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Complaints regarding EGA: The truth


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For me its not about that. I feel like BioWare is completely throwing up the middle finger to later preorderers. It seems like they're saying "The early preorderers believed in us so we're going to give them 2 extra days...You people who were cautious and decided to see a review or 2 before you made a decision will just get what we said you would"


every single preorder benefits from the extra 2 days unless you preorder on the 19th.

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Here is where you fan boys and your HORRID logic fails:


If I pre ordered, and paid money, I paid for the incentives LISTED on the Pre Order deal.








If this wasn't the case, WHY would I even have bothered to pre order to begin with?


Why not just WAIT until the 20th and buy the game?


Bioware used the Early Access as a GIMMICK and in turn it is no different from most scams.





You make no sense.


You are part of the TLDR generation trolls who act like the sheep corporations love.


You think calling other users "stupid" and other names makes you mature.


You are the exact reason Bioware has been getting away with LYING and bad business.


If people want to complain, they are allowed to and you can either not read it or deal with it.








And they said there will be ques today SHOWING you that STAGGERED RELEASE is NOTHING more than a GIMMICK that was NEVER going to work anyways.


Come the 20th, this will be SHEER proof of that.

Edited by Tiaa
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Ha how did I miss that, oh well the convoluted arguments are clearly getting to my brain tank!


hey mr. know it all. BTW is called an initialism and its a form of slang. Irregardless however is a natural contradictory...meaning it can't be used UNLESS you actually mean you DO want it to be regarded. Im not here to argue semantics but if you want to raise that argument you should probably have a leg to stand on.

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Those few days really does make a difference btw, but I'm not complaining about people getting to play before me. They preordered first and that is fine, but when I preordered I was told, just like everyone else, that I would play on the 15th. Not the 16th. The 15th. Now we see a post that says not everyone will get it today either? Very frustrating.


I would like to see the qote that told you specifically would get to play on the 15th, I am pretty sure EVERYONE was told up to 5 days early access no specifics for each person. UP TO 5 DAYS early access means you copuld be playing 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th or 19th nowhere again nowhere said YOU WILL GET ON THE 15th.

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every single preorder benefits from the extra 2 days unless you preorder on the 19th.


I dont see it as benefitting (spelling?) I view it as getting what I was promised. Those who are getting the extra 2 days are getting more than what they were promised.

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A deposit requires money.


Yes and your deposit only reserved your copy of the game making sure you would get one. I have 5 bucks down on my CE with 30 days of game time included that will start 12/20. I am trying to see where ther problem is here?

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Im sorry if a majority of your customers are upset then there is obviously some truth to hteir claims. I see more people "complaining" than people supporting them.



Pardon me, but I had to say something about this statement. Just because the majority of customers think something is wrong, doesnt mean they are right. History is full of examples of the masses believeing something in earnest, and yet they were completely wrong.


I'm not saying folks are not making valid points in this case. But to say that because lots of customers (we dont know actual numbers so I wont say majority) are upset, so must have a valid complaint, is just wrong

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Yes and your deposit only reserved your copy of the game making sure you would get one. I have 5 bucks down on my CE with 30 days of game time included that will start 12/20. I am trying to see where ther problem is here?


my point there was to say that if you pay a deposit on a game you are effectively paying to get those 5 days. I however do not have an issue with waiting within the 5 day window. My issue is those 2 extra days that some players are getting to enjoy while some people are just getting what was already guaranteed to them.

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Im sorry if a majority of your customers are upset then there is obviously some truth to hteir claims. I see more people "complaining" than people supporting them.


It's a vocal minority. The forums are used by a tiny percentage of a MMO playerbase.

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It's a vocal minority. The forums are used by a tiny percentage of a MMO playerbase.


Why would you make this argument when you're obviously part of the vocal minority by posting on here? Labeling something as a "minority" only gives rise to things like discrimination and racism. You may want to rethink your point of view.

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Here is where you fan boys and your HORRID logic fails:


If I pre ordered, and paid money, I paid for the incentives LISTED on the Pre Order deal.








If this wasn't the case, WHY would I even have bothered to pre order to begin with?


Why not just WAIT until the 20th and buy the game?


Bioware used the Early Access as a GIMMICK and in turn it is no different from most scams.





You make no sense.


You are part of the TLDR generation trolls who act like the sheep corporations love.


You think calling other users "stupid" and other names makes you mature.


You are the exact reason Bioware has been getting away with LYING and bad business.


If people want to complain, they are allowed to and you can either not read it or deal with it.








And they said there will be ques today SHOWING you that STAGGERED RELEASE is NOTHING more than a GIMMICK that was NEVER going to work anyways.


Come the 20th, this will be SHEER proof of that.


Will you get early accesss, answer yes (early access means access to the game before launch of the game on the 20th) if for some unknown reason u get in on the 19th, this is still early as game not RELEASED UNTIL THE 20th, again EA/BIOWARE from day one have said preorder up to 5 days early access, not everyone will have 5 days access, UP TO. Now they have decided to give an extra 2 days so more than likely you will get access as of saturday/sunday, so you could have 3 instead of 1 be happy this is a good thing and in now way have you been mislead

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my only regret is not getting to level with my friends who have been in the game for 2 days already...one of my favorite parts of mmos are when expansions/new content comes out...and theres the initial phase of discovery, amazement, and figuring things out together...now when i get into game today lots of these moments that could have been shared with friends will turn, instead, into them telling me where to go for my level and to find this and that...or them telling me how much cooler the stuff at their level is...this to me is the only reason i dont like the extended release...it cuts out one of the most enjoyable aspects
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I dont see it as benefitting (spelling?) I view it as getting what I was promised. Those who are getting the extra 2 days are getting more than what they were promised.


you were promised up to five days. so yes, in a way they gain more than was promised. but everyone gets the same benefits. everyone gets 2 extra days of EGA. complaining about that because someone else, who would gain access before you anyway, now gets acces on another date, is really senseless... they gain 2 days, and so do you, that's a fair deal.

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hey mr. know it all. BTW is called an initialism and its a form of slang. Irregardless however is a natural contradictory...meaning it can't be used UNLESS you actually mean you DO want it to be regarded. Im not here to argue semantics but if you want to raise that argument you should probably have a leg to stand on.


Mr. capital M and if Know It All is my name that should have capitals. Whilst I am fully aware that irregardless should actually be irrespective, I am currently defining heat flow in a sedimentary basin using computer algorithms on one screen (booo Yah for geology), whilst discussing on the forums on my other screen. I would have to say that usually the grammar police tends to start when someones actual argument has no real content, that's generally the rule of thumb.


but this is off topic. At the end of the day Bioware called the shots, everyone is getting in earlier than intended, my frustration lies with the fact that everyone feels they're owed something, since you have corrected my shocking English (it really is utterly terrible, I will cast my south of the Tower of London's tallest keep!) can you not go back and realise that what you agreed to you are getting.... you can also go through the EULA and other documents but no one is at fault everyone is benefiting.

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Why would you make this argument when you're obviously part of the vocal minority by posting on here? Labeling something as a "minority" only gives rise to things like discrimination and racism. You may want to rethink your point of view.


Wow, what a dumb post. One of the dumbest I have ever seen on these boards.

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Read the message itself correctly and it CLEARLY says ''You >>>MAY<<<(As in MAYBE) get up to 5 days'' It does not say you will most certainly be granted 5 days. Thus rendering all of your complaints a waste of time really.


Colloquial American no longer distinguishes "may" as indicating a strict "allowance" or potential for granting permission. It is readily interchanged with "can," like it or not. I fully understand the corporate interest in saying "We really didn't promise anything so we can't be liable for the failure of consumer expectations..."


This was piss poor communications with the consumer base. Further, in the statements made on the website itself, they viewed December 13th as the date of game launch. That means pre-game access should have initiated back as far as the 8th.


What has happened is that a once in a life-time event to participate in and celebrate with their friends in the online community one of the premier myths of our time has been botched. Inadequate consideration for giving people the full truth on what was happening when left people to take vacation days, days off without pay, etc. to join in what is effectively a secular sacred event only to be denied access to communion at the door of the church.


I want this stressed:


What this means is Customer Relations should have put out the full truth on when and how people were going to get early access so the client base could coordinate their lives accordingly.

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my point there was to say that if you pay a deposit on a game you are effectively paying to get those 5 days. I however do not have an issue with waiting within the 5 day window. My issue is those 2 extra days that some players are getting to enjoy while some people are just getting what was already guaranteed to them.








Also people who are happy don't come to the boards. PEOPLE WHO ARE PLAYING THE GAME? Why would they be here? THEY ARE PLAYING THE GAME. The level headed people like myself who are starting to lose it because we've explained this very simple and basic concept on how pre-ordering and early game access are here because we are also waiting. We understand and can accept the fact we messed up and didnt pre-order as soon as everyone else. IT SUCKS, but nothing is going to change what i did. BIOWARE didnt force me to wait. I DID, stop blaming bioware and take some responsibility for yourself. YOU didn't pre-order before other people now you must wait. IF you think thats unfair then join the damn servers starting the 20th so you can get a fair start.


ANGER evokes emotion and makes you want to let your voice be known. When you're happy and okay with what's going on then you just go with the flow and the people who are happy always get screwed over by you complainers and whiners. The "COMPLAINERS" same people who ruin SWG!!!!

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Another thread whining about the whiners, calling the QQ and immature children when they make thread after thread after thread of complaining about the QQing.


I've seen more threads about people whining about the whiners.


The simple truth that you must understand to everyone whining about the whiners, is that the EGA was purely unfair system.


Sure give that "BUT YOU KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!! IT SAYS WHEN YOU PRE-ORDER YOU GET EGA" *sigh* it still doesn't make a fair.


if they were going to a EGA to make it completely fair for everyone, make it random. Completely random. Like they did with the BETA. And anyone who disagrees with that is basically saying they are entitled to a FREE EGA because they pre-ordered above everyone else that makes them super special.


The other part that I don't like about the EGA it is completely USELESS.


People who started day one/day two will be level 50 by launch. How many lvl 50's were there at the launch of WoW or any MMO? None.


So this whole staggered launch that was suppose to help the servers, and the low level areas is completely voided out by the fact that many people are going to be lvl 50.. thus they will start NEW CHARACTERS by the time of launch then they will have a severe impact on the lower level areas.


All the EGA did.. was to give people who pre-ordered up too 7 free days, without paying for the product. Which could have a huge impact on bio-ware because you could reach lvl 50 and never sub thinking well this game sucks.. and then refund your pre-order and never play again... That is it. Any other arguments are here by void because people are gaining levels so fast and will make another char.

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Colloquial American no longer distinguishes "may" as indicating a strict "allowance" or potential for granting permission. It is readily interchanged with "can," like it or not. I fully understand the corporate interest in saying "We really didn't promise anything so we can't be liable for the failure of consumer expectations..."


This was piss poor communications with the consumer base. Further, in the statements made on the website itself, they viewed December 13th as the date of game launch. That means pre-game access should have initiated back as far as the 8th.


What has happened is that a once in a life-time event to participate in and celebrate with their friends in the online community one of the premier myths of our time has been botched. Inadequate consideration for giving people the full truth on what was happening when left people to take vacation days, days off without pay, etc. to join in what is effectively a secular sacred event only to be denied access to communion at the door of the church.


I want this stressed:


What this means is Customer Relations should have put out the full truth on when and how people were going to get early access so the client base could coordinate their lives accordingly.


In all fairness, it could say casn or even will , the key words are UP TO ano YOU WILL GET 5 DAYS EARLY ACCESS was never used, if it said this then I see a reason to complain but up to implies between 1and 5 and as it stands everyone will probaly get 3-7 so why is everyone complaining when it was clear from day one and we have potential extra few days that was never discussed, now I know they never told everyone what early access was but they did say when u enetr ur preorder code determine when u get early access

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Alrighty then lemme start off by saying those of you complaining, do you really even intend on using your brain? You're literally complaining about not being able to play the game 1-7 Days earlier, but do you even know that there is MANY years to come where you can play the game? You should be glad they are even offering EGA to you.


Read the message itself correctly and it CLEARLY says ''You >>>MAY<<<(As in MAYBE) get up to 5 days'' It does not say you will most certainly be granted 5 days. Thus rendering all of your complaints a waste of time really.


Note: I am not complaining about the complainers, just felt i needed to see if anyone could break through and make them think a little bit.


Again you have YEARS to come where you can play SW:TOR so 7 days aint gonna end your life.


If you feel like bashing/trolling/hating/insulting me go ahead, i can take it.


Merry christmas my fellow players :cool:


hey mate do me a favour. **** stop attacking people over EGA, and stop defending Bioware, you won't get any cookies off them or in game items to use as a bonus for bottom kissing,. :mad:

Edited by dronepilot
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Colloquial American no longer distinguishes "may" as indicating a strict "allowance" or potential for granting permission. It is readily interchanged with "can," like it or not. I fully understand the corporate interest in saying "We really didn't promise anything so we can't be liable for the failure of consumer expectations..."


This was piss poor communications with the consumer base. Further, in the statements made on the website itself, they viewed December 13th as the date of game launch. That means pre-game access should have initiated back as far as the 8th.


What has happened is that a once in a life-time event to participate in and celebrate with their friends in the online community one of the premier myths of our time has been botched. Inadequate consideration for giving people the full truth on what was happening when left people to take vacation days, days off without pay, etc. to join in what is effectively a secular sacred event only to be denied access to communion at the door of the church.


I want this stressed:


What this means is Customer Relations should have put out the full truth on when and how people were going to get early access so the client base could coordinate their lives accordingly.


What are you taking about? Do you own bioware? No, okay because on the site it says launch on the 20th. Early access said "may" happen on the 15th, and a week before that date they said they do it days earlier. 20th is launch the same day you get all your pre-order goodies. If the game is launched why would people who pre-ordered not get their stuff at launch if this was a launch? You can just to shield yourself behind a wall of text, but 90% of what you wrote is false. Only thing correct in your statement is the use of the "may" or "can" in big business in america. NO ONE FORCED ANYONE TO STOP BEING AN ADULT AND CONTINUE YOUR JOB OR RESPONSIBILITIES. NO ONE FORCE YOU TO TAKE DAYS OFF. THAT IS YOU RESPONSIBILITY NO ONE ELSES.


If you feel like you are missing out of something then join the brand new servers opening the 20th so you can start out the same. If you couldn't find the proper information to educate yourself on how early game access was working you have no one else to blame.

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hey mate do me a favour. **** stop attacking people over EGA, and stop defending Bioware, you won't get any cookies off them or in game items to use as a bonus for bottom kissing,. :mad:


Hah, shows how much you know, we get special early EGA from Bioware for calling people like you whiners!

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