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What nerf?

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Wierd thing happened to me last night in the Alderran WZ.


I got jumped by an Operative, knocked down, and then she proceeded to stab me 4-5 times in rapid succession, with no hint of a cooldown.


She literally went stabstabstabstab. The only pause was the animation time for her arm to go backwards and forwards. And it seemed to be the same animation each time. A stab with a puff of green goo.


I went from a full bar to about 8% in five seconds or thereabouts. I was literally gobsmacked when I looked at my health.


Now, I admit she got the drop on me (she came out of stealth) and I really wasn't quick off the mark responding (so she got a few free hits). But I've never had my head handed to me as quickly as that before. Ever.


I don't play an op - so is there some odd combination of factors among their skills that could achieve such a result? Some random 1 in a 1,000 chance that could make them crit four times without suffering a cooldown?


I'm Jedi shadow, lvl 32, BTW. Valour in the 20s, so not a noob at WZ.


Odd thing was, I didn't die as I managed to pop force cloak and run away. That was the only ability I had time to use, which gives you a feeling of how quick the attack was.



I hate to cry Hax!, but, as I say ..... never seen that before ...

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Do you remember the level of said Operative? It would help determine how far he got up the skill tree and how many abilities he acquired along the way. However, it is possible to stunlock a player for 5.5~ seconds using Hidden Strike(1.5 sec knockdown talented Jarring Strike at lv 36) and Debilitate, a 4 sec stun. Using these two abilities in quick succession will complete your resolve bar. Edited by Easiestjuke
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She was lvl 42 - a high lvl I'll grant you, but not top of the tree.


I wasn't bothered about the stun - it was the 1.5 second one you mention with no follow up secondary stun - It was the stabstabstabstab that followed while I was back on my feet.


Same animation 4 times in quick succession, as though there was no cooldown at all.


Just wondering if this is something which cane be achieved ... legitimately.

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Possible that she was assisted by another you didnt see?


I play a level 42 Operative on Infinity Gate but Before I stealth in I often throw darts and corrosive grenades, wait and then burst in on them when the DoTs start to work their magic. Most don't notice the effects because initially with the corrosive grenades there is not number drop at first impact. Takes a few seconds. Possibly what you are seeing?

Edited by MetalScarecrow
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Um ... wow...


I'm really not making this up. Just asking if there's any way it's possible without resorting to illegitimate means?


can anyone tell me what rotation - 4-5 moves, all stabs, no noticable cooldown - could have done this?


As for using a CC - the point is, I didn't have time to. By the time I'd been hit by the stabstabstabstab, I was at 8% health. About five seconds - which I spent rotating the camera to see where the damage was coming from, then hitting force cloak to get the hell out of there (I survived).


And crying? I didn't even have time to say FU! :)

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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Seems like a troll, but faster reflexes imo. Pre-Cata Rogue survivability buff, if another Rogue opened on you - it was Trinket or die. Often times it was better to Trinket the Cheap Shot to avoid taking too much dmg waiting to Trinket Kidney even though it'd be on CD then and that's the longer stun. Then what a decent Rogue would do (me) is Blind, wait for the other Rogue to Trinket - then Vanish his Blind, reopen on him and stunlock him until dead. Basically, you'd have to have instantaneous lightning reflexes in order to win RvR if you were opened on.


Standing there getting hit 4-5 times is ridiculous and really showcases your skill level, sorry.

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Seriously, are you sure you weren't hit with a poison attack prior to their burst opener? I do that all the time to compensate for the nerf. I did it all last night in WZs on Infinity Gate especially on Alderaan and Voidstar. Makes the burst seem stronger if you open right around the time the DoTs set in.
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Lacerate has a procc to regrant tactical advantage, making it possible to be used twice in rapid succession.


Then, theres Shiv, backstab and of course our opener, which is also a stab. These four to five abilities are what usually hits you.

It all goes fairly fast, seeing as all those abilities are instant. If all crit and your opponent is several levels above you + well geared, your scenario seems plausible.


But seeing how you figured out a way to survive it the first time it happened, you'll manage ;)

Edited by Skurkanas
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All our knife attacks look similar.


Here's what the operative did:

Acid Blade + Hidden Strike to open








However, I don't see why you're complaining that an Operative 10 levels higher than you, got the jump on you, and blew all his most powerful spells, STILL WASN'T ABLE TO KILL YOU!!

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Lacerate has a procc to regrant tactical advantage, making it possible to be used twice in rapid succession.


Then, theres Shiv, backstab and of course our opener, which is also a stab. These three to four abilities are what usually hits you.

It all goes fairly fast, seeing as all those abilities are instant. If all crit and your opponent is several levels above you + well geared, your scenario seems plausible.


you dont even need the proc


HS Shiv BS Lac (proc) Lac Lac Shiv


you get 3 with the proc



there's 7 'stabs' in succession OP

Edited by Vallowen
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It seems that everyone here is ignoring a pivotal factor - and that is gear. Bolster is a complex formula designed to take gear out of the equation when it comes to PvP in the 1-49 bracket. In other words, you will be at about ((your level/max level) * 80%) + 10% combat stats disadvantage. Note that formula is an oversimplification for illustrative purposes.


However, I don't doubt that you were bursted down to 8%, but that might just be a result of your gear neglecting Endurance and this Operative stacking Cunning. In addition to other buffs, such as relics, stims and the 15% red expertise buff.

Edited by Easiestjuke
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I'll hazard a guess on what you might have seen. This is the timeline of my new rotation, post-nerf:


Relic from stealth.

0 sec - Hidden Strike with Acid Blade and Jarring Strike. 1.5-sec stun.

1.5 sec - Shiv

3 sec - Laceration

4.5 sec - Debilitate, 4-sec stun

6 sec - Backstab with Acid Blade

7.5 sec - Shiv or Laceration, if it's up from the Collateral Strike proc


I can't remember off of the top of my head if Hidden Strike shows a knife sticking out of you but it does show it in the attack animation. Same goes for Backstab, Shiv and Laceration. However, you mention that there was no stun in between, so I imagine it went more like so:


Relic from stealth.

0 sec - Hidden Strike with Acid Blade and Jarring Strike. 1.5-sec stun.

1.5 sec - Shiv

3 sec - Laceration, Collateral Strike procs

4.5 sec - Laceration from CS proc (which can proc again)

6 sec - Shiv (or Laceration from proc)

7.5 sec - Shiv or Laceration


When Collateral Strike procs, it shows two swings, both arms, like a one-two punch, which then allows the operative to hit you with Laceration again, which has a chance of proccing another CS. At level 42, your operative attacker has full access to his Concealment tree so this should be doable.

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Thanks for the reply, Hamchuck - glad to see someone explaining how this may be possible.


Sounds plausible. As I say, she really did get the drop on me and I wasted a couple of secs finding the source of the attack.


But I'm still not sure it's the whole answer. A couple of things I'm sure of - there were no secondary stuns, and no blades sticking out of me at any point. All the attacks were one-armed swings as well.


Edit: And no attacks before the initial 'stab', either. Also, we were both alone.


As to the guy posting about my skill level .... C'mon dude. I'm no uber-pvp'r. I've had my share of hidings, and never complained.


But I've taken my share of scalps too. I've just never seen anything like this before. Hence my posts.



I'm wondering if gear had anything to do with it? They were probably just lucky with their crits.

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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I still don't understand why you're complaining that an operative 10 levels higher opened from stealth, you were "slow to respond", he stunlocked you, used 6-7 attacks, critted on a fair number of them, and then you simply sprinted away and didn't die. What exactly is the problem here?
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Thanks for the reply, Hamchuck - glad to see someone explaining how this may be possible.


Sounds plausible. As I say, she really did get the drop on me and I wasted a couple of secs finding the source of the attack.


But I'm still not sure it's the whole answer. A couple of things I'm sure of - there were no secondary stuns, and no blades sticking out of me at any point. All the attacks were one-armed swings as well.


Edit: And no attacks before the initial 'stab', either. Also, we were both alone.


As to the guy posting about my skill level .... C'mon dude. I'm no uber-pvp'r. I've had my share of hidings, and never complained.


But I've taken my share of scalps too. I've just never seen anything like this before. Hence my posts.



I'm wondering if gear had anything to do with it? They were probably just lucky with their crits.


one arm attack sounds like laceration. Shiv has a chance to give TA, which allows laceration. So the OP might be having a lucky break with laceration keep procing.

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I still don't understand why you're complaining that an operative 10 levels higher opened from stealth, you were "slow to respond", he stunlocked you, used 6-7 attacks, critted on a fair number of them, and then you simply sprinted away and didn't die. What exactly is the problem here?

He doesn't strike me as the complaining type.


Sounds like he just wanted to know what happened, in order to be prepared the next time around. That's perfectly fine.

It's people that complain without bothering to ask how we did it (just claiming its some "imba 2hit stuff") that bother me:p

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Curious, UltimateKrucible what server are you on? Just a weird coincidence that I was on WZs last night, played a few Alderaan levels and happen to also be playing a lvl 42 female operative. My Agent is named POND. Not trolling, just wondering if it's just coincidence.


Starstorm one?


Was it you, you dasterdly fiend?


Am coming round to the point of view that I just encountered someone who managed to get a 'golden zone' of hits against my sorry ***.


Thanks for the replies, folks. I'll be keeping ops at arm's length from now on.


Edit: And Virgil - I'm really not complaining. Just darned confused about what appeared to be an incredibly fast reduction of my health bar, which I've never encountered before in 100+ pvp matches.* And I wasn't stunlocked - just stunned once for about 1.5 secs. The rest was free-flowing non-stop damage in a series of hits that went stabstabstabstab without an apparent cooldown..


*Well there was once, when I was stunlocked and stabbed to death by an op - but that was pre-bracket and pre-nerf.

Edited by UltimateKrucible
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Starstorm one?


Was it you, you dasterdly fiend?


Am coming round to the point of view that I just encountered someone who managed to get a 'golden zone' of hits against my sorry ***.


Thanks for the replies, folks. I'll be keeping ops at arm's length from now on.


Edit: And Virgil - I'm really not complaining. Just darned confused about what appeared to be an incredibly fast reduction of my health bar, which I've never encountered before in 100+ pvp matches.* And I wasn't stunlocked - just stunned once for about 1.5 secs. The rest was free-flowing non-stop damage in a series of hits that went stabstabstabstab without an apparent cooldown..


*Well there was once, when I was stunlocked and stabbed to death by an op - but that was pre-bracket and pre-nerf.


Lol, no thought it might have been but I am on Infinity Gate. Just happen to play another Female lvl 42 operative in the WZ last night. :-)


What Hamchuck described sounds is spot on.

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I still don't understand why you're complaining that an operative 10 levels higher opened from stealth, you were "slow to respond", he stunlocked you, used 6-7 attacks, critted on a fair number of them, and then you simply sprinted away and didn't die. What exactly is the problem here?


Odd, I never saw the OP complain about it. I did see him ask how it could happen, especially since he said he doesn't play an Op and doesnt know the abilities of an Op. he wasn't rude nor obnoxious about it either.

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