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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Complaints regarding EGA: The truth


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Alrighty then lemme start off by saying those of you complaining, do you really even intend on using your brain? You're literally complaining about not being able to play the game 1-7 Days earlier, but do you even know that there is MANY years to come where you can play the game? You should be glad they are even offering EGA to you.


Read the message itself correctly and it CLEARLY says ''You >>>MAY<<<(As in MAYBE) get up to 5 days'' It does not say you will most certainly be granted 5 days. Thus rendering all of your complaints a waste of time really.


Note: I am not complaining about the complainers, just felt i needed to see if anyone could break through and make them think a little bit.


Again you have YEARS to come where you can play SW:TOR so 7 days aint gonna end your life.


If you feel like bashing/trolling/hating/insulting me go ahead, i can take it.


Merry christmas my fellow players :cool:

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listen..its a mmo, its launch time , people QQ, its the nature of the beast but look at it this way...as a veteran of mmo launches i think i can say with some element of truth that if all people are QQ-ing about is when they get in game and the small print on the EA, then bioware have done themselves proud with this mmo...any remember star trek online launch?...now that was QQ fest...lol.
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Clearly OP you are not using your brain, it works like this any addiction including this virtual escapism addiction triggers the lizard part of the brain, and the ability not to pleasure that part of the brain causes rage, as seen on these forums, you are referring to people using their frontal lobes which is impossible, and people hardly have a choice to make as to which part of their brain they can use at any one time.

So basically all you are doing is sounding reasonable with your particular opinion but is not much more than trolling people who are not able to play yet.

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listen..its a mmo, its launch time , people QQ, its the nature of the beast but look at it this way...as a veteran of mmo launches i think i can say with some element of truth that if all people are QQ-ing about is when they get in game and the small print on the EA, then bioware have done themselves proud with this mmo...any remember star trek online launch?...now that was QQ fest...lol.


I know its the nature... It would just be nice to see the forums to tone down on the crying about not getting into the game. :)

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listen..its a mmo, its launch time , people QQ, its the nature of the beast but look at it this way...as a veteran of mmo launches i think i can say with some element of truth that if all people are QQ-ing about is when they get in game and the small print on the EA, then bioware have done themselves proud with this mmo...any remember star trek online launch?...now that was QQ fest...lol.


Im sorry if a majority of your customers are upset then there is obviously some truth to hteir claims. I see more people "complaining" than people supporting them.

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Clearly OP you are not using your brain, it works like this any addiction including this virtual escapism addiction triggers the lizard part of the brain, and the ability not to pleasure that part of the brain causes rage, as seen on these forums, you are referring to people using their frontal lobes which is impossible, and people hardly have a choice to make as to which part of their brain they can use at any one time.

So basically all you are doing is sounding reasonable with your particular opinion but is not much more than trolling people who are not able to play yet.


Thanks for saving me the time of putting him in his place.

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I do not understand why so many ppl are getting upset it was clearly stated on day one of release of pre order details that early access will be detremined by when u enter ur pre order code enter later get in later, enter early get in earlier. Now I do not take this away from the ppl that have had terrible experieneces with companies that delayed getting/sending codes to them when they may have pre ordered from day 1, and is truly unfortunate u have been shafted over by these comapnies, but this is not in any way Biowares/EA's fault they have honoured the statemnet they made at the begining, hell they even went back on giving 5 days early acces that was announced later and changed it to 7, at no pint has EA/ Bioware mislead anyone on Early access. And all the ppl threating to rage quit over this, I am sorry you feel this way, but I doubt that EA/Bioware are going to turn round and let u in because of this, and I feel sorry u will miss out on what will be a great gaming experience where you would have made new friends and enjoyed many days/weeks/moths and years worth of fun Edited by jebusab
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listen..its a mmo, its launch time , people QQ, its the nature of the beast but look at it this way...as a veteran of mmo launches i think i can say with some element of truth that if all people are QQ-ing about is when they get in game and the small print on the EA, then bioware have done themselves proud with this mmo...any remember star trek online launch?...now that was QQ fest...lol.


LOL yes, yes I do, that poor game and Cryptic.

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A deposit requires money.


Yep. And that money...is towards the total cost of the game. Not a FEE to get EGA. All the people saying they paid for EGA, despite how CLEARLY it stated 'UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY', might as well complain that they bought a lotto tiket, and didn't win. Becaause the lotto ticket clearly stated they had a 'CHANCE' to win millions, and that's a promise of millions, right?

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Give up. You will not change anyone's mind or get the to listen to reason. People are stubborn and believe what they want and that is that. Some may say they are ignorant about the situation but yet others support their cause. Let it go and the world will be better for it. So to EVERYONE... enjoy the game or get out.
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This comment was productive how? If you cant provide any contribution to the discussion you might as well leave.


it was as productive as saying a deposit requires money, what you don't seem to understand is that irregardless of you paying the deposit or not you would still have to pay that £5 later on at release without a preorder as it is deducted off the final price. The reason I didn't explain this in my first post is that I found your original one so completely useless that I decided to offer you something similar back in hope of making you realise you initial error.

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Yep. And that money...is towards the total cost of the game. Not a FEE to get EGA. All the people saying they paid for EGA, despite how CLEARLY it stated 'UP TO 5 DAYS EARLY', might as well complain that they bought a lotto tiket, and didn't win. Becaause the lotto ticket clearly stated they had a 'CHANCE' to win millions, and that's a promise of millions, right?


I think the vast majorit of people are upset that people are getting 2 extra days...even if it was a gift. They may have done to be nice in the long but if they're going to give 2 extra days past the start of EGA then they need to give it to everyone.

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Clearly OP you are not using your brain, it works like this any addiction including this virtual escapism addiction triggers the lizard part of the brain, and the ability not to pleasure that part of the brain causes rage, as seen on these forums, you are referring to people using their frontal lobes which is impossible, and people hardly have a choice to make as to which part of their brain they can use at any one time.

So basically all you are doing is sounding reasonable with your particular opinion but is not much more than trolling people who are not able to play yet.


TL;DR: Well i didn't get in so now i'll defend my race of complainers. End of story

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I think the vast majorit of people are upset that people are getting 2 extra days...even if it was a gift. They may have done to be nice in the long but if they're going to give 2 extra days past the start of EGA then they need to give it to everyone.


This point is mute,


This comes down to how long is a peice of string. If you preorder you get in sooner, bioware have stated you will get up to 5 days, by stringing it out over 7 days everybody wins everybody gets in sooner, most people will be in by tonight probably all by saturday, if it wasn't 7 then people would be waiting until after the weekend.


What do people want bioware to do, its just ridiculous self indulged idiocy

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Im sorry if a majority of your customers are upset then there is obviously some truth to hteir claims. I see more people "complaining" than people supporting them.


thats because the complainers arent in game yet (thus the complaining) the supporters are mostly in game not here.. and the relatively few of us that simply dont rage because we arent gonna be 1st at everything and knew we might not when we ordered lol.

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it was as productive as saying a deposit requires money, what you don't seem to understand is that irregardless of you paying the deposit or not you would still have to pay that £5 later on at release without a preorder as it is deducted off the final price. The reason I didn't explain this in my first post is that I found your original one so completely useless that I decided to offer you something similar back in hope of making you realise you initial error.



I made no error. I was pointing out that people did in fact pay money in order to play early even if it was only 5 bucks. Why should some people get 7 days while others only get 3 or 4 even if it was a good gesture on BW's part.


BTW Irregardless is not a real word. Please learn english.

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