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Complaints regarding EGA: The truth


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I wonder how many sales they would have made in july if they had stated "There will be no Early game access"


he he I wish they had the forums used to be such a productive place, although we'd probably be in amongst the MFLSEWOEKOSDKFOSDMFSD 40 hours QUES sdjsidsiids rubbish then.

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Im sorry if a majority of your customers are upset then there is obviously some truth to hteir claims. I see more people "complaining" than people supporting them.


That's cos the people not complaining are in work or playing ... think please.

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I must say that all those who complain about EGA and account status are either completely stupid or they're spoiled impatient brats who don't want to use their brain. The account status really is confusing at first, I must admit, but it's definitely not hard to find all info about it and clarify the situation by just using the forum for a few minutes. But no, they'd rather use the same forum to post their ridiculous complaints and rants. Sad sad people.
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I made no error. I was pointing out that people did in fact pay money in order to play early even if it was only 5 bucks. Why should some people get 7 days while others only get 3 or 4 even if it was a good gesture on BW's part.


BTW Irregardless is not a real word. Please learn english.


lol, you beat me to it.

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this is just a guess but I assume that essentialy everyone will now get the extra 2 days early as after tomorrow only december pre orders to deal with and if they let them in saturday they will have sunday monday to play release tuesday so instead of maybe only getting one day early acces they now get 3 therfore 2 xtra days they might not have had, again this is just speculation Edited by jebusab
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This point is mute,


This comes down to how long is a peice of string. If you preorder you get in sooner, bioware have stated you will get up to 5 days, by stringing it out over 7 days everybody wins everybody gets in sooner, most people will be in by tonight probably all by saturday, if it wasn't 7 then people would be waiting until after the weekend.


What do people want bioware to do, its just ridiculous self indulged idiocy


You're missing my point. Yes we're getting into the 5 day window that was already promised to us but those that got in BEFORE the 5 day window are getting something extra and we're ONLY getting what we were promised. I know it was technically a gift but it needs to be fair for everyone.

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I think the vast majorit of people are upset that people are getting 2 extra days...even if it was a gift. They may have done to be nice in the long but if they're going to give 2 extra days past the start of EGA then they need to give it to everyone.


You do realize EVERYONE is getting those extra 2 days right?


If they didn't add 2 more days they would be 2 days behind where we are now...

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You're missing my point. Yes we're getting into the 5 day window that was already promised to us but those that got in BEFORE the 5 day window are getting something extra and we're ONLY getting what we were promised. I know it was technically a gift but it needs to be fair for everyone.


the 2 days isnt a reason to complain.. all the the 2 days changes is it gets ALL of us in sooner than we would... now we might get 5 days instead of 3 of the 5.. this just moves up timetable for ALL preorders.

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You're missing my point. Yes we're getting into the 5 day window that was already promised to us but those that got in BEFORE the 5 day window are getting something extra and we're ONLY getting what we were promised. I know it was technically a gift but it needs to be fair for everyone.


But you might have only gotten 1 of those promised days without them adding 2 extra days.


Now you'll get more. Stop your pointless complaining.

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i think i cracked the code.


the people who preordered paid $5 extra dollars right?


so they read up to 5 days of early access.


*in their minds hmmm $1 per day of EGA and they paid $5. simple math...





thats the only logic i can find in people complaining.

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You do realize EVERYONE is getting those extra 2 days right?


If they didn't add 2 more days they would be 2 days behind where we are now...


I would much rather be delayed within the 5 day window than to see nepotism on BioWare's part. If the early pre-orders get 2 extra days of early access, the december folk deserve it too.

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Im sorry if a majority of your customers are upset then there is obviously some truth to hteir claims. I see more people "complaining" than people supporting them.



i have to disagree. it's an up to 5 days early acces, starting today. so if people have to complain, they should complain that all preorders can't start playing today, as this was what they preordered for... and still then most complaints are invalid, as it's only up to five days of early access.


i agree that there are some faults to the way they've done this, but from what i see people complain about things they have no reason at all to complain about. so taking away all the "i'm just angry right now" complains, and take in consideration, all those people who just don't care about defending bioware, as ragers will keep on raging till they're done anyway, you've most likely got a majority of people who support bioware.

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I made no error. I was pointing out that people did in fact pay money in order to play early even if it was only 5 bucks. Why should some people get 7 days while others only get 3 or 4 even if it was a good gesture on BW's part.


BTW Irregardless is not a real word. Please learn english.


Irregardless is colloquial we are on a forum, not the Queen Mary with the Galactic Senate.


You pay a deposit to pre-order the title at the time you pre-ordered (<---not a word either but hey go with it) you were told you would have some early access which could be up to 5 days! Now we have 7 days so everyone can get MORE yes MORE than you would have done.


So instead of it being someone gets 5 and you get 2 its someone gets 7 and you get 4!


Now if you don't mind I'm going to spend my afternoon at work trawling your forum posts for slang, and then inform you of it so you can spend your five minutes in THE TRIANGLE OF SHAME! that is right the triangle of shame, it is one of the most useless parts of the hit movie dodgeball but I will reference it now out of sheer facepalmness....

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I made no error. I was pointing out that people did in fact pay money in order to play early even if it was only 5 bucks. Why should some people get 7 days while others only get 3 or 4 even if it was a good gesture on BW's part.


BTW Irregardless is not a real word. Please learn english.


Neither is BTW, genius.

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Those few days really does make a difference btw, but I'm not complaining about people getting to play before me. They preordered first and that is fine, but when I preordered I was told, just like everyone else, that I would play on the 15th. Not the 16th. The 15th. Now we see a post that says not everyone will get it today either? Very frustrating.
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the 2 days isnt a reason to complain.. all the the 2 days changes is it gets ALL of us in sooner than we would... now we might get 5 days instead of 3 of the 5.. this just moves up timetable for ALL preorders.


For me its not about that. I feel like BioWare is completely throwing up the middle finger to later preorderers. It seems like they're saying "The early preorderers believed in us so we're going to give them 2 extra days...You people who were cautious and decided to see a review or 2 before you made a decision will just get what we said you would"

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I would much rather be delayed within the 5 day window than to see nepotism on BioWare's part. If the early pre-orders get 2 extra days of early access, the december folk deserve it too.




What do you not understand about that?


You contradicted yourself.


I would much rather be delayed within the 5 day window than to see nepotism on BioWare's part.


Ok so you don't want the 2 days.


If the early pre-orders get 2 extra days of early access, the december folk deserve it too.



You're right, they do deserve it, and you're getting it.


Edit: To clarify, since you don;t seem to understand my point;


Let's just say Dec PO's were getting 2 days of EGA originally.


Now, with the bonus 2 days the Dec PO's are getting 4(FOUR) days. (See, you get the 2 extra days just like the people who got in on Tuesday.)

Edited by Soulkan
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TL;DR: Well i didn't get in so now i'll defend my race of complainers. End of story


However you like to put people down in order to feel better about yourself is up to you but honestly it does not say much about your reasoning abilities.


TLDR stop trolling.

Edited by Anticasper
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Those few days really does make a difference btw, but I'm not complaining about people getting to play before me. They preordered first and that is fine, but when I preordered I was told, just like everyone else, that I would play on the 15th. Not the 16th. The 15th. Now we see a post that says not everyone will get it today either? Very frustrating.


you were not told this, I'm afraid there has been so much misinformation flying about, its always been up to 5 days starting on the 15th and now its been brought forward so as to not cram everyone in.

Edited by Kyus
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