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BUFF operatives!!


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If you get lucky. stealth is weak in this game. anyone can detect you and pull you out from as far as 15-20m away.


And yet the reason for the nerf was the amount of CC & damage they did when coming out of stealth, so they clearly must do it often enough to be both noticed by the players (number of whine threads) and Bioware's metrics.

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Doesn't stealth give you the ability to enter into close range?


Does not Assassins/Shadows have "stealth" too? with a force "push", "pull" AND spring abilities?, I agree OPS burst was TOO Higth but was the ONLY thing that the class have dont blame us, blame BW for the stupid class desing...


After you burst someone you just die, no way to escape, only a "banish" what it break with any kind of "dots" was pretty balance on my opinion...


Now you cant burst anyone, is pop hit someone for like 30% of their HP and die, thats all the OPS gameplay...


Note, Im not saying we need MOAR DMG, we need utility, talents to cleans the dots with our banish, a spring or blink strike, you can even neft moar dmg and gives us more surv/utility...


Is sad but BW just broke a class and there is no way to fix it without a re-make

Edited by Paralassa
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Operatives have been nerfed completely, the concealment spec is too weak... You can barely kill clothies and automatically lose vs heavy armored opponents...


You are weak an others know it so since you are melee you are one of the first targets for noob tracer spam



Clothies..? As in Shadow Tanks? And _Heavy "Armored" as in Commando Gunnery?



Whatever you last MMO did to you, get help and then come back and learn the classes in SWTOR.;)

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My first level 50 was a scoundrel / scrapper and he was beyond OP. Almost guaranteed to win in one on one fights. I've been playing a trooper and loving that, but it sounds like they just took away the smug /op win button. My impressions on reading the patch notes was that smugs and ops can't go lone wolf in warzones anymore, but actually need to use team work to take down opponents... Just like everybody else. I believe the phrase is "working as intended." Besides, I think we all know these things are always in flux.


powertech and guardian can kill everything 1v1 and decimate in mass pvp... operatives can barely kill heavies in 1v1 and get completely anihilated in mass pvp cuz everyone targets the weak class that comes out of stealth and does crappy damage...

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The problem is after you ome out of stealth... you are nothing more than an easy target for ranged missile spammers cuz you are MELEE


This ^...


Nothing to do now, already canceled my sub, now to level a Sorc to enjoy some 1-49 PvP till my account frozen...


Whait for the Merc/PT nerfs, on tracer missiles and guard/piro spec and get ready for a 8 Sorc vs 8 Sorc Huttball FEST!...


Till the game go F2P and Brasilians and Koreans come to play and create another classes...

Edited by Keepy
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L2P, Ops/Smugglers are fine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=undHHGrk7p4


Sry but this only another vid of the kind , look at me i'am a really bad player ( lol @flamethrower / not kiting + completly wrong ability usage ) and the nerfed Op can still pwn me ...


To all who really think Ops are still OP , feel free to reroll one, until lvl 36 you will have no fun in WZ, because you don't have a real opener.


And even after that you'll understand their real problem, no gap closer nothing ... and the OOC times in this game a really ****ed up !!


Either make their ranged slow / rnd root ability 30Y range, or give them some sort of a sprint .


Only Vanish on 2 min CD is really no fun.



Although its a playstlye issue, it always was, as a rogueish char you must love to sneak behind the nmy lines and nuke 1 target , but in huttball and civil war, and with all the Area Knockbacks this is really no fun . ..


As Op / scoundrel in huttball you really don't have any fun outside of the mid area !

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I play a level 50 OP with almost full Champ gear (tionese pants). I would like to say that the class did not actually get nerfed that badly. If you would honestly spend some time as a concealment rather than posting on the forums about how you think its unfair and that they need to get buffed, you might realize that the OP is still OK. Ok my hidden strike is not nearly as good as it used to be (in fact its probably one of my weakest attacks now) is a bit disappointing. However I found that if I do the right rotation get some good crits in people still kinda melt.


Do I think that nerfing the OP was the right move?



Do I think they modified more things than they should have?

Yes absolutely. Incremental changes would have been better than an emergency. "Holy **** change everything"


It's my personal opinion that the sorcerers/sages should have been nerfed much sooner than the operative but I think it is difficult to decide on how to modify the Sorc/Sage. They have too much utility and what is bioware left to do? Remove skills? (having force speed, knock back, root, stun, in battle breakable stun, 2 snares etc is a bit excessive. I and a few friends believe that a ranged class with such mobility should not have a sprint.) They likely will not do that right off the bat they will probably see if it can be worked out another way. After all their purpose is to keep their customers happy.


Now if you say that they have upset the whole operative community I urge you to at least try the concealment spec a little more before you start making conclusions. It may not actually be as upsetting as you see it is.

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This ^...


Nothing to do now, already canceled my sub, now to level a Sorc to enjoy some 1-49 PvP till my account frozen...


Whait for the Merc/PT nerfs, on tracer missiles and guard/piro spec and get ready for a 8 Sorc vs 8 Sorc Huttball FEST!...


Till the game go F2P and Brasilians and Koreans come to play and create another classes...


yes the game is completely crappy.. they nerf one slightly op clas and now it sucks so bad it dies in one second against current op classes......


Come out of stealth to kill ANYONE... from last person healing to weak person near melee you still cant kill him fast enough meaning you die by mass ranged attack cuz they know you ahve 0 defense

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Wait, isn't the OP the same furry that admitted to carnal acts with his dog on another thread?


If you sign this petition, you support *******ity. Just sayin'


man... stopit... like i said i dont do anything to my dog... i just let it alone do his things and dont force him... Stop hating bro...


Operative sucks and needs abuff cuz devs cant see that consumables are the issue and not the skills themselves

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Operatives/Scoundrels aren't as horrible as everyone is making them out to be. Sure we do a significant less damage, but we are still useful. I think a gab closer would be awesome, but I'm not sure if it's 100% needed. I guess when rated WZs come out I will know for sure.


You know what, no. I'm not going to completely defend Bioware. When rated WZs come out I will realize we do need some sort of gap closer.

Edited by Niaoru
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Operatives have been nerfed completely, the concealment spec is too weak... You can barely kill clothies and automatically lose vs heavy armored opponents...


You are weak an others know it so since you are melee you are one of the first targets for noob tracer spam












This made me lol in RL.

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If you complain about Ops doing too much dmg you dont know how to play your character and if you are an op and you complain about the nerf you dont know how to play your character. Every character has their abilities and if you use them the right way you can be amazing.


First the nerf really wasnt that bad. I can run concealment and still get 200k dmg 75k healing and get everything i want you just have to be smarter about it. you can just run into a group and kill two ppl with hidden strike and a 3 hit combo. you have to pick and choose your battle.


I switched to lethality spec for PVE but when i run PVP my dps goes down a little but i am annoying because i dot as many ppl as possible. You are still useful you just have to learn rotations. I go to school and have a family so I dont get to play all the time.


Overall... learn your class, learn your rotations, and quit complaining

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Sry but this only another vid of the kind , look at me i'am a really bad player ( lol @flamethrower / not kiting + completly wrong ability usage ) and the nerfed Op can still pwn me ...



cant even distinguish flamethrower(a channeled ability) from Inferno and Flame Burst(instants) but trying to come off as a smart know it all ... love that.

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I love how people try to lie to himself, and advice from other classes who have no idea how to play their own class...


To everyone Who QQ nerf OPS, have no idea how PvP in first place...


I just hope than after the 24, you guys enjoy your game with only one viable class in PvP, I Just want to be around when you see the QQ nerf Sorc requests from ANOTHER Sorc! that will be funny as hell...


The game should be rename "Star Sorcs, Sorcs of the Old Republic"!...

Edited by Keepy
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Operatives QQ'ing seem like they want to be an Assassin, that does 2x more burst damage.


Operatives STILL have the most front-end burst out of any class in the game. You can't just have... everything. Assassins have absolutely no front-end burst, so therefore they have more utility.


"I want a ranged class that can also stealth, and heal, and kill anyone one-on-one, but can also kill people outside of stealth and survive against 3 people attacking me."

Edited by savionen
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No, the OP nerf was very much needed. Look, you got nearly two months to play an overpowered class, rather than QQing about how you’re no longer able to InstaGib anyone, look back on those two months fondly and learn to play now on a more level playing field.
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