1 shot every Operative I see for a week or two, to help me get the bad taste out of my mouth that Operatives put into it over the last month and a half. Then, I'll be prepared to look at this class objectively.


Until then, if you deal more than 1% damage to me before I flatten your ***, you're too powerful. ;)

Edited by McVade
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